Out of curiosity, what do you recommend to remove the 3rd party in the relationships?
If you are in a relationship, and somebody else messes things… an ex of your partner, former lover or co-worker… You want to get rid of this person out of your partner’s life…
I know that one ritual would be made on your partner to make her/him losing the interest in the 3rd party.
And the second to remove interest of that lover/ex of your partner… I don’t mean curses - because I could do Andromalius ritual to make him afraid, or Glasya Labolas to make him punished… But if I don’t want to make any evil, just divide those two people, what should I do?
Are there any rituals, when YOU DON’T KNOW any personal information about that lover? Just a spell to be cast on your partner with NO INTENTION to hurt her, but to banish the parasite?
I am asking for the future. My last relationship has ended because of some motherfucker that I even don’t know him. I know that my ex fucked everything up. But not to repeat such a situation - either it would be her or another girl. Just to manipulate of somebody tempations, not to hurt me - and eventually - her, because of emotional, stupid decisions.
I am not interested in simple white magick, but in demonology. Which Demons would you recommend? Which method - Gordon Winterfield’s? It there is anything else, could you write the title of the source material or describe the ritual?
Thank you in advance!
A sour jar is commonly used for this… it “sours” the relationship between two or more people. If you want something more neutral to simply and naturally dissolve all the interest and attachment, I have my own poppet technique I use.
Both work regardless of whether it’s a romantic, friend or business relationship.
Since you have time for the parasites prep, I recommend our collection of tutorials (below) and also getting a good book… I like Josephine McCarthy’s Exorcist’s Handbook, to learn all about them, the different kinds, hat can happen and the best ways to deal with them.
It’s ideally, imo, less a blanket “spell” and more hands on, in person and in your face conflict.
Cleansings and Wards generally (Keeping "good spiritual hygiene) will clear you and keep your household and relationships free of Parasites: prevention is better than the cure here.
Well thank you! I have reading and studying for the whole day I will comment when I get into these tutorials
From Demons of Magick book:
Leraje: causes arguments between 2 individuals, so they will quarrel and fight.
Thank you, Alisa! you’re as always helpful
Leraje is one good one. Glasya-Labolas is even better. If you can’t speak to spirits you can use the petition method DarkestKnight posted on this forum.
Just make sure to tell Glasya-Labolas that you do not want any party injured, maimed or killed.
I believe that Leraje definitely caused some minor upset as part of my layered petition, and I followed up a couple of weeks later with GL. Pretty quickly afterwards there was a crushing blow to that relationship. The rage that coursed through me while I invoked GL was very strong and very dangerous, so be sure you can handle that before invoking.
But can I do a ritual when I do not know the lover of my partner? How would I write the statement to Leraje or GL?
“The lover of my girlfriend, who destroyed our relationship, has been banished forever”?
You could do the layered petition love spell here on this forum targeted at bringing your love back to you, and add petitions to Leraje and GL banishing and destroying any relationship between the unknown person and your love.
I have done it. I was only curious how to give stronger energy - in the case of somebody’s messing around my affairs.
I was always removing the 3rd party by using the break up spell from Magickal attack. It takes 33 days to achieve it but once they get hit by it the relationship is cursed. I did it on a couple and they resisted it and the woman insisted to get pregnant by the guy (the spell was put before she got pregnant). The couple separated forever and not even the baby brought them closer.
I have doomed a couple of couples.
As a preventative measure you could also work with the Djinn from PracticL Djinn magic and put the spell that makes the other person unpopular or the one that you project an illusion.
I personally found very useful the Angels of Omnipotence for destroying a connection. They give an instant hit and a break. You might need to repeat the spell. You can also do a spell to reinforce your connection to your partner and increase romance. It is not baneful magic but it is a different POV on how to remove a 3rd party.
Finally as a final step after you do your spell work pretend that the 3rd party never existed. This simple manifestation method is quite strong and can be added as an extra to your results. It is also good for fully releasing your intention
@ queenofpeace
I meant, I have done love ritual
How do a layered petition doing GoM rituals? It’s a method “one Demon= one intention”. So I think it would be all right
“Connection between ALexandra and her lover that ruined our relationship has been cut”
Glasya Labolas:
“The man who destroyed my relationship with Alexandra, has been forever banished from her life and her memory”.
The 33 day for destroying a relationship - I know but didn’t have a need to do it.
I know that her affair was very quick - she told me once that IN HER PAST this guy used to manipulated her, she was never in a relationship with him - only a few sex meetings. She also lied me she had finished a contact with him and that she used to come to him AFTER the break ups.
I want a revenge on this guy and make this girl more crazy about me than ever before
I will have to study ANgels of Omnipotence again I did a few rituals from the book but they didn’t work
Practical Jinn magic - I did at least 20 different rituals step by step - nothing worked.
Only Demons of Goetia works nice to me.
So basically she was in love with him and he wasnt settling down so she decided to move on by dating you. However, her heart still belonged to him…
She lied when she said that it didnt mean anything to her. If he would had told her lets be a couple she would had been right into his arms.
Do you know what would had been a funny revenge spell? Lol give him an STD. Friday night with the djinn and the king Abu Hassan Zobah a hahaha make his D get rotten loool This way he will change his mind and he will want to settle down. There is nothing more like hell than a player who is trying to be with just one woman.
Use angels of Omnipotence as well on her to decrease the romance and feelings she sees about him and also djinn magic for her to see through the illusion he played on her.
