Is depression ‘curable’?

i agree with you! i’m on treatment at the moment but a lot of it is hit or miss :confused:


None of my advice is magical.

Depends what causes it. Some people have them off and on for their whole lives, for others they are being triggered by specific things.

Like for me, once I moved away from where I was living my depression vanished completely. Even other bad situations have never caused that same level of suicidal ideation I was feeling before. In that way, just removing the trigger can be said to be a “cure”.

For people with a strong predisposition for depression, it would be a lot harder. About the only thing I know of that could consistently help would be Stoic philosophy. The entire point is to overcome extremes of emotion by constantly comparing bad things with worse things. So if your situation is hopeless there can still always be an even worse situation, and that can take some of the edge off of the depression.

There’s also a regimen of behaviors that a doctor once gave me, which was basically running enough to get the endorphins flowing, eating red meat, not drinking, and taking supplements of the chemicals the brain uses to produce a lot of those hormones.


I was once told that depression is the opposite of expression.


I should point out that Taylor Ellwood discusses the magical and energetic techniques he used to cure his genetic predisposition for depression, not medical (he’s not a doctor). However, he never says how severe his case was, so his techniques for adjusting the neurotransmitters in your brain might not work for everyone.


Found this awhile back, it gives a shamanic perspective on how to overcome depression some of ya may find it of use. If ya decide to check out his channel ignore the click bait titles :rofl: he does that for the exact same reason EA does some of his more dramatic videos, to draw people through curiosity.


Not sure about curable, but making life bearable and even “fun” is definitely a possibility.


Yes it is! On average, patients try 3+ medications before finding one that works. There’s actually a really cool project up here in Canada called CanBIND that is trying to discover blood tests that can predict which medication will work so that patients don’t have to go through so much trial and error. :slight_smile:

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Well it depends on a lot of factors. I feel it’s not as easy as taking some prescription drugs or seeing a councilor both did little good for me. I see depression as a poisoning and decay of energy. Separating negative emotions from thoughts does help. However it can make you end up being numb to everything. I think the cure is different for different people.


Unfortunately as an affliction it can not be cured, but certain spirits can help quell it, I have gotten close to the Archangel Cassiel and he has tempered me with great patience for which I am grateful. Also I find decompression an important thing to do, it helps at the sign of onset of depression. Depression comes and goes, being that it can go away there are many spirits who can aid a person when they are feeling blue.

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Depression is a condition due to body/mind disbalance. Meditation can cure this, awakening.
The more disbalanced Kundalini energy, the more psychotic.

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Can you expand on that? It seems to like up pretty well, just casually comparing it with my own history. I mean, I only started to become depressed as my focus on the mental side expanded.

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Shrooms! :slight_smile:

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That depends completely on the type of depression… Most people suffer a depressive episode or two in their lifetime. Some of those can last for up to a couple of years and then they’re gone. Chronic depression doesn’t go away.

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I suffer from depression, but it has definitely become much more manageable, and is slowly becoming less present in my life.
At one point in time it was crippling to the point I did not want to get out of bed, and had trouble doing anything outside of going to work and coming home.
But after I moved out of parent’s place, whom was part of the problem, got a place with the man I am now married to, it has gotten better.
I am getting it under control with the help of Kingu, invocation, even being outside and going for a walk in the park helped.


Of course, it is possible, just focus on the root cause of your depression and work on it.

I think only popping pills to basically command your brain to function ‘normally’ is not good because you will have to keep popping those medications in your system till the last day of your life.
I’m not saying that nobody should seek psychological or psychiatric help, I mean one must not completely rely only on outside help but should also try to work on themselves and their core problem(s) that’s making them depressed because they’re the only person that can help them the most in most cases. Not to mention that many professionals do not diagnose the condition properly and try to label everyone as having mental illness.


From little child the human being is very connected with the mother and father. In reality that joy of the parents with the child is orgasmic but not sexual, is Tantra in reality. In every human relationship it envolves Tantra to a certain level. Now the child when is little his Kudalini is little and is driven by the family, and if the family abuses that energy and they are pissed all the time, the little child will don’t know how to react to the same orgasmic energy on the negative side. So may be that a survival mechanism for the child to not die he/she will develop anxieties or can even go very serios into schyzophrenia or dementia etc. So the “mentally ill” in reallity are the helpers of their family, they let themselves down so the family would feel empower. Same with empathic behaviour, te consequence of letting one true desires can become ilnesses and conditions.


It is scientifically observed that intellectually driven people have tendencies to become depressed more often.
For a spiritual person who works with demons and understanding that Demons and other entities will expand the consciousness, depression is unfortunately going to be one the things that comes along with it, because its reoccuring that is proof that it cannot be cured, I would say depression more or less goes into “remission”
Spirituality is important and personally its my life, but I feel a need to interject something else here, keep a support system around you. Sometimes during depression a person can think things they don’t really feel and vice versa find someone who isn’t going to judge you for your choice of words and talk out your feelings, sometimes we burn inside and we need to spit that fire out, its better to do that than let yourself get burned to the ground from the inside out. I really hope for uplifting vibrations to lift you and all who read this message who feel low.
Just know whether you believe it or not someone out there cares.


My current medication is working a treat. I actually feel Happy! It’s not a cure as I know if I go off it, it’ll come back. But for the moment I feel damn good.


I wish i could relate atm i’m switching meds so i’m all over the place :sleepy:

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After getting the rite of deification by JS done my depression is gone as long as I live in a healthy way when before I had an intense depression that would keep coming back no matter how much magick I tried or how healthy I tried to be
That’s just one of many things, the whole experience has been extraordinary. So yes it’s definitely curable

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