What do you truthfully think of E.A. Koetting?

I think the marketing’s cute because it implodes all the bullshit that’s been attached to accessing our birthright of magick and spiritual evolution, and makes it a subject to learn as one chooses, along with languages, or playing a musical instrument, or learning to create a work of art.

All of those come naturally to us as kids and then get slowly drained away by various influences of society, in ways designed to turn us into mindless and bitter drones.

I think he’s doing his part towards the bigger picture, which I see as Theogenesis : Becoming A Living God. :+1:

And Timothy is probably one of the most underrated influencers of our time in terms of being the engine to deliver this material and co-founder of BALG, people are only going to realise that much further down the line.

I only joined this forum because I realised from E.A.'s articles of the time he’d had some of the same experiences as me and that no-one else was talking about this: I found the answers I joined here to seek, I’ve had many amazingly positive breakthroughs as a direct result of BALG’s videos, and have measurably and directly improved my family’s lives as a result. :+1:

The amount of free material is stupendous, and there’s plenty of stuff available for people at all levels of experience.