Alright. I have no one else to talk about these with.
For begin I have a series of sigils and channelled symbols, i have specific ones from the 9 daemonic gatekeepers each one is them.
Then thereare the ones for transforming your spirit bodies. And for unblocking and for pulling apart…
I have a key to awaken the dragon eye however it requires surgery.and youbneedto have Become your godself,.
These can be used after you have had the devil gene.
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Transmutation ans symbols
These work best after the activation of the devil gene that @Yberion and many.
As I stated very unclearly I am not sure where to shsre them.
But I cannot think logically.
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There’s no “devil gene”. The devil itself is a xtian idea that is complete bullshit, mere propaganda to make other religions look scary to aid conversion.
Until you free yourself to think independently of religious dogma you’re not going to get anywhere.
No you don’t need surgery. Talk to Raphael.
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Aza’ch Gha’al. Iron Ghoul.
@Morgana9 .
Over here.
Time Folding destination: 2251, secound eara. aeonic code: Angmarazu’ul.
“In Weiter ferne, liegt noch sein Ende.” -Far away, still lyies his end.
“und von keines Mannes Hand, wird er fallen.” .and by no man’s hand, he may fall.
“By no man’s hand, he may fall” translates to unkillable by any mortal, or immortal.
2 year, the town suffered by black magick.
2043 was the year, in the thrid aeon.
¥’Bel Zebulon.
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Wear your ring,
while doing these,
Morryiagain la fae.
Power Source:
Infernal Obelisk;
Power Anchor:
Devil Gene;
Energetic Gebo grid: Ennead.
Elven Sephrotic Tree for the Soul inside the Ring.
Estimated Energy consumption:
Similiar to Min’Kassa, but different.
Celebrimbor, and the Goa’ith.
Kiln/forge: Oro’druin’né.
(mount fate. “Amon - Amarth”)
Origin source essence; Eregyon.
Au’ulé ('yia=)
Your Amulett will guide you,
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Stop being so damned Rude mr @Mulberry
i can’t read it, because i’ve blocked him already.
Mind quoting him so i can read?
1 Like
There’s no “devil gene”. The devil itself is a xtian idea that is complete bullshit, mere propaganda to make other religions look scary to aid conversion.
Until you free yourself to think independently of religious dogma you’re not going to get anywhere.
No you don’t need surgery. Talk to Raphael.
I dont know how I even got what you’re about to read. I guess it’s the culmination of repeatedly doing crazy shit and hitting critical Mass .
I was suddenly filled with inspiration and had to write this.
I was gonna use Manifestation bases for this but I was guided not to include that for those people who don’t have that kinda access or privacy.
After doing this I feel Disoriented as fuck but powerful. This is a secret I give to you guys that has may applications and consequences …
Then explain yourself!
How this is “not existing.”
I can definitely feel the energy from it…
As for it “Awakening my dormant Dark DNA”, I don’t know…
Talk to Raphael.
Maybe you talk to Abbaddon. Or Azazel.
Or Belial, who brought us the gene forth.
Ash’tu Calla.
Being a most excellent Demonic Duke, devoted to ending the tyranny and slavery, caused by some minor desert spirit which hath lied and trolled the great and the true, and the unwise liars and leeches alike, in former times.
This is his seal:
He is under the dark aspect of Bael, namely, the toad-headed aspect.
COHZIER is “Of The Rank Of A Duke” which is to say, one rank beneath a K…
In domine eus spiritus infernalis, COME!
so you claim this doesn’t exist?
quite dillusional…
But if you say so…
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October 21, 2020, 5:18am
Maulberry, it’s called a manifestation process.
you know.
Processes have several steps.
But i guess that’s to yurting for you.
I seriously hope the following can help you find release on your yurting.
As you mentioned, nomadic tribal sensations of desiring to travel along with the weather change, are stored more in the subconcious, or genetic programming, than in a really accessable, mentally available spot.
Genetic re-programming, however is accessable to you through your magick, and there should be nothing holding you back, from cleaning it out of your system.
