How Sargatanas made women be obsessed with me

Hi! I thought I’d chime in, 'cause I’ve been watching this thread closely, but didn’t want to say anything before I got any results. And let me tell ya - I got some results!

First a bit of pre-story (don’t read if you don’t feel like it, not that important):
I came to this forum by accident in a completely unrelated matter, but fell in love with it, and one of the first threads that caught my eye was this one.
I’ve never really had much problems when it comes to girls, but this last year has been hell for me in this aspect. I’ve also never “officially” evoked a demon before, but this site has managed to nudge me in the right direction, and I finally accepted myself, and the fact that, as much as I run from the Dark Arts, the Dark Arts will always catch up on me.

On topic:
So I finally got out my Grimoire/BoS, however you like to call it, and wrote down everything I considered important from this thread, and started calling out to Sargatanas. (or was it him, who has been calling out to me even before I knew his name?)
The first night I played the youtube video with his Enn, trying to feel the kind of energy he possesses. After I listened and meditated on the video, thinking about what I wanted him to help me with, I got my 108 rosary (that I use for all kinds of stuff), and charged it with his Enn. I got the idea from a show I used to watch when I was little - Shaman king. Anna uses her rosary to contact spirits, so I thought why not?

Anyway, the next 2-3 days I didn’t do much, except for saying his name in my head as often as I could.

Next night I wrote down something like a very short letter of intent - what I need him for, what I would give in return, put a few drops of blood on it. All of this I wrote on a paper, which had his sigil printed on the other side. I gazed at sigil, until it activated, went out and burned it (just felt like it). All of this I planned and did at around 3-3:30 am. And I waited.
Not much happened though.

So I did a second letter of intent 2 nights after that, this time I thought it through a lot better, and instead of blood, this time I offered semen. Now I didn’t exactly know how to make a letter of intent, and went by my gut feeling, so I folded it, put it in an envelope, put paper tape (not sure what it’s called, but it’s like scotch tape, only paper) all over the envelope, basically sealing it, and then went out and burned the whole thing on my terrace. I think this was the thing that finally got him working full force.

Next day I got hit up by an old fuckbuddy of mine, telling me she wants to hook up (smashed her all night! The sex was also brutal, I hadn’t had such good sex in years!), 4 new matches on tinder, a girl I used to chat with on FB, but never got to see, cause reasons, hit me up, and I’m meeting her in an hour.

In case people are wondering - besides the semen and blood, I also offered him my undivided attention when he speaks, respect, gratitude, and being a “student” of his + this post.

All hail Sargatanas. He works fast, and he works well. Keep in mind that this was also my first evocation, and it worked easily and without any problems, all it took was some patience, and voila!

I may have forgotten to mention something, cause I have to get ready to go out meet this girl, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask me here, or PM, whatever.

Ardeon out!