So I finally decided to share my drawings here!!!
A while ago I asked Lucifer to help me with my ability to see entities and that i will be trying to draw what I see in dreams and visions. I still have a long way to go but here is what I got so far.
I remember I asked him in the dream why this face because I have seen it before in another dream!. He said “thats what you see”…
So then I asked him about someone that came to me before I came to this path and if that was also him I would draw it. The paper burned without burning the “Yes” so i got it as an answer.
Asmodeus came to me when I was working on Lilith actually. So I decided I should finish this before I forget since I got the time. And yes I forgot the face details so I did a basic one! He was showing me how earth works and yes we where in space! maybe that was an astral thing? Idk!
So this is as close to how Belial showed up to me this time! It was darker and everything around was dark as well so I added the brown to show more details!
It is so energetic and overwhelming! When he mixs with my energy I become an emotional mess… dealing with something in my daily life didnt make it better…
He tried that with me, but I don’t have any crushes, so he appeared as someone aesthetically interesting who’s music I like that I have a squish on. I’m like, that’s pretty but its not him… er, why? Not even the daemons get what an asexual is [sigh].
Anyway, nice verification, glad it’s not just me.
So this attempt was King Bael! I tell you he is weird or am weird? Idk! I’ll be writing this experience in my journal! He showed me cartoonish theater? Was fun! Musical and all! Yeah I swear Willy the pooh was there too! When it’s done I thought my cat came to my bed? I brushed my hand on to him like usual but something was wrong? The mouth was a frog? So I did this