Hello Gods and goddess, I just got my “Regular” badge and as a way of appreciating it. I decided I will create this thread to document;
All my past rituals.
All links and threads I used and will use to improve in my journey (from BALG or Youtube).
All future rituals: preparation, method, notes, results.
All Thoughts and ideas i am going through in my journey.
Note: I don’t mind you sharing your thoughts or showing support… just please stay respectful by remembering its my journal and the reason i have it here in BALG is to wish that i would be helpful for those looking to learn. Lastly, i don’t claim to be advanced… no I am still learning and working my skills. I just wish to help those who are in a beginner stages than me and I would appreciate any notes or advises on how to proceed or improve. Be Blessed.
There a re a lot of methods megicians use to cleanse their homes, tools, and selves. One of which is;
First relax [ Take a minute ].
Take 3 deep breaths
Hold your [ Sage ] with your dominant hand. Hold the object [ you want to cleanse] in your other hand.
Then say the following while you are passing the object through the smoke;
“with this smoke i cleanse [Object] of all negative and harmful energies. So that it maybe used to achieve my highest good and my highest potential”
While saying the incantation visualize the item being cleansed and filled with light.
Banishing Incantation from the kingdoms of flames book
“Ashtu malku ta dat arkata
sastus seckz altamu partu
iretempal krez ta felta
vaskalla regent met senturus
ta sastrus estos melta kelta, kelta, kleta hine”
Repeat it 3 times while pushing your will out with every word.
Note: to perform this is preferable to have ritual dagger.
Step 1: enter meditative state through feeling your breath flowing in and out.
Step 2: Imagine your spiritual body expanding. you want to think that you got so large that you can hold the earth in your hand
Step 3: Notice that you are centered in existence that there is still a brilliant light above you floating. Reach that dagger up in the cloud and pull the light down as you touch the tip of the dagger to your forehead. now, Vibrate the word “ATAH”
Step 4: Bring the tip of the dagger to the center of your chest and vibrate: MALKUTH
Step 5: Bring the tip of the dagger to your right shoulder and vibrate: VE’GEBURAH
Step 6: Bring the tip of the dagger to left shoulder and vibrate: Ve’Gedulah
Step 7: Bring the tip of the dagger to center of your chest again and vibrate: LAY OLAM, AMEN
Step 8: Face the east and trace a banishing pentagram with your dagger then visualize it glowing. Then activate it by stabbing the pentagram in the center and vibrating: YOD HE VAV HE … Then go back to the center of the circle and give the silent motion. then trace with your dagger while turning to the south (your doing this to trace a magical circle)
Step 9: Face the south and trace a banishing pentagram with your dagger then visualize it glowing. Then activate it by stabbing the pentagram in the center and vibrating: ADONAI and follow the instructions above
Step 10: Follow the instruction in step 8 and 9 and face the west and vibrate: EHEIEH
Step 11: Follow the instructions in step 8 and 9 and face the north and vibrate: AGLA
Step 12: Return to the center and bring the dagger in the ceneter of your chest pointing upwards and visualize the pentagrams glowing around you.
Step 13: Extend your arms to your sides and callout:
Before me RA PH AEL
Behind me GA BRI EL
On my right hand MI CHA EL
On my left hand AU RI EL
Then say “Around me burns the pentagram and within me shines the six raid star”
All rights received to EA Kotteing.
Okay… I did my best to make the first 10 replies to the thread (maximum) for my previous rituals, links, methods that i used. starting from the next replies to this thread i will be posting my current experiences, and thoughts.
I’ve read it all and I feel really sorry for whatever you’ve been through, As you said you wanted to make a pact with king Belial on the first day of Ramadan. Were you Muslim before?
yes… I used to be a muslim then i became atheist. and now I am agnostic i don’t know whose the real god of which religion, but i don’t care anymore cause if he existed he is a narcissist MTF and i chose Lucifer.
I was a Muslim too! It was really hard to leave since I was very religious in the beginning. Anyways I’m good at scanning since childhood it’s more like a born gift maybe I could help you in anyway through scanning and tell you what I experience for you. Or we could swap scans?
Oh trust me, i know how hard it is to suddenly flip and decide to leave islam. its because of the radical indoctrination that is done by islam to our minds.
To your offer… I am not in a position to share my picture. And i have not really jumped into scanning, but if there is a way to do it without pictures… go ahead!
Id love to know about your experience of leaving islam, I mean I still have so many fears that were usually a part of our lives when I was in islam like heaven and hell and the punishments the day of judgments. Oof it still haunts me.
And for scanning, it’s better with picture for me…but I can try…it can be done with a name.
@Gwydion22 Please be aware that, as a new member to this forum. YOU CANNOT OFFER TO DO SCANS IN PM OR ON THE PUBLIC FORUM. We have a rule prohibiting any newcomers from doing readings of any sort until they have been active for a minimum of 90 days.
The only place newcomers are allowed to do so, is in the dedicated scanning threads. Anywhere else is a violation of the rule.
I just finished doing my ritual. I had a red candle, a bowl of water to destory the sigil and offering when i am done. I heard he liked it that way because its pure. I chanted his enn… and as soon as i started i had goose bumps and my body hair stood the shit up. I suddenly felt like i wanted to sing his enn instead of chanting and i felt that he liked it. I offered the red candle which dressed with dragons blood, and my blood on it and blood on the sigil, and semen. i used sage as an offering too. i heard he likes sage so followed what i read.
Experience: for a split second i saw a goat skull through the smoke… and i just laughed for some reason but in a positive respectful way. I have never seen a spirit i called upon but he is my first if that was him. anyway, i said aww cute ( like WTF Bruh ). I asked my requests and repeated it 3 times… and offered him an offering for when he brings me my offering. I feel good about the ritual and i expect the results to be positive. He seems really interesting, i wish i was able to hear him so i could get to know him more. Note: this was my first time calling upon him. Hail Satanchia <3
I just received both decks. I am so excited to learn tarot reading. I smudge both decks with sage while setting the intention of cleansing it. I did a ritual of connecting to each card and placing down one by one.
I am wondering if there is another ritual to do. Also, if there is any topics or videos that helps me develop my reading skills. Thanks