My recommendation:
You know how when you feed from a…
Greet Raphael,
tell him Shemyaza is PISSED of him!
Continuing to the discussion from the challenge of Darkness, embodying, working, and invoking the primordial darkness. I decided to embark upon the transcendence from a light energy body to now a limitless Dark energy , this was done by completing the 7 step alchemical transformation of conjuring absolute Darkness to critical mass, and then calling into your life and existence. This is step 1.
as I made a feeble first attempt at the first step during daylight hours , I got exactly what I put …
In Control Of Thy Self.
How many of us have been overwhelmed, whether it be emotional or mental etc.
I can tell you I have had greatly suffered from imbalance, mentally and emotionally.
I was prone to rage I was told I suffer from IED, known as intermittent explosive disorder.
I suffered from psychotic depression, anxiety … You name it.
How many of us loose control due to external influences, people, situations, sounds etc.
We get frustrated, impatient, angry, upset due to the environmenta…
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It wasn’t my intention to be rude, and I don’t really see why you would say that. You asked a question in a public forum, I took time out of my day to give you an answer. You don’t have to like my answer, but I stand by it.
You’re welcome.
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My name is maulbeere. You can barely speak English and I have zero interest in or respect for your plagiarized and poorly regurgitated opinions. I’d prefer it if you did not address me personally. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
There, @Morgana9 , that was rude. See the difference? Are you happy now?
1 Like
October 21, 2020, 10:19am
exactly. i did not adress you personally.
Ich habe nämlich ganz bewusst nicht deinen Namen geschrieben.
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October 21, 2020, 10:27am
exactly. i did not adress you personally.
Ich habe nämlich ganz bewusst nicht deinen Namen geschrieben.
1 Like
October 21, 2020, 10:59am
exactly. i did not adress you personally.
Ich habe nämlich ganz bewusst nicht deinen Namen geschrieben.
See those knotts exyes-
Aquish possezuine.
@levilevi @In_Between_Worlds @serpens_album any of y’all have input on this?
I’m inclined to say there would be an affect, it’s a linked system what you do to your body effects your energies and vice versa, but to what degree I don’t know. But I would think it’s reparable.
avurlin jezebel.
do not content yourself with this anymore.
It’s gone. resolved.
Intuition isn’t a chakra thing, so it’s unlikely to be a chakra imbalance. It could be claircognizence/clear knowing needing work, could be your mind getting in the way, gut feeling is pretty much like your survival instincts.
Lately, I have been misguided by my “gut feeling”…
I get a gut feeling and its wrong…
Is it a chakra imbalance or something else? What can I do to get back right?
-yaah. it’s called sick to the stomach.
I just want to ask if the entity specifically said to use the Chakra system or just said you had energy blockages? There are other models for working with the energy body if that’s your preference.
I use the Chinese Qi gong system, with 5 element theory, not Chakras, for example, it’s probably the main other system out there but I hear there are others, as well as Chakra systems with fewer and more than 7.
The way I would approach a block would not to practice a mantra focusing on the blocked …
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This Topic is Called
And if anyone wants to annoy the Spiritus Morrigain whom is Currently experiencing the “fun” (like fuck!!! It damned well isn’t)!!! Of laying an Egg thanks to the dark Daemon Gatekeepers.
I am frequently feeling the physical sude effects…,
I can barely be greatful that it will soon end…
Idiotic rude fucking bad maanners are seriously NOT
Thank you.
Now I would love a hit cup of tea and a foot massage…
But thats never been my reality.
October 21, 2020, 4:44pm
Hello, Morgana. May I ask of you to share your knowledge on this eye? I’m in a process of embeing.
October 21, 2020, 4:46pm
The people on this forum confuse me. I was assuming we were onto enlightenment.
October 21, 2020, 4:49pm
This is one of the most important pathworkings ever: The Tunnels of Set
October 21, 2020, 7:39pm
Morgana, i’ve said it,
and now E.A said it officially.
Calm and steady.
It’s not for us to solve this,
at the moment.
Zagan already works on it.
Most of us are.
Sadly, not all of us.
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