Confused as F***

A combo poppet/freezer spell. quick easy and effective. It’s powerful low magik. This also works for action as well as talk.

  1. Make a link to the target. It can be a photo, I like to make a dough poppet that looks roughly like the target.
  2. Become quiet, optionally, call your power to yourself, e.g. by accessing your higher self, opening your points to the above and below, spinning your torus, calling in the directions, something else or a mix
  3. Look at the poppet and know that this link IS the target. Whatever happens to this link is happening in real time to your target because they are the same
  4. Take black thread, focus on the fact that this is stopping from them from speaking and acting against you, and as you stay focused on this, wind the thread around the poppet.
    As you do this, talk to them, tell them ‘you may not speak against me’, ‘you may not badmouth me’, ‘you may not tell lies about me’ etc
    Wind around the mouth, bind the hands and legs and chest, they may not harm you any more.
  5. When you feel you are ready, cut the thread, say "You are bound. You are bound. You are bound!’
  6. Optional: Still focused, put the poppet in a baggie and put it in the back of the freezer, the freezing reinforces the binding symbolically freeing them from harmful action.

For more info on binding and it’s infinite variations, see the below… as Joey says, don’t just throw these around casually, they work powerfully and if you don’t think it through you can get unintended consequences: