Statement of intent:
To help us acquire and maintain abundance/prosperity/wealth, find ideal partners for romance/sex life and foster positive self-improvement (increasing confidence/charisma, self-esteem etc.).
A paragraph or a point by point description of what you want your servitor to do
- Clear and open the paths in our life so that abundance can flow in our life.
- Find opportunities suited to our talents, abilities, and knowledge that allow us to acquire wealth.
- Help find the resources and tools to manage our finances, pay our debts and improve our credit score.
- Excite love and passion in the heart of our ideal partner.
- Help us acquire the confidence and “sexual magnetism” for attraction.
- Attract partners for a safe and happy sex life.
- Help us acquire and maintain charisma, charm, and positive self-esteem in general.
A personal drawing of your servitor which should be as complex as you can make it.
See above pics.
A point by point description of your servitor special powers or capabilities which should be apparent in your drawing (no one else should be seeing this drawing so don’t worry about trying to make it perfect, you just want a good description of the creature that you are trying to create)
See above pics. Beatrice appears in the form a young woman in business attire. She may be wearing glasses. A long, tight, silk dress, a blouse and skirt or pants or a polo shirt and khakis (Think the staff uniform at Best Buy or Walmart). She is 5’10", she has dark brown hair with highlights, usually in a ponytail or a bun, brown eyes, and tanned skin. Her ethnicity/race is left ambiguous. She is an intelligent personal assistant. She is able to access the subconscious desires of the person who calls her to create an appropriate image to manifest in, though, and would, therefore, be different for each person.
To describe the type of energy, mannerisms, and personality that she embodies, the following characters from popular culture have been revealed to me:
C.J. Cregg from “The West Wing” for professionalism.
Chloe O’Brian from “24” for vulnerability, quirky disposition and loyalty.
Abby Sciuto from “NCIS” for expertise, fun, but slightly dark attitude, empathy, and compassion.
Rachel Tyrell from “Blade Runner” for classic beauty, logic, and emotional innocence.
Tabetha Wallace of the RT (Russia Television) news show “Watching the Hawks” fully embodies the nature and personality of Beatrice.
- Velma Dinkley from “Scooby Doo”? No doubt.
- Willow Rosenberg from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” is another perfect example.
- Supergirl’s alter ego, Kara/Linda Danvers.
- Wonder Woman’s alter ego, Diana Prince.
On the NBC network show “The Good Place”, there is an actual servitor named Janet, “a celestial, programmed guide who acts as the main source of information, analogous to an intelligent personal assistant. She has infinite knowledge of the universe, can provide residents anything they desire, and details everything of what is happening in the Good Place but does have some flaws in trying to act more human.”
I was also made aware of the actress, Shailene Woodley who plays the main character, Beatrice “Tris” Prior in the Divergent book/movie series. Is this one of the influences on the “Beatrice” servitor? I’m not revealing anything.
I hope this helps.
A simplified version of the descriptive picture that you have made, this is a symbol or ‘logo’ of your servitor

The dollar sign represents money. The heart with the planetary symbols for Venus and Mars intertwined represent love, romance, and sex. The stick figure with the arms outstretched represents confidence and vigor. “Beatrice” is written along the top in Theban script. The planetary symbol for Jupiter is for finance and abundance. There is a Venus sigil of Hagiel for love and romance. There are two kamea (number squares) sigils based on “Beatrice”. The purple one is the Jupiter sigil and the green one is the Venus sigil.
I am aware that this resembles a talisman. My artistic skills are not very good. If there is anyone with strong artistic skills that can do better, please feel free to contribute! If another sigil has been revealed to you in your evocations/invocations and/or dreams, please share it! Entities can have more than one sigil.
The name of your servitor at the bottom
“Beatrice go out and make us be wealthy, sexy and confident! So mote it be!”