Why is time going backwards? Anyone else experiences this?

It shows that this reality is a program so to speak. A repetitive one that that


Where do you think people get the saying,
every day is exactly the same from?

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Making a change eh…? :thinking:
Gosh, is this happening because I haven’t busted a nut in awhile.

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Thing is also. The things I relive don’t match up with my current possessions. I have things in my room and on my person that weren’t there when the events occurred the first times.


I wish I could relive and change certain days in my life…

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I chewcked my notifications, you know the list under your avatar and you click the little down arrow to see all recent replies, etc., just now, and this topic was in there but when I clicked it had no activity for 2 months:

It was the 1st post that the notification took me to.

There has been an update on the forum in the last day or so, there are new functions in the menus I can view and a lot of things look new and different as well. But I don’t know if that explains it. :smiley:


Are you referring to my topic that I created…? That would be creepy😂

It’s just weird seeing topics that I had seen months ago and when I saw a person writing a reply it was the exact same thing.

It was Cyberseeker’s topic on Beatrice, very odd!


All I did was update the title, @Lady_Eva. That’s it. Everything else strange that has been going on, I don’t know. Maybe that chap, Mr. Silvera is at fault?

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I would change one think on one day also if I could.

Time for me speeds up and slows down frequently but randomly. It’ll be a normal day, and I’ll notice the clock is just moving fast or slower, so, I will get more or less done that day.

Skipping back a couple of minutes I have seen happen, but only once, maybe twice at most. Other changes like posts changing, posts I read that were never written, or new replies that appear that weren’t there before - forum versions of what happens in my life also - I put down to switching universes, which I seem to do a lot. It’s super annoying and the changes are minor, which I guess is good, but they’re never useful.

So I’m thinking if everything else in that timeframe including your location was normal, maybe it was just those posts.

The biggest physical things that was undone for me was when I bought a makup pallete on Mercari, it arrived, I remember unpackaging it and taking it upstairs… and then two weeks later I want to use it and it was gone. Not just missing like the fairies took it (they usually go for things that matter more anyway) but the transactions in Mercari and my back account were gone too - I never bought it. I couldn’t find that the item was still listed at Mercari, and I couldn’t remember the seller to ask them.
So I figured I switched to a universe where that impulse buy wasn’t one I happened to make.

When I lived in San Francisco, you can feel yourself walking through the portals just walking down the street. There was one time I walked down one street to the corner store and back again, but having walked through a portal at some point towards the end, on the way back the street had changed - odd but minor things like the colour of jacket that homeless guy was wearing, the length of that guys hair, or how many bottles were in that trash pile. People were doing weed a lot, sitting on the side, and come to think of it I wonder if it helped them be less temporarily/universe-version stable. I was bothered enough to wonder if I still had lodgings and go back and walk through the area where I felt the energy shift again with the intention that I was going ‘back’, but I changed to one that was not as different but still not quite the one I woke up in that morning.

Now that is something I want to learn to control.

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I remember on July I lived a week thinking it’s 2019! Everything was 2019! My dates and calendar! And when i realised am missing a year of my life it went back to 2018… I brushed it as temporary insanity but my work files that week where gone…


What’s crazy about all that is you are clearly within the same timeline as the rest of us posting right now. And @Sheogorath is too. It sounds like the impulse buy was in a dimension very close to ours, and sometimes you guys might be experiencing a different dimension but still firmly anchored here in the same timeline.

I think it is akin to when we have those “false awakenings”, where we wake up to a life so close to our own that we don’t realize it wasn’t this one until we “wake” up again. Sheogorath is probably having experiences in dimensions very close to ours and isn’t aware when he’s “back” or experiencing a different one. The important thing to remember is that the physical body is still here in this dimension and space-time location.

I think when things like this happen, your senses are perceiving a closely related space-time location, but you are still anchored here. If you could control the ability, I wonder if the other space-time dimensions are more malleable than this one? Like could you speed up time and run simulations in another dimension close to ours, and then come back to this one, making an informed decision?

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Ah, that explains that then, cool. :+1:

Some of the other stuff may be due to the update I observed has happened here.

So you are stating that the topic I read months ago was actually me seeing into a future reality…? That would make sense.


Check out:

We only experience time as linear because that’s how our senses are programmed to function. When we do so much work on ourselves, we begin to expand our senses in ways that this world wasn’t “meant” to be experienced. With that in mind, it sounds fairly trivial to simply experience something in either a closely related dimension, or see a future of this timeline that we experiencing time in the flesh haven’t experienced yet.

Spirits all the time keep trying to remind us that all is now. The cube idea makes sense because basically, in the astral realms, time is more malleable. In certain states, we could probably easily dip in and out of different timelines. The only real concern would be making sure you wouldn’t lose yourself in the process, and not be able to get back… :fearful:. But then again, that’s why having a physical body is so enviable from a spirit’s perspective. We have an anchor on this side of the veil, but can also learn to experience reality similar to how they do.


Oh yeah, and everybody is still there, and most of the things we’ve all said are still there, as if the minor changes didn’t make you feel like maybe you’re talking to different people.

