I have been doing a meditation to focus on my end goal with opening a physical gateway to another world.
The type of meditations that i used to to long before actually falling into the void (again).
let me explain myself. My goals in magic are simple: To create a gateway to a totally different universe. Not the type of universe that we know of but rather a world that is so filled with the essence of the void and pure magic that our beloved gods and demons can truly and easily be free to have a physical manifestation. I don’t know how far off into the future my goals are going to be achieved but i’m here requesting help in this ambitious project.
So about an hour ago i entered in the triple focus meditation to connect to this specific entity that has been with me ever since i wanted to physically visit another dimension.
At the beginning i thought of her as being an angel, obviously, since i was on god’s side. But now she has presented herself as the guardian of Nadharkis.
She claims that she is a demon that has been working with many spirits throughout this world in attempts to open gateways to this new world that she calls “Nadharkis”.
Although my skills in evocation are bellow minimum and i cannot truly soul-travel the ways i have been communicating with her is much the same way i have made the pact with Clauneck.
By using my connection to the void that i have been developing during this life and in lives past.
This time i have asked her if she would be willing to work with more people because i am strongly confident that everyone would want to visit this new world.
So this will be a request for more of you to join me in this ambitious quest across the world so that we may work to open the gates of this new world.
Until i’ll master soul travel and evocation and until i wen’t to experience a magic bootcamp that E.A. offers i will ask you all who are willing and interested in starting to work with this new demon.
Her name is Axa Oddra or Ax Tenebrae Ornagga. Which in translation would mean That who from darkness brings new worlds. or something like that. Her name came to me in this alien language besides the word tenebrae which actually means darkness. If anyone can enter in a deeper meditation and connect with her, maybe you’ll get to actually properly translate her name.
The way to contact her is by using her sign which is nothing like a sigil but works perfectly with me.
Call her name:
Axa Oddra i call you forth
Axa Oddra give me inspiration
Axa Oddra open the gates
This is her face. I have been using photoshop to draw most of the sigils and magic signs that i was getting from my meditations and also to draw the spirits that i was meeting.
In here i combined a few pictures from the internet that resembled her from my visions.
As i will continue to work with her i will upload more ideas. Maybe in the future i will be sent to a specific location on earth that has more magical potential for the purposes of this mission.