Advertising On This Forum Is Not Permitted

Due to the growing popularity of this forum, we have an increase in members wishing to offer professional services, however it’s impossible for BALG forum moderators to evaluate the merits of people wishing to offer their services to members here, so we’ve reviewed and amended the rules regarding this.

To avoid any possible misunderstandings among newer members about the extent to which BALG accredits or authorises forum members to advertise, posts promoting commercial paid-for goods and services will now be prohibited, effective beginning from the time of this announcement.

Furthermore, from midnight 30th April 2015, new rules regarding offering free readings also came into effect - please see this post for full details.

✦ You may place a link to your business website or contact details in your forum profile;
✦ If you’ve been an active member of this forum for a minimum of three months, you may offer free readings or other types of unpaid magickal goods and services free of charge in good faith, for either practice purposes or out of fellowship to help other members, where this isn’t solely offered as a prelude to a sales pitch, and the responsibility to verify whether this is suitable lies with the person taking up the offer.

Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of your actions.

You may not:

✦ Begin a new thread to promote paid products or services to this community
✦ Reply to a topic onsite or via PM offering paid products or services in response to another member
✦ Make posts discussing prices or terms of sale for your products
✦ Offer free readings, unless you’ve been an active member of the forums for at least three months.

And as of 28th December 2017, for a seemingly necessary clarification of this rule, posts offering to pay with money or barter for magickal goods and services will also be removed, as it entices people into breaking the rule against posting or soliciting paid work via PM.

The only members on this site who are permitted to offer commercial services on behalf of BALG are the people listed here on under Rituals & Consultations.

If you’d like to submit your work to BALG, as an author please go here to see full details on how to go about submitting your writing for consideration or becoming a partner.

[Mod edit March 20 2024: Fixed links to reflect changes at the BecomeALivingGod website - @Mulberry]