Leraje and GL are both demons associated with anger. So it is helpful to channel that into your petition/incantation. So, it might be helpful to add something to both such as, “I want them to be angry at each other and never speak again.” And make sure you put your angry energy into your words. Get angry as though you are them getting angry at each other. Put that emotion into your incantation as your read it from your petition.
@ queenofpeace
Thank you, it’s very helpful! I’ll start in a few days (I have lots of work this weekend) and share with you about my feelings
Very very important question - do you know any ritual, or do you know which Demon I can ask… To make somebody lose his job or career? For my ex, I don’t want to do it now - only if she continues ghosting me. But my friend has a bad woman in his job and he needs to remove her - and of course I don’t want to hurt her with a strong curse. I also would like to make my business competitor lost his career. Because he has done lost of ugly things to me in the past.
So basically she was in love with him and he wasnt settling down so she decided to move on by dating you. However, her heart still belonged to him…
She lied when she said that it didnt mean anything to her. If he would had told her lets be a couple she would had been right into his arms.
You’re a good psychologist yes, it’s exactly like that. But most painful things, that we were not together for a month but half a year - and almost each day was full of romantic emotions. SHe just started going away on ONE day - after (what I felt) she met with him in secret. And for THREE MONTHS I am some kind of ghost to her - she behaves like she forgot about everything. So that’s why I started Magick on her - I can’t leave her from my mind yet, but I don’t suffer so much like in the first two months. I just need control over the situation - and I desire a moment she begs me with crying, and I can decide then what to do. Then I need to destroy this guy. And if I am still angry - I’m gonna make her losing her beloved job. She changed into a fucking insta star after she changed a job.
that whole insta thing is toxic. It’s also not real. Your friend will realize that and come to her senses someday. But by then it may be a little late. I recommend gentle rituals to make her realize you always cared for her, are dependable, are there when it’s really needed (and be that person in real life too).
Is hard for me to explain but…via energy you are still connected. In some way unconciously she feels that you are angry, or hurt and resentful. We need to let that go and project calm. care.
It’s not an easy thing to do, we are human and not robots.
Does anyone have an idea how to deal with the ‘ghositing thing’? A ritual that makes a person wish to talk to you again?
It might be worth you looking into what’s called ‘attachment styles’ that affect how an individual copes with relationship issues because we all, in general fall back on our tried and tested ways that we learned throughout since childhood.
I’ve recently been reading a book that looks into the psychology of what happens in the body and mind that causes either the yes or the no in attitude, attractiveness, eagerness etc. in regards to how different people will operate and it comes down to how they/we have been taught through life and the mistakes we keep making.
I’m finding this to be useful information because when it comes to articulating our magick it’s not always a case of one trick suits all… how many times do we read “it didn’t work”? Well, could it be that we all have different coping mechanisms and personalities developed from past events?
We can accept that love and lust magick works but sometimes it gets no further than the confines of the targets mind, or even only our own mind precisely because of them/us being stuck with the way they, or we function or malfunction regardless of wants and needs.
Now, if we can decide on what the actual objectives are based on gaining knowledge of what will constitute a real and functional yes or no, we can then perhaps make better choices on what kind of intentions carry more weight as per that individual over there. Therefore we can make better choices on the magick used to provide our chosen outcomes.
Yes, I know. I sometimes feel the energy via telepathy. She started stalking my relations on insta with a fake account I was doing a wedding yesterday and I noticed it. Accidentially, I put a relations (insta-story) how I was doing crazy things with a girl-photographer, young and beautiful
I think that my ex could feel fear or grief and is trying to figure out if it’s not my girlfriend
It might be worth you looking into what’s called ‘attachment styles’ that affect how an individual copes with relationship issues because we all, in general fall back on our tried and tested ways that we learned throughout since childhood.
Yes, I understand it. I could probably behave the same - if I met a new girl, and that would reach me - I could do the same. But I won’t repeat this sick mechanism, so I think you all understand that I’m not looking for a new love - I need just to solve that situation - either it would be A or B, I NEED to solve it in some way.
PS. Still wainting for help with a Demon for losing somebody’s job thanks in advance!
It sounds to me that she is feeling lonely and she was up for some gossip. Careful with this girl because she showed you already that you arent her first choice.
If you still want ger back, before getting togethrr with her you need to reinvent yourself. If you remain the same and with push/pull you create attraction your connection will be weak. And if someone else comes along she will repeat the story.
I am totally aware of that. I think when the things (contact, relationship) came back on June or July - I wouldn’t be fully transformated. I Could become submissive to her or aggresive towards her. But now I can say I feel like a different person. I don’t miss her so much now, but still have everything in my head - and can’t even think about other girls. The next thigs is, as I said - the situation is unsolved. It wasn’t any goodbye word (I was the one who blocked her but she became so rude and shameless that there was no way out), and it’s almost impossible for a relationship that was full of passion and almost no arguments or toxic behaviours!
The next thing, is my personal goal. Now I am fully awared of what I do. I want her to beg me and chase me, and then - I want to play with her for a month, and maybe then give her a second chance. And I really want to find out any info about that lover… you know why He will become my training bag, I will try every possible curse on him and maybe start doing a voodoo dolls
BTW, you know any good source of information about voodoo rituals?
The last reason:
It’s some kind of magickal training to me. I have done a few really successful rituals in my life, but NEVER had any good results with love rituals. I have such strange karma, that I feel I don’t have control over my love life even with Magick… but I want to break it and learn something. It would be handful in the future (even while doing rituals for other people).
Would you be able to post removing the 3rd party by using the break up spell? I’m in need of removing a 3rd party.