Magic and Musings from Astral Realm #56

Sooo- a little context here: I had some pretty nasty credit card debt 4 years ago. My Dad has made alot of money in his life, and I never asked him for shit (Mom and Dad got divorced when I was 2, and I lived w/ Mom).

So, in 2017- because of the card debt, I asked him to borrow 42K. He said yeah- charged me interest and we set up a payment plan. I’ve used automatic transfer for the last 3 years and paid him 1/2 back so far. The payment plan had 3 more years to it.

Me and him have a great relationship- he’s just a stickler when it comes to money- can’t blame him.

I was at his house this past Thanksgiving…there was like 14 people there.
To tell you the truth, I had all but forgotten the debt due to the automatic debit payments. It just comes out every month. I have paid 25k and had 25k to go.

I’ve been a little up against it w/ money lately. While at Thanksgiving dinner, the thought came to me to work some magick.

I ducked into the bathroom, locked the door, and pulled up Lucifer and the Hidden Demons on my phone and started looking for the ritual to make someone bestow gifts on me.

I was thinking along the lines of a cash gift from my father- etc…but I put absolutely NO limits or demands on how the gift would show up, nor did I put any limitations on how much.

I have read many times from some bad-ass magicians to not handicap demons with too many specifics.

I did the ritual while in the bathroom- sitting on the toilet- Dad and 12 others in the next room eating turkey: first summoning Lucifer, then Asmodi, then Maggid. Next, I made my request- “I ask that you encourage my Father and/or wife to bestow a great gift on me.”

I had no visions- no indications that the request had been even heard, much less fulfilled.

I have thought about it a few times since- but for some reason- I’ve been unusually patient…almost quietly confident- dare I say.

Today, December 5th (exactly 10 days after the request) - my Dad called and completely absolved me of the remaining 25k! He said I had done a phenomenal job paying it back thus far- and he’d like to let me off on the rest.

That’s roughly $717 per month for the next 3 years- close to 25k!

My father is NOTORIOUS for being tight w/ his money, and even though I am his son- he is not the type of person to let anyone- even me- out of debt. Anyone.

This is significant for another much bigger reason: I have cast a fuck ton of rituals out of that book w/in the last month.

That’s the second that has popped w/in the last 2 weeks- the other you can read about in my journal.

This approach works for me. It’s not dramatic, and there are no bells and whistles. Just results.