Unofficial Tutorials: Book Recommendations Collection

Hindiu Mantra book recommendations:

Shameless plug for my boi Corwin cause he’s changed the game for me:

Goetia Pathworking: Magickal Results from the 72 Demons

Corwin Hargrove


  • Beginner friendly
  • Great introduction to pathworking practice
  • Can be used as a “72 Challenge” for pathworking the 72 Goetia
  • Not a lot of fluff, pretty much to the point


  • (Kindle Edition) (Personal preference) Physical copies are much better IMO
  • Talks a lot about what you can get from each entity, but doesn’t talk about history of the entity
  • Doesn’t offer any protection suggestions before pathworking (seems to suggest that Pathworking is fool-proof). Don’t be a fool, protect your tool (brain), kids!

Additional discussion threads for this book:


Books on the Gold Dawn’s methods of magickal working

Books on Egyptian Magick:

Hi! I truly love your recommendations and I was wondering if you had one to open your clairsenses and psychic abilities in general?

Thanks I’m very glad it’s useful! :smiley:

Our Astral Sense development collection has some homegrown tutorials for getting into trance etc.

Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce is more for Astral travel but that also works the psychic muscles, as it were, and it’s a well explained and accessible book with a slant towards Western understandings.

I would highly recommend Remote Viewing as a psychic development tool as well. Controlled Remote Viewing by Lyn Buchannan (CRV) and Scientific Remove Viewing by DR Courtney Brown at Farsight (SRV) are the best. Lyn’s Book the Seventh Sense doesn’t actually tell you how to do it, but it’s motivating, as are the various interviews on yt with him that explain it very well.

Blind Sight is quite interesting and I’m working my way through this slowly: it’s about that art martial artists develop to see without using your eyes.


Thank you for the recommendations! I wish there was someone as helpful when I was younger :slight_smile: :smile:

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Could someone safely and effectively use the book “The Taoist Soul Body: Harnessing the Power of Kan and Li”, without first having worked through Mantak Chia’s other, more basic books?

I think in the book he does recommend having a teacher to ask question of, but doesn’t state the other books are prerequisites. I would say be mindful, listen to your body and apply common sense. You could also combine this with working with someone like Raphael, Marbas or Ebuhuel to ensure you get the guidance you need when a human teacher isn’t available.

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Michael Raduga’s The Phase.

And these videos of a seminar by Michael Raduga based on this book that is free on youtube is what I used to get over my humps, start travelling, get my questions answered and use the tips and tricks to extend and stay in lucidity longer.


This is good stuff. I got my first OBE-style experience just after watching the first part a couple of years ago.

Mr. Raduga has also this free online training group, “Project Elijah” with more learning materials and practical lucid dreaming/OBE-quests.


Interesting work with ideas on how to write a grimoire: The Sworn and Secret Grimoire (Night School) by Jake Stratton Kent


Books for using sexual energy in Magick:

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Excellent, I already see 5 that I will look for on Thriftbooks. Thank you for giving so generously of your time and vast knowledge and experience. It is truly a gift.

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Updated to add a new entry to the qigong books post. Thanks @Valknut for your PM that clued me into this! :smiley:

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Do you have to have studied Franz Bardon to work with those books?

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No these books are for the most part, stand alone.

If there was anything I’d say to have in place before doing a lot of these, it would be protections. Lost of these books assume the reader is already somehow intermediate and knows how to recognise and banish anything that came when you didn’t want it to, but for most of us that’s not the case, and you do get the occasional story on here of people that got attacked, weren’t equipped to deal with it and it caused bad luck, strife and sickness in their lives.

So I have a little burb pointing to the forum free stuff on these, and if nothing else that book recommendation for Robert Bruce’s Psychic Protection Handbook in the Spiritual Hygiene thread will put you in a good place…

Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses.


Thanks. I just meant those last two books that @ThickIncense1 posted. I should have clarified.

I think the author wrote them as some kind of follow up to Bardon’s Practice of Magical Evocation, so I wondered if experience of Bardon’s methods was necessary.

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