You will probably have to post places that get a lot of traffic, like tik Tok , fb, Instagram , those types of places that get a lot of hits everyday.
You will also need to find to a spirit/entity that you work well with, who can also help you. Like one of the Goetia who influences the thoughts of men to influence them to want to check out your telegram.
Hello, I was recommended a book and angels here. But I don’t know English, maybe you can recommend an article or topic where I can translate the text and call a creature for popularity, fame of the company on the Internet?
And please tell me, if there is such an opportunity, what practice should I turn to so that he would help me conclude a contract with the demon, according to my needs?
I need fame, popularity of my brand on the Internet and earnings of $100,000+ per month
The post I linked? - but there’s several recommendations including a couple of books that you’d have to look into getting yourself. I myself mentioned honey jars, someone else the Shem angels… are we talking about the same post?
Try this - but do the LBRP first to make sure you’re working in a clean space free of naughty tricksters.
You can evoke these using simple evocation techniques like this one:
Or you could also use a petition, which is considered very safe, comparatively speaking:
Yes, that’s right. I just can’t translate the book using Safari. I was in the section you recommended, I just found an angel for popularity, fame, now the question is how to find an article on the forum or somewhere on how to call it.