I usually do not ask for help just information. I have evoked all 72 alongside the 72 Goetic entities in matched pairs for the 144 Wings of the Dragon ritual. I obtained a lot of interesting advice but not major system changes.
I’m quite fond of one in particular who approached me after this working and we delved into more conversations, but we haven’t spoken for a while and I’m asked not to share the name. Maybe it’s time to reconnect.
You might want to widen the search with various spellings, I see a few results you might be interested in:
Hey All,
I have decided, after some seesawing back and forth, to once again attempt the 72 Challenge.
For those of you new to the forum, here is the original thread so you will understand what I’m talking about:
The premise of this challenge was the line in the Crowley/Mathers translation of the Goetia that states the spirits within the book represent aspects of the human mind. The goal was to evoke each spirit and ask them to open up the part of the mind they are associated with.
The OP w…
Hey guys!
So I was recently turned on to the possibility proposed by Travis Magus (popular youtube magician) that he shem angels are agents of the source (rather than Yahweh whom claims/is claimed to be the source) and represent a different version of the specialty/energy of their 72 demonic equivalents. I’m considering abandoning my antipathy towards angelic beings.
Does anyone have a resource about workings directly with these beings (rather than asking them to supervise a evocation)?
I wou…
I said F*ck it and so it begins
I started the 72 challenge today to activate my mind
I started with Vehuiah, and it was quite interesting, the second I chanted her name, she said;
“I’m here”
I requested that she activate the aspect of my mind she corresponds too, and she said
“you’re too young do more research” (I’m 21) but she still did it anyway…
I saw her colors which was like a slightly darkish red and pure white
I briefly felt pressure on my forehead but it was more like a gentle tou…