I finally fixed image links so can safely link my own “manifesto” without any embarassment: Theogenesis : Becoming A Living God
Since I posted that, almost 6 years ago, I have somewhat evolved my views on leadership, among other things, and that’s quite possibly a post in itself, at some point.
But the basics of Theogenesis, and healing those who for some reason are stuck and either not capable of becoming the most they can attain, or are in some other way stuck in the process, have remained the same.
I highly recommend all the older “Science of Mind” books for this, including Wattles’ “The Science Of Being Great” & also, Napoleon Hill & Clement Stone on leadership of any kind, even just pet ownership or within a family, being a service position.
And in my experience the more magick you do, the more raw power you accrue, the more situations will occur where you have opportunities to exercise your power in alignment with your values, but not necessarily for what might be considered petty personal stuff. Not saying to neglect yourself and go full martyr, but the scope of things you can do tends to expand beyond “give shiny things naow”…