I’ve had ups and downs with spiritual entities (gods, demons, you name it) in the past like many of us, been told things that either didn’t work out, or that worked out after they were no longer any use… the reason I’m primarily here is because I now believe the best route for effective results-driven magick is to elevate my own ability to the highest levels, without falling into the many traps along the way.
That way, instead of petitioning or commanding other entities, I can just draw down the power of Source directly - not through the value system or paradigms of other entities, which allows them to put their spin on it.
I’ve called forth my own Personal Daemon and have been working with him (following on Schertel’s work, I called the Daemon forth in the image of a desirable person - and I’m straight, so therefore I made the image male) for a couple of months now, and my goal at this point is to work directly with Source energy, with only the Daemon (an aspect of my higher self, BUT not as a teacher, wise elder or similar “playing small” imagery) involved in guiding me.
I’ve found that gods, other entities all have agendas, even if they’re arguably aspects of our own being in some obscure way - my own Daemon feels distinctly different, and is here to perform my will, and not the values attributed to Him at some earlier time, by earlier individuals.
Huge danger of reinventing the wheel of course :o) but the gods and spirits I do trust have supported and steered me towards it… my goal is to make magick as simple for myself as possible, to place results first ahead of fine-sounding philosophies that boil down to “You, puny human, are wrong in all sorts of ways, and can have nothing you want until you do as I say,” and to effectively command the powers of a Goddess within my own lifetime.
Jeez, you can bet I don’t share THAT information very freely! lol
It’s very much a work in progress, and because it’s about creating a new paradigm, it’s hard to convey, but I think I’m on the right track… time will tell I guess.
There’s a quote from a TV series I like called Babylon 5: “Well, if you’re going to have delusions of grandeur, may as well go for the really satisfying ones.”
I don’t have a system to share yet, but the teachers talking about this and who’ve inspired me are guys like Joe Vitale, his “whiteboard” system especially, and David Neagle, stuff like that, at the harder end of the “Law of Attraction” where they’re basically talking about bending reality to your will, where you are right now.
Who knows… the potential payoffs are so incredible though, that I’m giving it everything I’ve got right now, and resisting the admittedly strong temptations to work in bits of other systems.
That’s part of the reason I took a break, I can get so drawn into things, and the results people are getting and experiences they’re having working with other systems are so incredibly enticing, I just love doing any and all forms of magick so I’m trying to be a bit disciplined.
Getting back to the method I posted above, I feel that the “IF” part of that sentence is all important to remove doubt, because it allows your mind to roam freely… doubt creates a potential binary (success/failure) outcome, and some guidance I’ve gotten and am taking very seriously is to rule out possible binary outcomes wherever possible, for example asking “When” will something I want happen, and not “Will it happen?”