Unofficial Tutorials: Love and Lust Collection

Honey Jar Spell Recipe


An effective and well detailed ‘Contact Me’ ritual:

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You didn’t add the @Shadowdoctor lust sigils
He has 3 of them
And they are very potent in my personal workings


The thread invites you or anyone actually to add ones that you like as well: have at it by all means, I’d appreciate it! :smiley:


Sweetening Honey Jar Spell tutorial/instructions:


Intranquil Spirit: this spirit tortures the target until they return.

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Excellent tutorial for a talisman/amulet to attract love

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How to use a Road Opener in conjunction with attraction spells:

Caveats and Warnings.

These are worth knowing about ahead of time, before you start: Love magick can be a kind of bane or curse when it attempts to usurp free will, particularly obsession spells. It can make all the people involved crazy and cause more pain when you mean to make a nice thing happen.

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