The BALG repository of fantastical success stories with Magick

He has a certain “style”. I think a lot of that is just for show to try and fit what someones perception of a black magician should look like. Not that there is any right way to look or something, but sometimes it seems like there is a stereotype.

I feel like his style has evolved over time. When i compare how he looked in his divination course a decade ago to how he looks today, he’s changed quite a bit…most notably the tattoos. EA today looks a lot more like a typical satanist than he did in the past

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Hi everyone, I felt the need to take a break from magical things and the forum since covid hit and I had other problems to deal with. I’m back now and I wanted to share a couple of recent success stories.

No 1 - a narcissistic former friend, who treated me like crap. This guy was a platonic friend but got a big ego when he had some career success. He is an academic professor. Did sone rituals for justice, and payback.

One to expose his true self to others, and general attack rituals to cause misfortune. Mainly from Angels of Wrath and Lucifer and the Hidden Demons. I saw nothing happen for quite a while and it was hard to tell what effect this was having as by then he had moved overseas for work. Two years later nearly, after I’d forgotten about it, I hear out of the blue one day from a mutual work acquaintance, that he had been fired from his position on this prestigious committee that he belonged to. What happened? He apparently went crazy and defaced the organisation’s website (that he used to look after) and posted defamatory things about other members because he was jealous that they had not made him head of the committee in a recent election. He also emailed all members the same things.:rofl::rofl::rofl: He was nearly sued over it. Everyone was totally shocked by it, and when I heard, I was stunned at how well my rituals worked! The end result now is that his name is utter mud in his field. This is an organisation that is connected to high levels of government and frequented by members of this country’s embassy. He was always going to events at the embassy etc and showing off about his connections. Now he is screwed and hasn’t dared set foot in the country again because of it. :joy::joy::joy:

No 2 - I wanted to bring a colleague down who had really tried to cause trouble for me and others. Also a very rude, narcissistic nutcase generally. So four years ago when this all began, I targeted several rituals her way. I layered and combined many rituals from the Angels of Wrath - force exile and the other attack rituals, with some from Lucifer and the Hidden Demons. She began to suffer minor disruptions, setbacks, but was still at my workplace being extremely troublesome. It’s only been in the last year that everything really began to blow up for her and seems like it all hit at once with force. A relationship break up, and then major illness. She was off for 6 months when covid hit with some mysterious ongoing complaint. Then was supposed to come back to the office in February. Then I heard she had a very nasty reaction to the covid vaccine - that no-one else I know did to such a degree. She’s still off sick, and hit with anxiety about travelling and catching something. She’s lost time on work projects and not been able to maintain her career to previous levels. End result- I did get rid of her from my workplace.


one of the best thread here.


As this year comes to a close, I thought I’d squeeze in one last update. Today I added three new stories involving wiping away large debts, miraculous healing, and lust-filled pleasure :slightly_smiling_face:


@Verdo did you see this one? It’s a pretty good story imop since it starts from the user not really knowing much/ just making a call for help and ends with success.

I just was like oh, look at that here’s an encouraging one for peeps starting out and wanting to improve where they already are. Plus they talk about not having the skills yet, starting to see results and leave room to check and see how it continues to progress in the future.

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I haven’t seen it actually but I’ll take a look see. Thanks for showing me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can the success story be posted directly here ? Or a new thread has to be created to get it linked here

You should create a separate thread

I posted on member successes and giving thanks , but like you said I’ll create a separate thread

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I so needed the encouragement today.

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Thank you for compiling all this.. .

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Welcome @candarzop It is a rule here for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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Happy its of use to you. :+1: What’s your favorite success story?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Was This King Paimon?

Haven’t updated this thread since last year :open_mouth: Added 4 new stories to the list.


Seems like a good recent addition:


Another fresh addition and an example of what happens when endurance and spirits mix :slight_smile:

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I just loove rituals. The more complicated and more moving parts, the more I put my hands together. I didn’t have a scary ritual yet. :thinking:


I would like the idea of beginner Magick spells or rituals that allows the caster to keep adding more things that enhance the effects.

Although I don’t currently know of any spells or rituals like that.

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