I think the physical body is yours in all locations but your consciousness can switch between them. I have a feeling it’s to do with resonance as to which reality you experience, and if your consciousness ‘hots the right note’ as it were, it might flip to a better matching universe. But that also means there’s another version of your consciousness that had to flip somewhere else. So maybe sometimes it’s a matter of being pushed out and shuffled around.

I think when things like this happen, your senses are perceiving a closely related space-time location, but you are still anchored here.
If it was just a case of temporarily viewing another reality, wouldn’t the post changes revert after you come back? Which we know @Sheogorath did, since the messages is this thread are as expected so far. Are you saying you can be viewing one universe while your body is typing in another?

Like could you speed up time and run simulations in another dimension close to ours, and then come back to this one, making an informed decision?

Don’t know. I see them as being as real as this one, for the versions of us that are as real as us, having the same spirit, making almost the same decisions. I actually think there are billions and trillions of versions, we can only (usually) switch to the ones that are very close in vibration - vibration meaning, the sum total of everything in it is nearly identical - and that as decisions points split off new versions all he time, there would be totally different versions where you chose a different house, job, partner, died, didn’t die… different party won the election, Germany won the war… versions unimaginable… which are very very hard to get to because your mind is too different.

I can imagine traveling in time being possible in conjunction.



I agree with you. In certain OBEs I’ve had, and in experiences I’ve read, there are dimensions where people more or less have lives similar to our own. They live as if the material world is all there is. Then there are others where people seem more aware, but still have similar technology. I also have had experiences where I am experiencing a life I know I am living simultaneously, but not consciously aware of.

What boggles my mind (more than the other points of exploration into reality) is why this specific consciousness we have is “stronger” than the others? Why is it that when we go into another body of ours in another dimension, we so easily can take control and experience life there? I think it is something like all realities of all possible timelines and dimensions are happening simultaneously, but we are anchored here in this timeline/dimension. Those bodies and lives are still a part of us because our existence gave them theirs.


I haven’t experienced that so I couldn’t say, sadly. I’m not anchored like that, and every version is just as strong as the last for me. That’s interesting, though, the idea that some are anchored and others less so. Could explain why some experience this more than others.

I can Astral travel to a copy I’ve made and play with that, maybe intend to bring back the patterns into the physical, But I only have one reality at a time. I literally switch and the new version IS my version - almost seamlessly, except that my memory says otherwise. Anyone in the new reality only remembers the way the new reality is.
There’s a road sign near me that appeared, pre-aged and weathered, and nobody could tell me it wasn’t always there, and they thought I was just not very observant of course. It’s gone again now (in this version). It’s a big part of why I started working on my situational awareness, which is sort of making it ‘worse’ - I notice more discrepancies not less.
There is no ‘back’ since I’ve switched so many times I don’t know which one I came from, I think that’s not a useful idea even, of an ‘original’ version, maybe I went and came back again and the new one is the old one - I think there’s too many, once time factors in, for that to be likely though.

I did have a dream once that I felt was from an alternate version of this life that was very different. And I was younger in it than I was when I dreamed. Major life decisions must have been changed, specifically, the one where I had two job offers and took the other one I think… but I felt some core that implied we still had the same upbringing… but the dream didn’t give me access to those memories to tell. The dream was about mundane work (at a place I never worked) and relationships (with people I never met) and me sorting through the days experiences - a very boring dream you wouldn’t normally care to remember. It was fascinating because that was me, it wasn’t a past life, it was this life done differently, and the really interesting thing was how different I felt in myself because my life had taken another course. I mean, we know our lives shape us but it’s weird to have it shoved in your face as a non-hypothetical this is who you could have been thing. I guess it’s possible I misinterpreted and somehow dreamwalked into a strangers dream and misread her as me, looking out of her mind as I was, but that wasn’t my go-to gut impression.

So when you say this:

Why is it that when we go into another body of ours in another dimension, we so easily can take control and experience life there?

I think I’ll use that dream as a starting point and see if I can’t do that - I’ll try lucid dreaming Robert Moss style, that’s worked for me before. That would be very cool to experience that completely alternate life, one which I’ve lately been wondering about, synchronistically. Do you have any tips and techniques on how you do it?



This is how my experiences work as well. The memories I have access are only what that version of me is currently thinking about. I do believe that was definitely a version of you living in a different timeline. That one experience where I was taking over the experience was weird because my memories weren’t as easily accessible as I’m used to.

Embarrassingly, I’m not at the point where I can do lucid dreaming at will. I have a proficiency with dream work when I apply myself, but I just hate the lucidity issue. Perhaps I should just work on it…

My technique for dreamwork ironically is related to my astral projection exercise and meditation. I find that the more consistent I am with those, the more lucid experiences I have. Affirmations are also really good. For example, “Tonight I am fully lucid while dreaming”. Repeating that in your mind over and over as you fall asleep.

Damn. I need to get off my ass and make a real dreamwork practice…


These posts seem so “Doctor Who-ish” to me. I’ve always been interested in the idea of “temporal displacement” or “time travel”.

Everyone experiences time differently, but the “general agreement” (conditioning) is that time moves forward. Yes, there are patterns and cycles that we experience along with “deja-vu” moments, yet the consensus is that time is moving forward.

What concerns me is this “Mandela effect” that is occurring as a result of the experiments using the Hadron Collider at Cern.