Looking for experiences where people managed good Stock returns with the help of demons
Please use the search function, there are plenty of threads about this topic, one that was created just days ago:
What are the best spirits to work with that help you maximize your investments or choose the wisest investments that will help you get the most return?
Decided to start a thread on the stock market. Anyone want to discuss?
Can anyone recommend spirits and/or rituals that can influence the stock market? Maybe a form of divination to help determine which stocks to buy, when to buy or sell etc. The stock market is a form of gambling, after all, I figure. Maybe those same spirits can be used in the stock market.
Advice? Suggestions?
I heard a magician say that one can know which stock to invest in. Is this true? What is your experiences? How does on do it? Through divination or evocation of a divination demon?
Hello Folks:
Do any of you have any advice regarding investing magick? Like if someone were to make daily offerings to a spirit of divination do you think they would do very well (perhaps daily offerings for a year)? Are there spirits who are willing to help with short-term investing? Have any of you used or heard of investing magick?
Keep in mind, speculative investment is risky, few make a fortune from it, and I know of one individual who lost all their wealth because of absolute carelessness and stupidity. Do divination first to see if it will be profitable for you.