Spell to cure someone's depression

Okay seriously there are too many who don’t know what depression is.
Not just a random chemical imbalance?! Now THAT’s insensitive as fuck.
It doesn’t just “randomly” happen most of the time it’s genetic and they have it all their life just not in sever degrees. Sometimes events can cause a change and bring about a harsher imbalance.

Just because it’s chemical does not mean magick won’t help it, but you have to understand the disease (that’s what it is) in order to fight it.


I was referring to if a person has an issue where their brain and consciousness is used to negative patterns and so they go through repeating phases they can’t seem to control. I don’t know all the perfect medical terms but I know a lot about depression as I’ve seen my whole family deal with it and am diagnosed with schizophrenia myself. I’m kinda into this stuff. I got diagnosed with schizo because I told a doctor I saw and can heard shadow people during sleep paralysis.


Look. I’m not trying to be offensive there’s nothing wrong with chemical imbalances. As @BlackFlameEmissari said if it was a chemical imbalance it would be a lot harder to make a difference just through magick. It takes a lot more than just that. Professional help, which I obviously, am not able to give. If the depression was not situational then I don’t think I would be able to help very much at all aside from just being there and encouraging them. Yes magick might help some but not as much as it seems to be at the moment. I say “Random” because often times chemical imbalances can make you feel sad even when circumstances are great. And worse when bad things come up. And you’re right it’s like having another person in your head. For me that person was myself. No one could ever be meaner than I was to me. And ultimately I don’t think there was anything that could’ve helped me more than antidepressants. I brought it up because the situations and circumstances this person is going through can be helped by me. I may not be able to change their circumstances but I can help change their point of view and throw as much love and positive energy I can at them. And thats a lot more feasible. Even if it was a chemical imbalance. I’m not gonna give up on someone I care about. What’s so wrong with that?


Nothings wrong I’m very happy to hear it’s helping them. Also having clinical depression myself I just was concerned with how it was being spoken of.
I’m sure you understand, it’s like a steep up hill battle getting those who have never suffered from it to understand what’s happening. Too many times I hear the “they’re just lazy and won’t exercise” argument and it’s so damn aggravating.

In Japan the stigma is very bad and it shows in their culture. I don’t want to see people suffering either so I have a tendancy to make sure someone knows about what they are refering too.

I am sorry, It’s not meant to be directed at anyone personally but the stigmas.


I completely understand. You’re alright :blush::heart:


Magic only works if the person wants it to work. So you can spell all you want but if the person is not interested in the options and opportunities provided- nothing will change for the better. I speak as a person who deals with depression and has a chemical balance problem and have used magic to “get better” and have had magic done to me to help me “get better”.

By all means, do what you can do because yeah, it sucks watching a person in that kind of pain (I would argue it hurts just as much if not more than actually being the person in the pain because after awhile…it becomes “normal” and it hurts to not be in said pain) but please draw the line at over riding a person’s free will even if it is “for their own good”. That never has sustainable positive results

As for suggestions on spells or some one to work with on such subjects- I have some that I have been working with and getting results.

Glas’yos, brings clarity and peaceful resolutions to situations and has the able to alleviate depression, paranoia, anxiety, and many other psychological issues. <- I recommend this guy. I’ve only just started working/building a relationship with 'em and (while not pleasant or easy) I have been getting what I asked for in the form of resources and situations aligning providing the opportunities and the healing I’ve been needing.

For’tash - removes obstacles, up to and including the inner obstacles of the self that is mental illness (depression and such). I have a post of a spell/petition to For’tash somewhere in this form that could be used (I took out all the individual/personal bits concerning my mental health so feel free to use it).
Again- I have been getting what I asked for. Not gonna lie, healing from depression and imbalances or mental issues of any kind sucks because it is a fresh, unfamiliar pain rather than the numb, old and “comfortable” familiar pain.

Lae’ti’kol - I’m hesitant on this one because she can more or less take over and mold you into what she thinks/knows would be best. Best to request instructions for a set list of desired changes so you are maintain control of your destiny under your own power with her as a tactics advisor. (My understanding is she prefers it and has greater respect for you that way).

Rantka - is healing education, physical, mental and emotional. So could be good to work with to expand your knowledge and your “armory” and “weapons cache” in the on going battle that is emotional and mental illness.

Hope that helps.


Thank you I will certainly add this to the things I’ve been putting into practice. This is the best state I’ve seen him in weeks. I’m not doing anything to his own free will :slight_smile:


It appears he’s happy with your results so would be positive to your continued help :slight_smile:

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Also, just to say again to stress the point- working with demons freaking fucking works though it will not always (if ever) be in the shape or form one would “like” to having it work. And oh man oh man, once they clear a path for you (or at least mark it so you can find it) and you fight it, or resist it (even without “meaning to” ) they will let you know. Big time. There’s a reason why people warn others about working with demons. You get results. The results that you asked for and needed rather asked for and wanted.

I didn’t think you would be but people get caught up in the moment and it’s been a subject fresh on my mind for other reasons.

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I think the secret is… I didn’t tell him exactly what I did kekeke I only said I did something


That’s really interesting. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you :blush:

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Sometimes that’s all they need to know :wink:

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So the special person is doing wonderfully well. I threw in a couple sigils to help with the situation as well as their point of view.
BUT the situation seems to be backfiring on me. Weird.


They are depending a lot less on drugs and alcohol :smile:
I’d say this is going extremely well so far.

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Yes, there can be different ways to get the positivity in a person. It all depends on the type of energy that we channelize to someone. There are different ways to do so, one of the ways can be the help from voyance pure from Martine-voyance for a psychic reading. You can get more information from psychic reading and get help to get positivity and happiness in life.


I hope things are still going well, how did it backfire (if you don’t mind me asking)?


I did a sigil to improve their skin and eczema and next thing I know I had really bad eczema that I couldn’t even sleep at night.

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Ouch :neutral_face:


It was definitely a pain but it was worth it to help them out. It took a little while there but I finally got rid of it.

