Got to know... and thoughts

With respect, you maybe haven’t happened to be on at the right times, I’ll offer just some of the group workings we’ve done which surpassed those:

There are many more, such as @AdamThoth’s work, and if you read posts by for example @C.Kendall he’s done some astonishing work that goes way beyond the perception of magick as vending machine to provide a desired set of transient sensations.

The entire project of magicians gathering to share support and experiences is also, in and of itself, a frontal assault on the chains that have bound mankind for too long, and each love spell or revenge poppet, no matter how petty, dives the overall goal of mass ascent - not for nothing are even the simplest of spells and divinations heavily forbidden by the mass religions!

I covered this in my manifesto and shared some related results in the follow-up thread.

We also have numerous threads where people share ideas, update their current understanding of energies and their role in magick (for example, @succupedia makes extremely detailed and well-researched posts of this nature), group and solo workings to change the political landscape, threads to share ideas, tools, creations, art… :+1: