Hey All,
I have decided, after some seesawing back and forth, to once again attempt the 72 Challenge.
For those of you new to the forum, here is the original thread so you will understand what I’m talking about:
The premise of this challenge was the line in the Crowley/Mathers translation of the Goetia that states the spirits within the book represent aspects of the human mind. The goal was to evoke each spirit and ask them to open up the part of the mind they are associated with.
The OP who started the challenge successfully completed it but he described some…less than positive results in his life from it, like being unable to connect with people, and anger and depression.
Within Solomon’s magick, the 72 angels of the Shemhamforash are said to constrain, bind, and guide the demons of the Goetia, so I reasoned that the angels too, represent aspects of the human mind, and could be called upon to open up their aspects as well.
I conceptualised it as the demons represent the primal, atavistic, part of our brains, the part concerned with lust, desire, power, revenge, and survival, which, if you read the list of powers assigned to each spirit, seems pretty accurate.
The angels, represent the “guiding hand” of the more evolved part of our brain, the cerebral cortex, which regulates the expression of the darker, more animal parts of ourselves.
Whether this theory is accurate or not, I cannot say at the moment, but it is the hypothesis of this challenge.
Originally, I was simply going to evoke the 72 angels in a similar manner to the way the original OP evoked the 72 demons, but then it occurred to me that I had never finished the original challenge so I’ve decided to do the angels and demons together.
Part of the reason for this is to see if evoking the part of the mind associated with the angels first, will mitigate any of the negative effects encountered with opening the aspects of mind associated with the demons.
Last night, I began with Vehuiah.
The evocation was pretty short. I opened the seal for him found in Poke Runyon’s Book of Solomon’s Magick (it was a bit simpler to draw than that found in Henry Archer’s The Magick of Angels and Demons), and vibrated his name three times, calling for him to come.
When I felt his presence, I welcomed him, and asked him to open the aspect of my mind he is associated with. I felt fingers press into my forehead and had a sharp pain blossom for a moment.
Afterwards I thanked him and bade him to stay or go at his leisure. I placed his seal under my pillow when I went to sleep, but don’t remember any particular dreams. Usually, when I place an open seal under my pillow I wake up feeling pretty tired, but that wasn’t the case with the seal of Vehuiah.