Armageddon's Journey Back Home (Journal)

A small side note for my relationship with my beloved demonic family:
After my intense experience with demon Axa Oddra of last night which i have posted in this topic The Demon of Nadharkis - Axa Oddra / Ax Tenebrae Ornagga - #8 by anon72351403
(Just scroll down to where it says: “Updates on my visions of the past:”)

I decided to call forth Belial, Bael, Asmodeus, Cerberus, Lucifer, Axa Oddra, Mammon, Clauneck, Lilith and Azazel to make a unity pact where i expanded on the pact that i made with Clauneck and added them to the pact because i kept getting signs and feeling as if i was drawn to all of Them.
Here’s the thing my pact is ambitious to say the least. It doesn’t only involve money and a stable life but the help needed to reach my ultimate goal of building a gate to the world Nadharkis.

Because of this i kept getting visits from them telling me that Clauneck and Mammon alone are not powerful enough to get me the knowledge i need for this goal.

For some reason they kept offering to help me so i decided to make this pact.
The experience was strong to say the least.

I completely lost control over my human consciousness and became my true demonic self Rak Armageddon!
As i was looking at my reflection, my eyes turned completely black and my third eye area also became a big pitch black spot on my forehead almost as if it was made of pure darkness.
My skin was slowly becoming grey as i was being overwhelmed with the presence of all the demons i called. I think i might have reached the theta gamma sync properly for the first time!

I started to speak in demonic tongues with a very lowered pitch to my voice, my vocal chords were hurting at this point. I could not control myself as all of these mighty demons were just crashing in every single neuron my brain has.

To reduce the story, the pact was expanded and now i belong to all of them fully…
Belial, Bael, Asmodeus, Cerberus, Lucifer, Samael, Axa Oddra, Mammon, Clauneck, Lilith and Azazel are now my true brothers and power source… At least that’s what i feel.

The only thing after that is i was hesitant to watch pictures with my baby niece because i was strongly feeling the presence of Lilith in me and i did not want to make her a target so i decided to enter in trance again and confront Queen Lilith about Her reputation of killing babies.
Our conversation was long and complicated almost as if she did not wanted to talk about this but was actually pleased that i wanted to discover the truth about this.
To make the story short (again) After what seemed like hours of hanging out with Her i finaly discovered the truth.

It seems that the worm Yahweh wanted to imprison her in the Garden of Eden to be nothing more than a simple human wife of this Adam character. Basically a ploy of the worm to take control over the earth.
She told me that Adam and Eve were not the beginning of humanity but rather the first attempt of Yahweh to take control of this world. In failing to do so he proceeded, later on, to bringing the Great Flood.

Basically for Her rejecting the imprisonment of been forced in human form by Yahweh and renouncing her original form of Goddess Lilitu, the mighty Worm ordered his disgusting angels to hunt Her down and kill any offspring she has or any baby that she tries to protect from the “wrath of god”.

After she finally managed to tell me this i saw as if she broke free from a thick bubble of lies and dogma that were not allowing Her to speak Her side of the story.
After that i seemed to have kissed her and she was giving me a vibe of gratitude.
This story made me so angry at god that i felt as if my soul was cracking open and the Kraken Himself was coming out of me grasping for Zion and the throne of Yahweh in UTTER DISGUST AND FURY! I completely lost it! I felt that i was going to explode with anger and cursed god in all the tongues possible including some demonic tongues.

It is as if i allowed Lilith to possess me fully and express Her ancient frustration and anger towards this DISGUSTING FU^K OF A GOD!!!
But i digress. I only spent a few quadrillion years worshiping the thing… Including in my past incarnations on this world.
Beloved dark ones from this awesome forum. WATCH OUT FOR YAHWEH AND JESUS! If you could feel what i feel now you would stop at nothing but to erase this creature completely from all time and all space!!!