The BALG repository of fantastical success stories with Magick

Updated with several new stories which I’ll post links to below. However, it looks like I’ve run into an impasse. @Lady_Eva I think i may be the first person to reach the character limit for a post. As i tried to update this, i got an error message saying, “Body is limited to 32000 characters; you entered 32233.” So i had to cut the extra 200 or so characters from the intro in order to fit these last stories. But this means that I will no longer be able to update this as it is physically impossible, unless you have some tools which will allow me to expand it :blush:

Btw @DA_KD …you asked for proof, you got linked to this thread several times, lady eva told you to read it while your thread was locked…but you just went back to making comments like this as if no one posted you the link to this thread:

If you were wondering why you got so much animosity in your last thread, this is why.

Anyhow, the following have been the last stories added to this thread. - Requires Lounge access to view