Exactly. (14:00-14:38 mins in). -the timestamp of important, and resonating information.
Taken from the excerpt he mentions -further noticing meaning in that source of the material.
yeah, well said, -the feeling of congruence, and alignment
like -I don’t feel I’m being seen at all… -first noticing of core question.
Ostracised, -increasing the focus on the realization.
I have no tribe or even a person I can trust to turn through all this - Sense of Loneliness - editing Note, Speak to Lucifer about this, he’s also considered the Angel of Solitude, (loneliness) together with i think it was Satan also being specialized on Solitude.
and I don’t feel like I belong and society has rejected me, -Noticing outside environment indicators for why you think and feel this way.
unfairly, -emotional rating, how you feel about it. And, a sign of power, that you could do something about it, that you could change that state.
neither do I feel I have a meaning or purpose -further identifying how exactly you feel, which’ll be useful once you tackle the problem
and especially - pointing out where the focus is needed - probably noticing a blockage.
don’t feel (any) people value me - analyzing perspective on the outside environment.
(and could tolerate the true me…). - the root of your inner sadness, and feelings of being misunderstood.
My future (neither does my past or present) doesn’t make sense or is fair, -this part summarizes that the feeling seems to dominate your complete string of existence - an illusion, you currently hold,
which will be resolved during the shadow work, but also points out the importance to any reader of your words.
and I have no true freedom or dare say love either aside other things … - identifying potential Solutions, things you subconsciously know might help you get out of that bad state you’ve just described.
so yeah… -self-confirming those beliefs, to currently be true >> Here i would like to bring to your awareness, that any and all Humans, but especially Magicians (and psychologists for that matter), are capable of changing such views!!!
but I’ve tried to be strong physically and emotionally -acknowledgment of what you’ve done so far, to cope with the issue.
for nearly all my life through all of this - again, stating how overwhelming these beliefs and emotions seem current - a reminder from me: they, in fact, are changeable!
(and spirituality and magic have been my crutch -noticing that those things helped you in your experience.
but not going nowhere fast enough … -pointing out a feeling of being Stuck / not reaching the desired goals by the current approach.
and I do doubt sometimes it strength or believability… ) - questioning if those things actually helped you,
or if it’s just been comforting to cope through them.
and I’m tired of fighting for my very basic needs - an expression of your struggles - Please note that all humans go through that and that in fact, compared to most times in our past, we truly live under better circumstances.
myself but getting nowhere. - re-affirming the personal binding of those emotions, and the feeling of “being Stuck”
I’m just so tired. - Perceived bottom line, the sensation of wanting to give up: become very aware of those moments, as protective shieldings inside of you should be established, and strengthened, to avoid those overpowering your true self - Sat Nam. (remind yourself, in such moments, that those aren’t your congruent thoughts and emotions, by shifting focus, and defining meaning and value into it, with positive indicators - there’s always something positive you can also find, along with the negative)
I’ve gone past midlife - assumption that age might lower the value of your time - identify that illusion to be false.
and I still can’t figure even how to live freely a mundane normal life -what you’re longing for, seek out ways to validate this belief to be true, especially inject that positive realizations, when you’re touching the perceived bottom line, I’ve just pointed out.
with its basic happiness - the opposite emotion to Sadness. Due to they’re polarity, they push each other away, as shadow flees from the light, and light is encapsulated by darkness. - be careful and aware of your attachments there, and indeed, focus yourself more towards that, which you’ve just identified to help.
attributes freely - this part kind of seems like confusion, which usually indicates an inner blockage. Probably you had more suppressed emotion there, potentially even a cause/root behind why you’re feeling that way. Either professional Medical help, or good Spiritual guidance, can help you get beyond that blockage, and reveal, the Trauma hidden there. Once you’ve become aware of it, you then can go forward to resolve it.
but no one cares about me or my situation truly. - Sense of being Misunderstood. Since that’s been expressed several times, also an indicator to work on. Focus on Communication beings, usually, those are aligned with the Element Air.
Everyone throws that back at me -here you identified something crucial: that it’s not simply the reality you believe to be true, but it’s the impression, you perceive out of others behavior towards you.
and I gave it every time my best -acknowledging your own efforts, and your investment into getting towards that which you really want. - Mark that really big, when you copy my example or write your own.
It’s important, and it fuels you with new Strength!!
til I feel wrung out -noticing the Blockage here, and you’re identifying the effect, of throwing you back / out off track.
but I’m still here in the same situation -the sensation of being stuck - here you give power away from yourself, into the blockage, feeding it, instead of yourself.
and things aren’t getting no better really… - wanting to not have to struggle with it, wanting to overcome it. Call Vine, and talk to Vine about it. Also, notice, that you’ve condensed basically all time of your lifespan into one core expression here.
So in total, that indicates for the Trauma to come out of a time,
where you’ve felt weak or helpless.
Consciously going back,
to the Trauma indicating a moment in your memory,
will allow you,
to give yourself the missing safety and protection.
By addressing it from a state where you’re not weak,
and giving yourself company into that state which induced the trauma.