I’ve been practicing magick on and off for over ten years and I have never been successful. I have never received any form of guidance from any sort of entity (though I have asked for it). I’m of the same mindset of the fool. If it brings no results, why do it?
Looking back I can maybe point to 3 instances of coincidence that “could have” been the result of my rituals. 3 results in ten years. Statistically, that is even less than chance.
I’m seriously considering I have been lying to myself all these years. In his videos E.A. makes it seem so easy.
If I cannot depend on magick to help in my life when I need it, then it is no longer worth my time.
Hard to know what to say, because you’re right not to accept self-delusion and wishful thinking, on the other hand my personal “evidence files” are substantial, so I believe magick is real - before you pack up and delete this page from your bookmarks or whatever, do you fancy giving something more or less untested a try? If so PM me.
Sounds to me like you are right at the point before getting your first results.
The reason for it being that if you give up you are activating the “law of concealment”.
For the first time ever, you are literally no longer giving a fuck about results, because you are convinced it wont work anyways, and that’s when you passively hand over responsibility to the force that you tried to evoke (as you should have…but I know it can be exceptionally difficult) so it becomes free to work.
Make sure that if you give up you buy yourself a diary or keep record of stuff that might change in your life during the next few months. Then in a year, check if the change happened in accordance with your magickal Will.
Ps: Whatever path you choose, keep moving forward and don’t be disappointed for having done work that yielded no results in the past. “Work in itself is virtue” - A.Crowley
I’d recommend looking into karma expiation. Bad karma can impede results. Doing the right thing and not lusting for results ain’t enough if bad karma is impeding progress and success.
Chanting Hindu and Buddhist mantras may help expiate much bad karma.
Now, I know not everyone here believes in karma. Eric neither. I think that what E.A. means is that IF truly in his right, he’ll curse somebody as to punish them or protect himself and his family. Knowing he’s in the right, he won’t incur bad karma.
But as Satanist (and Satanic witch) Szandora LaVey said, just hurting others for no reason and f*cking with people is not wise, and the Universe has its ways of making one pay. People often suffer and pay because of past life actions, and that’s what brings in bad karma.
Bad karma is bad, negative, malignant energy that might be carried out by ill-placed planets on one’s birth chart, for instance. Performing pujas, remedies, fire rituals to Gods, Goddesses and planets, chanting mantras and good work (charities, human rights activism etc.) may help fix one’s planets and change one’s karma for the better. The videos and sites I linked you to may help you achieve that.
Now, it’s just a theory, maybe other factors impeded your lack of progress and success, but I’d advise you look into karma expiation. Have you ever thought of hiring E.A. Koetting himself (or another BALG mage) for a personal consultation and ritual for hire? Most magicians for hire on the web are charlatans, but I trust the BALG ones as well as them spiritual workers at AstroVed.com (including Dr. Pillai).
Nah ,fuck karma I’d say some of us are just not wired for this shit. I Think “the fool” overly dissects and analyses this art the way you’d math…this shit is subtle …anyways all the best. Have you tried the neoplatonic school of thought…
Thesombra, a few witches told me bad karma may impede success in magick. Besides, Konstantinos said in ‘Summoning Spirits’ he once conversed with an angel that told him bad karma may cause a healing spell from working… In such cases, even more energy must be employed in order to expiate such karma. Konstantinos also wrote that Kamael may teach one how to make up for bad karma and, consequently purify oneself during one’s current incarnation.
Did ya uncros yourself montly#2 did ya variety. You. Ritual,or stuk in one side#2 did ya pay ya way up? Smtmes pay for 30mnts can help us a lot,did ya reput rituals,im feel like tat smtmes,but my results comen after 5-8 mnths,rarely,under 13 days,goid luck,
[quote=“tijuanabe, post:3, topic:4464”]Sounds to me like you are right at the point before getting your first results.
The reason for it being that if you give up you are activating the “law of concealment”.
For the first time ever, you are literally no longer giving a fuck about results, because you are convinced it wont work anyways, and that’s when you passively hand over responsibility to the force that you tried to evoke (as you should have…but I know it can be exceptionally difficult) so it becomes free to work.[/quote]
that is was I was going to say. “letting go” is vital to success and is the majority of the process. Having a “if it works it works if it doesn’t it doesn’t” attitude is what causes it to work faster and work at all.
This is actually out in my manuscript that I am going to Submit to E.A.
People, I’m sure he already knows about not lusting for results. It’s something I’ve heard ad nauseum these past 8 years. We need to understand that sometimes, other factors may impede results (such as bad karma). Only focusing on lust for results may end up being counterproductive.
[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:1, topic:4464”]That’s it. I give up.
I’ve been practicing magick on and off for over ten years and I have never been successful. I have never received any form of guidance from any sort of entity (though I have asked for it). I’m of the same mindset of the fool. If it brings no results, why do it?
Looking back I can maybe point to 3 instances of coincidence that “could have” been the result of my rituals. 3 results in ten years. Statistically, that is even less than chance.
I’m seriously considering I have been lying to myself all these years. In his videos E.A. makes it seem so easy.
If I cannot depend on magick to help in my life when I need it, then it is no longer worth my time.[/quote]
You can search and find out what you’re doing wrong,or even better what you have to add or to get rid off.It might be a block from any source,a missing step,anything.If you can spot it,then you can solve it.Ten years is a long time for you to back up now.
Also if you’re after money magic (as most of us) keep in mind that few people are getting everything they want from it.
[quote=“Creed, post:16, topic:4464”]Is nobody going to point out that this guy, with effectively zero practical experience, made almost 700 posts and accumulated close to 1100 “likes?”
Nobody? -shrug- Alright.[/quote] What the hell does the number of posts I’ve made have to do with my lack of results? And where do you get the idea I have no “practical experience?” I have plenty of it.
I have performed evocations, invocations, banishing rituals and chaos sigil magick, probably hundreds of times over the last ten years. I have worked E.A.'s system since I first got my hands on Works of Darkness back in 04 or something. If that doesn’t qualify for “practical experience,” then what the hell does? I am not an armchair magician, if that is what you are implying.
If getting results fits as your definition of “practical experience,” then three quarters of the people on this forum wouldn’t qualify.
I have looked for coincidences that coincide with rituals I have performed and found three. That’s all. In ten years. That means my rituals have failed, so I have all the “practical experience” I could hope for.
What I don’t have are results.
I have shared on this forum my opinion and the knowledge I have gained over my ten years of “practical experience,” performing rituals and looking for results. And this fact has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread.
[quote=“Black Flame, post:18, topic:4464”]Hundreds of times? hmm, i understand if you want to quit at this point.[/quote]I feel like I’ve been beating my head against a wall. Maybe I just have no talent for magick, though divinations done for me by multiple people here seem to indicate otherwise.
I would love to get a consult from EA or Nate to find out where I’m going wrong but I can never afford it. LOL
Personally, I would have quit years ago, but you didn’t, you persevered for 10 flipping years. So why quit now? I agree that you’re probably close to a massive breakthrough of some kind.
Or maybe just do 1 more evocation, maybe it will be the tipping point for you.