Towards all - WATCH THIS! - Depression - one of the most important, and invaluable contents I've ever come across!

really invaluable material.



is just an addition,
for those who liked the content.

i can already see some of us judging this as escapism.
Try to look beyond that first impression.




This is a little diamond here. I’m just in the 5 min of the video and already heard so many interesting things. Thank you so much for posting this!

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On Nihilism,
or Procrastination,
and how to overcome it.



Exactly. (14:00-14:38 mins in). Taken from the excerpt he mentions yeah, well said, like -I dont feel Im being seen at all… Ostracised, I have no tribe or even a person I can trust to turn through all this and I don’t feel like I belong and sociaty has rejected me, unfairly, neither do I feel I have a meaning or purpose and especially dont feel (any) people value me (and could tolerate the true me…). My future (neither does my past or present) doesnt make sense or is fair, and I have no true freedom or dare say love either aside other things … so yeah… but Ive tried to be strong physically and emotionally for nearly all my life through all of this (and spirituality and magic has been my crutch but not going nowhere fast enough … and I do doubt sometimes it strength or believability… ) and Im tired of fighting for my very baisic needs myself but getting nowhere. Im just so tired. Ive gone past midlife and I still cant figure even how to live freely a mundane normal life with its baisic happiness atributes freely but noone cares about me or my situation truely. Everyone throws that back at me and I gave it every time my best til I feel wringed out but Im still here in the same situation and things arn’t getting no better really…


Dear Eve1,

Gabriel currently goes crazy about wanting to talk to you.

Please evoke Gabriel.

Besides that:

You’ve just formulated very well,
a bunch of points,
which really show some deep questions,
which in return,
allow for finding true purpose,
or alignement,
and allow for you to get into a position,
which really fits you.

depression - in Magick also known as “Shadow-Work”,
is often a sign of growth,
and of getting closer to where you really belong.

I highly recommend you reseurch Shadow Work.
and talk to Gabriel.

Along with that,
i also recommend,
you take the time,
to copy what you just wrote here,
and in a Text document,
start structuring it,
and use it as a catalyst,
to understanding your Sat Nam.
(True Self, that is).

Example of Structuring:

I think this was rather detailed,
and should be good base material,
to work forward with.

I hereby give my permission,
for that edited version,
to be shared with Doctors, Medical help,
Spiritual help and councelling,
as long as i’m not named directly towards them.

In case they insist on a name,
please use the name Yberion.
Never Yberioth.




Thank you for your time and effort going through all this. I need to reread and think through this all and try see where I can start doing myself some work here to improve.
Im not feeling well at the moment (headace etc) but I will revisit this later again re shadow work etc and add more thought. But couldn’t leave without a comment or expressing my thanks. I will start by calling on Gabriel. Thank you!!!

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You’re welcome.

To be fair,
i can completely understand why you have a headache when reading my notes on your post.

It’s overwhelming,
i know.

Take your time with it.

I highly apriciate that you took the time to get back to me.

Definately glad you’re going ahead,
and working with Gabriel,
he’s been really eager to get in contact with you.




I had a chat with Gabriel. (Thanks for letting me know :slight_smile: ). Im not good at remembering and confidant relaying especially awhile after connecting and relaying word for word and Im not in the habit of keeping grimiors but generally in a nutshell he said (I wish I remember the exact wording though cuz it seemed relevant but you get the idea) that I need to wring out my mind first before I start any work because theres too much going on there… Like for 7 days do some mind clearing/ meditation first and get back to him afterwards for more advice.
Also, if I took away anything it would (at least be) to make sure my back/(spine) and chest is straight ( there might of been also different word used rather than just straight… some gist…)
… and at the very end asked about anything else needed to know in my enviroment like about my kids… and he said one was ‘ok’ and the other needs help, (I should help?) with her maths test… eh? I asked her ramdomly if she needed help for a maths test and aparently and it seemed to be the case :joy:… she seemed anxious about it… and flinging at me math papers after and seemed happier, I have no clue how to do any of it , but blindly trying to follow orders :sweat_smile:.
Its always nice to get abit of confirmation lol


Thank you

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and most propably that kind of was a method to reflect back,
that with the guidiance,
you can do stuff you couldn’t assume before.

for the mind Clearing,
and Meditation,
please take a look around balg,
for guidiance.

If you can’t find good Material,
type into Youtube: EA Koetting Blue Ray Meditation

and after watching that,
also look for: - Meditation Guide,
and for Actulized.Org overcoming addiction,
as well as 1 Rule for acing life.

The guy looks much like a Monk in normal clothes on Youtube,
and you’ll know it’s the right one,
when you see a guy who seems to take a lot of time,
for saying rather simple things.

He’s an absolute expert on Meditation,
and i recommend those specfic pieces,
because you can draw a lot of understanding from there,
to aid you,
in your own meditation practice.

after what you’ve described,
seems to be really importend,
for the next step.

Also See:

Azathar won’t let you skip the Meditation completely,
with it being pointed out to be so crucial for your development.

But it may be helpful for getting there,
with doing the meditation,
or at least,
help maintain the benefits reached,
once you’ve gotten your mind cleansed.

