Best Entities to Help with Depression?

Of course I’ll say Lucifer. He took my depression and anxiety and I didn’t even ask. Like the snap of a finger.


No worries man. Thank you for your insight. It is very appreciated.


I’ll give it a whirl. I haven’t tried working with solar energy yet. Thank you for sharing this @Dinmiatus

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Interesting… I never thought of it from that perspective. I’ll be patient. :slight_smile:
As for the friends, at the moment I don’t feel I have anyone I can connect or align with, at least not enough to be able to become close friends with. There’s a certain kind of natural attraction to kindred spirits, I’ve found. So I will strike when the time is right :joy:


No problem, if you gonna use the solar grounding and banishing it may be a good idea to do it daily for a week or so and keep notes on your mindset and of the days events. If ya see improvement keep at it after a a day or 2 off so you dont overload yourself on it. Then if ya feel it nessesary repeat.


Yes, I don’t doubt that this may be playing a role in the situation. I’ve been working with Lucifer and Lilith off and on… but have not tried contact Azazel yet. I don’t think it would hurt to contact him for some insight as well…

I’ve also heard that certain entities can cause wreck and havoc in your life to toughen you, or prepare you for what is to come, or even to help you press through current difficulties. Perhaps that is what is occurring with Artemis right now. :face_with_monocle:


Huh… I forgot about St. John’s wort. I will definitely look into it. I’ve been considering trying antidepressants anyways, so why not. I will try contacting Hekate as well, see what he has to say. But even some insight would be helpful right now :eyes:


I have done that before, and I’m not sure if it was successful or not. I will keep trying until it works though.

I see… I’m up for pretty much anything.

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Is that right? Damn. I gotta get to work :joy:


Sounds good. I’ll set aside a little journal for myself.
Thank you for your help. This all means more to me than I can put into words.

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Seriously Lol! This was when I first began with him he just " took" it - I literally felt a fog leaving me. :sparkling_heart:


Don’t doubt whether or not your merged. That’s what’s killing it

There is an angel of broken hearts. Search that title here. You will find what you seek.


Hey I know that guy 8ve seen a few of his videos


Thank you. @Raven_Maleficus

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That may be the case, but elimination of any parasites should be top priority, IMO. @Dinmiatus’ advice is solid as always & I can also personally vouch for DMT when it comes to severing connections with negative entities. It can be hard to imagine just how much of an effect the lil buggers can have on every aspect of your life, but once free of all parasite attachments you may surprise yourself with how much weight has been lifted off your shoulders. :slightly_smiling_face:

After that, I would address the basics. Daily exercise (even just a ten minute walk in nature with a fresh breeze against your face and grass in between yer toes) is essential. A healthy diet (avoid massive amounts of carbs and sugar) can have be enormously effective in improving your mindset, and make sure to get enough sleep! (The average human needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep for the brain and body to restore and rejuvenate, and sleep debt is cumulative… :sleeping:)

If you’ve done all this and still are experiencing depression, I’ve had good results in the past with the supplement 5-HTP. It acts as a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin and if taken on a consistent basis can definitely help stabilize a positive mood. St. John’s Wort, like someone else recommended, is also effective but does have a lot more potential side effects than 5-HTP, so use with caution.

Most important, though, is finding something you are passionate about and can find meaning from. It’s pretty hard for depression to find a foothold to sink in if every night you’re looking forward to waking up the next morning and doing what you love to do. Entities, like Lucifer or Belial, may be very helpful in their own right but the most powerful being out there when it comes to eliminating depression is yourself. :smiley:


All of this counsel is wise. Here’s one more idea, for what it is worth. “Help me not be depressed” is a big target - like all big targets, easy to hit, but hard to destroy. There’s nothing wrong with shooting at it, but you may also want to pick off some smaller items/goals/wishes and focus on those too. Enough little stuff, and sooner or later you have big stuff.


