Whats the difference in how different “love” demons work?

I’ve worked with a few.

  • Asmodai gets you hella laid. Ridiculous. To the point of feeling like fucking is a part time job. Lots of women who never really seem satisfied no matter how pharmaceutically enhanced you make yourself to keep up with your lifestyle. This coming from a biochemist who is his own human guniea pig… It sounds like a great thing until it isn’t and then your friends think you’re just being a flexing asshole, yet you really REALLY don’t want turbo milf or tiny hot pants to come over again for more action because your hips actually feel like they’re grinding and you’re only 27.

  • Zepar acts quickly and very briefly. Transient. A girl tried having sex with me in a drive thru and we got down a few other times. One of them was fantastic and got filmed by another girl at the party which lead to more shenanigains with other people. She’s not a big part of my life now and I’m honestly fine with that. Hardcore drama llama which I’m not about. Great for one night stands, if you’re into that. Seems to be more of a chick thing these days oddly enough. I’m way more about multiple ongoing things with cool girls who have options too so nobody gets hurt/clingy.

  • Sallos acts almost like an angel in that he paints in very broad strokes and acts over long periods of time. He reconnected me to a soulmate/soulfriend from lifetimes past. We were on LSD in a hotspring together and we both sort of ‘knew’ we had been somewhere like that before, maybe 10,000 years ago in another life. Primordial pair bonding. Extreme depth of relationship that’s completely effortless and full of the most primal animalistic lust you could imagine. Fits my “open” lifestyle perfectly. Outstanding sexual and emotional chemistry.

  • Sitri has an interesting approach. He’s sort of a wild card and the encounters he gets you into are full of hilarious stories. For instance… I ended up in a love triangle with the Utah Jazz Bear’s girlfriend. The actual mascot for the Utah Jazz and I are now eskimo brothers. True story. He got fired for getting caught with her in the locker room during the playoffs. Pretty great sex too. Just all of it seems to be like he’s constantly fucking with you and laughing his ass off as he serves you pusssssay on an infernal platter of fuck you …come to think of it, maybe drive thru girl was his doing. At least the part of her becoming drive thru girl. Before that she was just the vegan chick who jumped me while we were night hiking up the canyon.

  • Gremori seems to be all about showing the deepest most beautiful/dark parts to the person you’re into and letting you behold each other with full acceptance. Very deep. It’s a different kind of love, there’s no fairy tale to it. It’s incredibly honest and more pure “love” that way. I’d wife the girl I’ve bonded with if I believed in that. We regularly have extremely deep conversations and neither of us is remotely uncomfortable showing the other our wounds. We bond over them and then remark about the things we absolutely adore about each other. Intimacy is very prominent with touch. Lots of energy gets sent through just a basic caress. It’s subtle yet very deep. Also been rumored to do well with pulling people who already have a relationship. Your code of ethics determines what to do with this. I think cheating is fucked but I’m not against being the next monkey branch someone grabs onto if they’re on their way out of something anyway.

  • Orias isn’t your typical “Love” demon though I’ve helped change a girl’s sexual orientation to at least bi through him and she married the girl I did the ritual for. Look through my post history to find if you’re interested. He works via a very persistent, constant obsession that drills the result home in your subjects head. Less romantic though not a bad option if you value power above disney.

  • Dantalion is someone I need to work with concerning love. I’ve used him to ease OCD symptoms and overly intense emotions about someone to great effect though.
    Will be in touch and will report back later.

  • Haniel (The Archangel) is RIDICULOUS in terms of opening up the floodgates of emotion wide open without the slightest restraint. He’s overwhelmingly powerful to the point where if you even want to stifle your feelings for the person you won’t be able to shut them off. Drugs, alcohol, sex rampage, all useless to kill the emotion. You and they will feel VERY strongly for each other. This actually terrified the girl I was after (and I had full honestly pure intentions of going into a monogamous relationship with her) and it drove her away because she had a past of being consumed emotionally by someone abusive and she lost herself in it. Too much draw. Too much current. If you say “Send my love into her heart so that she feels my love and returns it a thousandfold” he will. Freakishly strong. Do not underestimate it and make sure that them feeling that intensely will pull them to you.

Women have feelings about their feelings …about their feelings, guys. Know who you’re working on when it comes to him. If she didn’t have an abusive past I’d probably be married to her. I saw her soul and every time we bonded the flame grew stronger. The outcome was very depressing and devastating given that my emotions were in full swing at the time and stifling them wasn’t easy. Months later she ended up running off with someone else so she could feel like she had a measure of control in her life again. He’s EXTREMELY powerful. So be careful of the context you use him on. Humans are volatile and unpredictable.

  • Belial has strong sway over women. He’ll put you on a path towards ass kicking that will make them a fun byproduct of your lifestyle rather than the main event. Usually the better you’re doing the stronger they’ll be pulled to you (This isn’t always the case, as I’ve experienced. There’s a subtlety to this and he’s masterful at it.)

If you go the “I’m just going to work on myself and let them catch up!” route be sure he’s in your corner or you might just get a ton done climbing the success ladder while the girl you’re into sleeps with the drug dealer who collects welfare down the hall. Strange world, but it is what it is. He seems to bridge the gap between objectively being a good decision and being exciting enough for them to care about why that’s even a factor. Intoxicatingly strong pull when “it’s on” too, though it’s definitely a “girl ‘in’ your dreams, not girl ‘of’ them” thing with him. Highly recommended.

(Likely not the same effect for women trying to attract men through being 'strong & independant '. For some dumbassed reason our species loves to mirror what we find attractive in the opposite sex and it leads to demure, agreeable, effeminate dudes with no spine who couldn’t fuck their way out of a wet paper bag and the loud, bitchy, “I’m blunt!” chick everyone went on a coffee date with and couldn’t leave fast enough once they found out she “FUCKING LOVES Amanda Palmer!!!” Sorry girls, ass kicking is amazing for it’s own sake and mega props when you do but the Belial method of sexual captivation likely won’t work on our side of the coin. Darwin’s fault.)

  • I’m yet to work with Lilith though from what I’ve heard, if she has an affinity for you she won’t disappoint.

Enjoy your 20’s!