Magic and depression

What is depression in a dark magic perspective?
Is it a oppressive entity?
Ways to use magic to heal it?
Is there a connection with magic and deppression (dark night of the soul etc) ? Is it a lesson/obstacle /doorway most ‘growing’/enlightened people encounter and have to go through? Why?
Many thanks for your knowledge and insight from aforehand.


Depression is loss of your personal energy, it can be seen as opressive entity or soulgroup yes, you need to find out your opressor, fix your spine, have self-disclipine, learn to evade contact with opressors, you know ignoring threat is good since opressing spirits feed on your attention / fear etc…

when you open yourself to spirit world, you invite good and bad entities to you, they test,manipulate and steal your energy, before you find “your place”

of course harder lane if we talk about black magicians, harder “tests” and “obstacles”

learn humblitity but in no way become slave to anything.


lsd can also help but is not reliably sought out (the real stuff), both the occasional psychoactive dose (100ug) 1-2 times a year or you can even get great results microdosing. NOT that I am condoning illegal activity.

my 2 cent here isn’t a magickal perspective I know, I just know it can help.


Not the same thing, and mutually exclusive from one another. Any connection would be overlap, or causal, IMO.

Understanding vibration is a big one for me. In a spiritual sense, I think depression is low vibration energy, either emanating from a person, or externally oppressing them (i.e. parasites). Depression is most often felt in symptoms that trigger stagnation in areas that tend to cause more stagnation in other areas, compounding the issue. In other words, the worst the depression, the less energetic a person tends to be (lower and lower vibration) until it effects their reptilian brain directly in the form of types of catatonia.

To combat it, I try to engage in activities that force me to move. As cliche as it sounds, exercise, cleaning, hiking, just storming around the house pissing and moaning, etc., all help because the activity raises your vibration, and at the very least disrupts whatever electric signals are being sent through your brain that cause the depression by virtue of causing your brain to do other things. Essentially, you are diverting processing power away from depression. Laughter is also huge.

Magickally, the same applies. Doing a rite that involves intense combinations of breathing and physical motion are great while depressed. Your ritual might not be great in result, but it should help the depression via expression. Also doing something that forces any intense emotional state besides depression is effective. You are tricking your mind.

Invocations of Air and Mars are also effective.

All people encounter this, because we are human. Unless you are a psychopath. Then you might be immune to depression in the normal sense of the word.


Coming from someone who has has depression bad enough to try to think herself out of existence; from my experience, depression is a disease that comes from yourself (usually genetic or reactionary, often both). It comes from having emotions with holes you cannot fill. The holes get bigger until the little left you feel is clinging on a void. There are little things you can do to fill the holes again, like picking up a new hobby or returning to an old passion. There are bigger things you can do like moving or changing your personal philosophy (and therefore your way of thinking). I don’t want to say that you can cure it because anything that caused the depression in the first place could come back and trigger the symptoms again.

I would avoid using magic to treat it. Magic makes most mental disorders worst if used carelessly. Having a life of magic might fill in those holes in your emotions, but trying to treat it will likely just tear your reality wide open and exaggerate the problem. You can use techniques related to magic to combat depression-related symptoms but I highly discourage trying to use magic to make depression go away. You never know what might go wrong.

I don’t think that depression is necessarily a magic-related obstacle, but like shamanic sickness or sudden Kundalini awakening, it can be a way to transition into a magical path. I’m not going to say it’s a requirement, because everyone is on a different path, and depression sucks to deal with on a mundane level alone so I really wish anyone who has depression overcomes it on thier own terms. (not everyone also turns to magic to help with thier mental illness, and they do okay, so depression is not a spiritual phenomenon although it can be connected to it).


In my experience, my depression was tied heavily to past traumas but was also chemical. When I began to confront my traumas and accept them, my depression got better. I also began to smoke weed to treat the chemical part of it. I smoke it every couple of weeks or so as well as avoiding alchohol which makes my depression go from a 5/10 to a 8/10 for example. I also think focusing on positivity is helpful, just because we are black magicians doesn’t mean we can’t love puppies and romance lol. Exercise and mindfulness are also essentials in my opinion. If you’re a magician you should already be meditating daily.


I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, and other issues. I was always at my worst when not practicing spirituality and magick. I have not used magick, specifically, to treat depression, but I find when I am practicing and doing daily meditation, it very much improves my mental state in every way. Now, I do take anxiety medication, I will admit, but because I got to a point where I couldn’t leave my house or function properly. But the practice of magick and meditation help much with depression, in my case.


Yes, so how does one make sense of a dense amount of past traumas? Does one have to reach the “void” at times to learn a new way of coping? Like large ‘Injustice,’ control, bullying and fear etc. It can be a cruel world for some.
When i was growing up i heard the story of “Job”, and although im not a big fan of the abrahamic religion anymore, i still wonder sometimes why many that have gained spirtual heights go through such lows of trying times, and i was told it was to learn ‘a lesson’ etc… til you cant help but question why? If i just knew what was going on it might not hurt as bad. Or is it totally a fault of my charachter? Or does the world generally have no ryme or reason? Id like to think not.
Aside the main reason i feel like magic is my calling and comfort anyway, but learning occult and understanging knowledge of the nature of the world brings clarity and conclusion than living haphazardly without seeking out the truth and living ‘like sheep’ would never.
I will share something personal with you;, before my dad died the last words he told me was " Always smile when they come…". I felt for sure there was a magical message for me in it.
Recently I read about the supposedly scientific “chicken and the egg” effect of happiness and smiling, apparently the smile comes first. So i look at the “smile” as a form of spell, if you cant lift your vibration when someone is getting to me for example, just force a smile as genuinely as possible and its a quick ubrubt sheild of energy.
Dont get me wrong its not a cure be all and end all, but definately something in it in a protective sense. I think so anyway. So how did you overcome trauma?
This is bugging me at the momet because im trying to remember, but i went once to watch a panel and a renouned german phycologist was there and i put to him the question in recess and he did give me a good answer, partly i think it was about facing it and overcoming fear etc, but one must has to have alot of courage to do it.


I totally agree, LSD is easy to find for me. Before I knew what magic was, I would notice how I could see auras and get spot on divination readings. I’ve done DMT and was able to see everything around me with my eyes closed. Now that I’ve dipped my hands into magick I use it to my advantage.


Dear @Eve1,

I’d like you to look into this.




Thank you.