I was in your same situation once.AZAZEL was my savior,my friend,and my spiritual father even if I forget about him or become skeptical again.dont underestimate his power😉


Very true… I have a lot of banishing and cleansing I should do today.

I’ve actually stopped exercising for quite awhile… I used to workout very aggressively at least 5 times per week. However, I became obsessed with it. I had an array of insecurities that stemmed just from the expectations I had set for myself. It was a vicious cycle I had fallen into. What I’m trying to focus on more now is simply being outside, and if I’m going to exercise, not to make it a chore. Life is too short to spend dwelling on the details you hate about yourself. So, why not just go outside for the sake of being outside, and see where your feet carry you from there? :slightly_smiling_face:
But don’t get me wrong, some people absolutely love working out like crazy. And that’s perfectly fine. As long as you’re happy and healthy at the end of the day, who cares.
But, rest aside, I probably should be getting outside a lot more than I do…

Good to know. Thanks for the heads up.

And you know, that’s just it… I don’t really have a passion for much of anything anymore. That’s why depression has such a strong hold on me. Which I really want to change, although it’s been very difficult to remain engaged in anything for the longest time. I’ve grown accustomed to just working, driving 20 mins to see King, coming home, and repeating. Nothing wrong with routine, of course. It just depends on whether you’re actually happy with the routine or not… I just… always feel like something is missing. I feel overbearing by depending on my partner to hold my head up for me all the time. I want to be independent. I want to be strong. I want to be happy. I want to see him happy. Yet it always seems like something is in the way from letting me do so… I always fall short fulfilling my own expectations, or those of others. I feel distant from everything and everyone. I don’t feel present anymore, if that makes any sense… I’m merely caught in a whirlwind of repetition. Starting to think I’m just mustering up excuses rather than just taking the plunge…


How are you feeling? The last paragraph you wrote there sounds like I could’ve written myself. Finding a helpful spirit is one of those things on my list too.

I was considering marbas or even raphael. Healing spirits should be able to help with this.

I have noticed working with demons aggravates depression, so I kinda just observe the depression and watch the most severe part dissipate over a couple of days. I don’t journal, but that’s basically what journaling does, gets you to observe yourself/situation. You could also do drawing or whatever artistic way you prefer to express yourself.

Careful with the st John’s wort, it is just as effective as prescribed meds. It worsens me for some reason, I’ve tried prescribed meds too and they worsen me too, not good, rather be depressed… Anyway take the stuff seriously, just because it’s otc herb doesn’t mean it weak.

I also eventually plan to do ritual to find a friend or two. I’ve read that making the aura pink before going out will make people friendly toward you. But again it’s for later because friendship is a relationship. With study, meditation, ritual, creating income and mundane daily duties of a family, I don’t have the energy to spend on that.

So I do my best to put the emotional drama aside and remind !myself what I do now is part of a big picture I am creating and will eventually come together. Until then I do whatever little things I can to please me.


Thank you kindly for checking in. Oddly enough, I am starting to feel better. That’s not to say it won’t start up again though, because it does tend to come in waves. But I will grab onto this as hard as can to stay afloat.

Yes… I’ve heard that about St. John’s wort as well. I’m not going to start any antidepressants yet… unless it starts up again. I get the feeling Artemis had been helping me see the bigger picture too, she’s been trying to get me to look farther into life, such as future goals. Whether that be moving out, finishing my tattoo apprenticeship, marriage, starting a family, the list goes on. It keeps me inspired enough to deal with the bullshit at my job and pull myself out of bed everyday. :joy:

I’ve also heard that certain entities can aggravate depression. It’s a risk I’m willing to take if this does start up again though… Either way, I’m kinda screwed though. There’s a few I need to to start working with for different issues. Oh well, I’ll play things by ear.

I’m in the exact same boat with that. All my energy is being i cested elsewhere at present. I didn’t know that about the aura though… interesting.

Exactly. Make the most of life by starting with the little things, and keep building from there… :slightly_smiling_face: