Musings on the Akasha Subterfuge, Egyptian vampirism and necromancy

In a Damien Echols video I just linked for another topic, right at the end he describe Egypt as the birthplace of vampire lore, which he sees as exclusively spiritual beings for the obvious reason: they don’t have a body to give them energy.
(He gives a short version at the end of the video, which I’ll link below paused at the right time, and he says he recorded more that I’ll look for later. )

So… THAT rung a bell.

It’s my UPG that we know one of these. I’ve posted, regrettably vaguely I see now, that it was my UPG that the Akasha Subterfuge was a parasite, and that he was a dead human mage that had tried to become immortal.

In this post from October 2020:

and this one from April 2021 where I basically just hadn’t changed my mind:

I sadly did not mention more details, which I swear on alI I hold dear, included that he was an “Egyptian mage”. My vision of this ghost was that he knew he would fade, as all ghosts do and they eventually die the 2nd death. But, because he was a mage he had (well, has) the psychic skills to take energy from living humans, he used that to avoid the 2nd death and is still here over 3k years or whatever later.

I saw flashes of him through centuries, hovering around humanity. And his failed attempts to take their lives for his own.

This is known to happen to other ghosts naturally, if they figure it out, they can become parasitic with their hauntings, at least for a while. They can lose their understanding that they were human and devolve into lesser entities that are just parasitic, but I digress. Unlike those unfortunates, this guy is good at it, got to give him credit where it’s due.

So, his main MO, (and this is where my UPG gets a wee bit out there), is he specifically goes after other mages, not just any human. His ideal plan, is to possess the body, oust the rightful occupant, and take a living body. Now, that’s so difficult it might as well be impossible. I have to admire the sheer audacity for trying, but his failure is actually my one (UPG based) case study of exactly how hard that is for every time someone on BALG asks if the can swap themselves with another person. Since HE couldn’t do it and he is skilled and motivated, the answer might as well be “no that’s not a thing”.

Damien Echol’s video paused at the point of describing how the Egyptian created vampires:

What interesting about this, is the whole thing looks to me like a missed opportunity.

If I didn’t just add 2 and 2 to make five, we know an advanced Egyptian mage, who is motivated to talk to occultists, and yes, he’s a tricky, lying, parasitic ghost who will try to suck you dry or bodysnatch you, (I guess he not called the “Subterfuge” for nothing) but what has he seen and what does he know? He’s been hovering around humanity for 1000s of years. Unlike the Goetia who to me a are a bit high minded, he’s seen it all up close and personal, and can relate to us as humans.

And what is my favourite thing in all the world? Knowledge.
I was intrigued 4 years ago and dismissed my UPG as “probably overblown: needs verification”. I think I might just have got the verification I wanted from the most random place. :thinking:

I think I’ll make this a journal, and try to make a point of approaching the Akasha Subterfuge and seeing if I can work something out with him, knowing what I know now about how the Egyptians fed their ghosts on purpose.

For this I will rely heavily on the necromantic techniques of Sorceress Cagliastro, which I’ve used to great success before, and create for him a permanent portal. Which means inviting him as a house guest, basically. This is an involved operation and I’m looking for rewards that may be more UPG than not, and I’m a poor writer, but I will attempt to keep you guys updated.


Seems like a hefty task. Best of luck.

Found it. This is drawing on Hermetics and possibly originating as a noble and sacrificial practice in ancient Sumer, and I’m paraphrasing, vampires are created by magickians. It’s Egyptian use was a side effect resulting from the abandonment of a person who ha sacrificed this way, and had been prevented from dying the 2nd death in order for the living to keep them around for information or other tasks that required more than one lifetimes time.

This reminds me of the Sleepers and Guardians in the Land talked of by Josephine McCarthy, who are Native American mages staying in spirit with the land to help guide and protect. They somehow used techniques that avoided them having to be fed though.

Bonus ahah moment: The Egyptian Ka is the Qi body. (I got that that Ba was the astral body.) Ok that helps a lot.

Thanks! It’s going to take years, more like a part of my lifestyle. Assuming he will even talk to me given our last run in, there’s a lot of relationship bridge building to do. But if I’m right, I’ll have a lot to offer that makes it worth his while. We shall see. :slight_smile: It could fall flat and fizzle out.


The story he mentions including that of Mercy Brown about the US 1800s vampire panic was told by Ask a Mortician. Her take was it was basically a tuberculosis outbreak. :thinking: (Mercy’s story starts at 10:30)

Any updates? I’m extremely fascinated with this. Seems like a very heavy endeavor.

Took me a while but yes. This is the effigy I am using to offer the spirit a vessel on a shrine I am making for him.

This has been with me in my living room for two weeks while I talked to it, sending inviting energy and allowing it to become Akash in my mind.

Interestingly Akasha is a diminutive name derived from Akash meaning ether, space or sky in Hindi. Sanskrit ākāśa आकाश. I am dropping the “subterfuge” part, symbolically allowing clear communication to this being. I have come to call him Akash.

Tonight I made the first approach via the use of the crossroads. For me this is a liminal astral space, reminiscent of the dark, empty space sometimes seen by this having NDEs.
I use it as neutral ground, anyone can come into this space and it’s easier to reach many spirits in the Earth sphere here than evoke them into a oval room.

So, with the usual caveat that this is 100% UPG, this is the gist of the conversation, which I’m still in the middle of, but broke off to record before I forget it all. This is going to be out of order as well but hopefully I get it all.

First I invited Akash into the space asking if we could talk. I explained my new understandings and asked if these were sensible to him.
He says these techniques of making rulers into spirit guides was also applied to the preists that they could continue teaching, and his function was as one of these teachers, not a pharoh

[kind of got the wrong statue then, it’s a 2nd hand pharoh souvenir from Egypt I found in a thrift store, but he seems not to care… the crook but no flail is A Ok, representing an older image of a pharoh as a caretaker (shepherd) of the people, without the later addition of the flail representing punishment for lawbreaking.]

So open minded and soft heated me is now getting a completely different image than the one I got from the Necromantic sorcery book.

Re his name being Hindi, I’m getting that this channel was accurate, it is his name, and there was enough trade and sharing of ideas between the countries at the time for names to be known and sometimes used accross cultures. I’ll have to research that later. But he is Egyptian not Indian. Subterfuge is some weirdness added by his captors relating to thier energy.

“Captors” meaning, he considers the occult order mentioned in the book did not have him with them by his volition. He felt he was a prisoner. As they aged out and handed him over to Dante Abiel, he was able to get free.

It appears after all this time he has developed reliable ways to sustain his qi body and is in no danger of dying the 2nd death. And yes, part of that is vamirising mages and energy workers, not regular untrained humans.

Well, my plan was to offer energy in exchange for conversation and knowledge. But he doesn’t need that from me. I asked if there was something else I could offer to gain his teachings, and he surprised me… he said be a student. He has no students and this is his function. I guess, his passion as we would call it. It’s the entire point of his agreeing to become immortal.

I see now he’s been aware of my slow roll into the working and invested into the vessel himself without my asking or my help. I look at the statue and feel a face looking back at me.
I should pay more attention. He’s very patient and calm considering.

I asked him questions about the relationship between Atlantis and Egypt, but I already think the former gave rise to the magick of the matter so I don’t trust the affirmation isn’t just my mind. He is somewhat disparaging of the “magick of the Hebrews” however and considers it selfish and inferior, meaning Kabbalistic magick. That is fascinating and I want to understand what that’s about, as Kabbalistic magick is the foundation for western occultism and in my mind certainly powerful enough despite large amounts of it being lost and misunderstood.
And why does he know it if he’s an Egyptian priest?

That’s kind of funny then, considering he was tied to that order who were using western occultism in the form of solomonic magick to keep him bound. More questions.

How do I verify I have Akash and not a parasite? A clever parasite that has remembered not to flatter me, and feels like an actual human being. A man. Odd thoughts flash across my mind such as, a quick image of broad tanned shoulders and white cloth under a sun with blue sky. A feeling of time, but not that much time, this epoch meaning, in the last 12k years not older. He’s younger than that but older than 2k. Old enough to know things otherwise lost.

The challenge is to improve my sentience, to be able to hear new ideas I didn’t already hear somewhere. Or… he says, to remember them.

I had a past life I’ve barely investigated as a preistess of Amun. He says he knows, and she was well after his time. What I knew then had already started to degenerate as distance in time from the … there’s a word here I can’t hear, that means the diaspora of Atlanteans into the world after the cataclysm, it was a named thing… after that, organisation and coherence ebbed away to be replaced by superstition and copycating without understanding. But its something I can use all the same. (I’ve only been on this planet about 3 to 6k years so I was never actually in Atlantis to remember it like many others were. I’m kind of an outsider in that sense.)

So next steps? … I’ve been in a holding pattern with my magickal practice for a while, happily mooching along using the techniques I already know but now I need to get in gear and do more psychic development and pick up new stuff. While that’s going on, I am asking to be guided to existing publications on Egyptian magick that can help. He says we can read them together and I’m know what’s right, what’s close and he’ll inspire interpretations, and what’s unhelpful.

I’m reminded of the Ogdoad suddenly, I guess I’ll start there.


He knows about Kabbala because the Hebrews were at first invited guests of Egypt during famine through the 11th son of Jacob/Israel, Joseph, who was a high-ranking ruler in Egypt. (Joseph was a powerful mage and dream interpretor, btw.) Then over some generations, the Hebrews became slaves.

Or so the story goes in the canonized version.

The Quareia site has lots of links to ancient and classical Egyptian texts and PDF versions for free.

This is interesting to follow. I have wondered before if it was possible to create a symbiotic relationship with a parasite with rules of engagement and an agreed upon fair exchange, conditions, etc., rather than just kicking them out. Thank you for sharing this adventure!

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I mean, from a certain point of view this is what succubi/incubi relationships are, so there’s a large body of information on that kind of exchange. He’s not looking for me to feed him right now (and I put it that way around as giving him energy would be on my terms, when I initiate it, not his) but it’s possible we can investigate that.

I’m very curious about how maintains the quality of his sources, given my unpopular opinion that modern humans are generally unclean and rather gross energy wise. :smiley: Maybe he does have people making blood offering somewhere, who knows?


Just found this thread, and to say it’s fascinating to me would be an understatement. I look forward to hearing more about this work you’re taking on, as it is very interesting!

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I was encouraged to work with Akash this week, and I didn’t take the time, and only gave him a candle.

Today I felt a bit drained and took a nap to refresh in the afternoon. It seems that was him getting my attention and not letting me fade off, which I’m good at doing to be fair. That would normally annoy me because it’s a challenge to my control, but I made a promise and I appreciate him reaching out. It seems I have internally accepted a relationship here and he gets to behave in ways I would not allow an outsider to do.

We had an informal conversation about the fictional TV series Stargate SG1, I told him about the concepts of the Goa’uld and Jaffar, and received an unsurprised and calm “metaphor”, by which he was referring to the physical symbiotic mechanism in the story. I definitely want to come back to this later, if something represented by the Goa’uld actually exist or exited somehow and he knows about them. They do say, there’s nothing new under the sun.

So, we’re going to get some basics in, take a survey of the most popular surviving records. I will read these with him present to feedback and inform me in real time as I’m reading. He’s also interested in reading other books together for the information that is new to him, so that’s nice.

Copyright legal links:

He’s dismissive of the religious parts, it’s specifically the magick we are researching. There’s an overlap though, so I’m curious where magick became religion, and what can be recovered from the religious fluff.

In reviewing my current library, I have these that I consider basics:

  • The Egyptian Book of the Dead: the Book of Going Forth by Day aka Papyrus of Ani. I used to have a physical book but it was water damaged so mine is kindle right now.
  • [The Pyramid Texts(The Pyramid Texts Index) Paraphrasing the preface: “Funary inscriptions from the pyramids at Sakkara, essentially the oldest sacred texts known”
  • Egyptian Magic (E.A. Wallis Budge 1901)

And these look like I want to get my teeth into them:

  • Techniques of Graeco Egyptian Magick (Stephen Skinner) (On hand)
  • Another physical copy of the Egyptian book of the Dead only with pictures…
    One Amazon reviewer said “use your heart and your imagination when you read this book. It will not make sense to you if you read it with your rational brain. Trust me I tried. When I approached with wonder, it rewired my brain. It’s all deeply symbolic and metaphorical, so you will start thinking in symbols and metaphors.” which sounds about right for what I’m doing here.

I’m very curious about energy working from the Egyptian magickal perspective. If I figure this out that alone will make me happy with this endeavor.

I want to know the relationship, if there is one, between mages of Khem or Xem (Egypt) and their use of snake symbolism, snakes as wands (obviously symbolic) and the snake as the Goddess of magick Heka (precursor to the Greek Hecate) an energy working, kundalini and those snakey hats we see on Sumerian and other Mesopotamian reliefs. Am I going to find that raising kundalini is the basic hallmark, the “whitebelt” level achievement of the Khem mage or something else?


Tiny update, I listened to this audiobook version of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It’s five and a half house, which is so efficient, and I was able to keep my body occupied meanwhile doing the gardening and house chores which doesn’t require the language centers.

The narrator has a great voice that is soothing so you can maintain your calm and listen to the whole thing without lulling you to sleep. He has many other occult books, all legal and out of copyright, some out of print or never narrated before. I’m duly impressed and will probably join his bandcamp specially for this project.

I thank Akash for guiding me to find his channel.

I have enough of a connection to Akash now that we can talk at any time in the day, in any place, as long as I direct my attention to him and ask the questions. The answers come faintly but as clear clairsentience.

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About the Egyptian Book of the Dead, aka The Papyrus of Ani.

So, this whole book is about how to perform multiple rituals, after death and as a ghost in the astral, to regain control of your astral or light body, maintain conscious awareness, and not die the 2nd death. Further, the ghost performs more rituals to allow them to manifest physically on Earth, including eating, having sex and enjoying other aspects otherwise only available to physical beings.

You will stay a ghost, effectively. But by choice and not trapped into a loop, or trapped into an astral copy of your living circumstances, or in one area.

This is a huge task broken up into chapters, where each chapter is a separate working to achieve the goal in stages.

There is a lot of discussing all you have done and can do as a physical being, including things to do and not so that the average westerner today would not have done. Such as shooting prey with arrows. I don’t know yet if these can be adapted but I am curious and will ask.

I am listening again, and will now take some notes here from a magickal perspective.

For the most part, what I see is a a lot of the combination of invoking principle energies, and making declarations/affirmations that the situation IS as you describe. You ARE alive, and whole and everything is working, your enemies ARE repulsed by your intention through thee invoked energies, which are personified as the gods, but in many ways you ARE The gods. You are Osiris mostly and more as you go through picking up energy and aspects as you need it.

There are also many reference to you calling through the energy of offerings made to you for the energy boost. Offerings are cakes, ale and animals. All that takes is knowing they exist.

Then there’s a “cheat” at the end where you have to know the names of the parts of a gateway, which the test gives you like writing the answers on your arm for an exam :joy:

I’m sure there’s much more to this, there’s preparation and requirements for how to live and I would suspect workings so that you can even be aware about to do this once you have died the 1st death. This is only the after death part.

This is hard work, it’s repetitively building up a massive amount of energy and gathering it to you and directing it to change your astral body and access energy and areas. I could be wrong, but I think if you don’t build your astral form practicing in life, it may not be strong enough to do this work at all. In that case you die the 2nd death, lose your humanity and will reincarnate, or maybe go do something off Earth.

We know that we feel fatigued when we run a lot of energy, and there are parallels here in the Qigong development of the celestial embryo to create a light body that confers immortality.

We’re already immortal spirits: so, THIS kind of immortality is for people that really liked being human, or had another reason to stay human, and want to specifically stay on Earth, as a human, keeping the personality of the current incarnation. It’s an ego immortality.

There’s nothing about WHY this should work or why some things are done. There are also “rubricks” that are instructions for when these are performed, some in life or by the family as tomb preparations. The writings on/in the tombs are part of these rubricks, the magick works because they are there, which is why they’re there, it’s not decor it’s part of the working. That impacts those who might want to perform this on death today, when we don’t have big tombs or offerings.


I’m now preparing a fresh grimoire just for this project. As is my way, it’s a composition notebook, commonly used in the States for students, which feels appropriate in all my work anyway: I’m a perpetual student :smiley:

They’re also always available so all my grimoires are the same size and fit together nicely on a shelf. I will purchase gift wrapping paper that fits the theme to cover it.

Of course I have to get that paper from the store Papyrus: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :joy: (Maybe, maybe not: I’m just having fun now, but I do believe in applying energy into these things to make them ‘special’ in my mind and heart, it makes it easier to generate the right energy as and when I need it.)

This grimoire will be enchanted to the working, treating it as the focus or vessel for the project as an entity in it’s own right. This will help me and turns us into a trinity for manifestation: Me, Akash and the Work.

… This is a new concept to Akash and he thinks it’s unnecessary. I’m cautioned (by myself not him) not to “pollute” the working with JCI concepts. However, the trinity is from sacred geometry and while used in Abrahamic magick, isn’t proprietary to that.

Two come together and between them they make a third: this is how life is created:

I did not create this alone, then, I am merely acknowledging and respecting it’s existence.


Interesting and both ET and vampire related thing I noticed while listening to the Pyramid Texts… these are 12 hours in narration, and for a Pharaoh names “Unis” aka Unas, who is referred to in he 3rd person throughout. According to the info from the wikipedia page, Unis is THE dude who started the whole carvings in tombs trend.

At about 1 and a half hours in, we get this juicy snippet: this whole thing seems to be saying,

  1. Unis, (i.e., the deceased of the operation), accepts being god, a living god, the god of gods, and the top of the hierarchy, there is no one above him, which agreed with Azazel “The Infernal hierarchy is thus: the operator, then everything else in existence
  2. The gods “father” is Orion, which I read as originating species. Orion is a star constellation and links in with New Age notions that the original Pharaoh were not human but an ET slaver race… from Orion (the Egyptians considered having slaves normal). Maybe his is why? Not sure which is the chicken or the egg.
  3. Unis doesn’t just survive but grows very magickally strong as a mage, by predatory feeding on not just blood offerings, not just, slit the throat so the animal (or people) die offerings, but gory dismemberment and hacking up of these vessels so their “magick is in his belly”. This is reminiscent of the Aztec sacrificing of enemies in brutal ways to absorb their power.

This last is achieved by the consumption of the “ba, not just qi.

The ba is the bird form representation of the soul after death. Also translated as “personality”, it’s everything that makes a person the person in an incarnation, I might call it the ego. This is vampirism steroids compared to the feeding on qi or just blood we focus on today.

Meanwhile, the Papyrus of Ani and this contain a shedload of references to protection from violence and violent people, enemies, and torture. I’m getting a whole new impression of the society in Khem as really brutish and dangerous to live in. Violence is strongly present at the top of these people’s thoughts at all times. :thinking:

I’m conversely starting to get an impression of us Westerners and scholars being rather soft and civilized in comparison, that have a tendency to gloss over and shy away from examining all this in it’s visceral reality. We tend to assume others were as w are, not naturally vicious, and Pidgeon holing it as mere religion and superstition, maybe poetic and romantic, maybe being more scientific and sterile, but nothing in my studies prepared me for what’s actually here in the original texts.

The movie horror genre may have missed a source of inspiration here, something simultaneously existential and slasher/gore. Imagine being one of the slaves standing in line like the queue in dune with the grain and the ale and the animals waiting to have your body and soul ripped apart to be fed to this bloated hungry ghost.


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part the first: Intro

This is the gist of the ideas and my thoughts (in italics) on them. I listened to this narration. I listened once alone and then again with Akash invoked to get his thoughts and see where they differed from my own.

Assumptions: Transmigration of souls, Atlantis, Earth’s cataclysmic cycles exist as part of shared physical and spiritual reality on Earth. Plato said Atlantis sank in a night and a day, into the ocean around 9,600 B.C., the exact same timeframe of the last magnetic reversal.

First of all, Personal Gnosis disclaimer:
This is a channeled text from 1938, by M. Doreal. So it’s his UPG that he astrally travelled to as far back as 36,000 BC to read these. The tablets were still in hand in during written Egyptian history (no there’s no evidence of them to back this up), In 1300BC groups of priests took copies and when the world over as missionaries, beating up the native colonies including Atlantean ones to conquer them and teach this “superior” magick instead… and therefore, Mayans! But this would be long after Akash’s time.

Throughout there is much and fairly egregious fluffing where the author tells you how important this info is, and how important Thoth was, how you should read it 100 times to see it’s “beauty” if you’re a “serious student”. But it’s actually its quite vague and had waving, so if there’s real data in here you have to combine it with inspiration yourself to get anything useful out of it.

This is confirmed by Doreal, the “Supreme Voice of the Brotherhood” :joy: in the preface with the universal cop out:
"The true [true!] student will read between the line and gain wisdom. If the light is in you, the light which is engraved in these tablets will respond."
Meaning: “It’s your fault if you don’t get it, not because, yannow, maybe, there’s nothing to get.” … I get the “the student is ready” thing, but really this could be garbage and you can meditate and get something but all the credit is actually yours alone, how would you know? :thinking:
Well, I intend to examine here, chapter by chapter, if there’s something there and if so how we’d describe that today and what to work on to understand more. Akash isn’t pleased as it’s a sidetrack.

The self aggrandizing gets right up my nose but is, I suspect, (if these are in any way real,) an artifact of the pomposity of the channeler as a pet of his occult orders. I’m going to have to work at not getting sidetracked into ridiculing the phrasing, but it doesn’t help me to take it seriously.

It apparently borrows heavily from the works of Lovecraft, which I enjoy as fiction but only fiction myself. We also know it’s very difficult to view or hear language and ideas that you have not been exposed to consciously, which is why Remote Viewers spend a lot of time researching and swallowing encyclopedias, so there’s a strong chance much of this does come from life influences, and we’re talking about that period when the Golden Dawn and Theosophy, which were all things Egyptian obsessed at some points, were still influential. Doreal was part of the Great White Lodge and the Pyramid Priesthood. More info in the preface.

I assume this UPG was verified by Doreal’s fellow mages in these orders. However, these orders were Kabbalistic in nature, not Egyptian, and there exists a projection of their ideas onto this different culture, probably because they developed later and borrowed from it, but caution is needed to avoid this inherent cultural narcissism in the channeler ("I’m the best so anything cool is really just a reflection of me"), it’s parasitic and with anything parasitic it’s contagious, and important to keep clear.

  • Thoth is an immortal ego consciousness, who ruled all of Atlantis. Sometimes incarnating as human sometimes not, but retaining his personality and memories, such as his last human incarnation as Hermes Trismegistus (thrice born), now also deified.
  • It’s his fault Atlantis was destroyed, as he called the cataclysm for… reasons.
  • The destruction of Atlantis is why he founded Khem (Egypt) as one of the colonies of Atlantis created by survivors. He ruled Khem from 50,000 to 36,000 BC.
  • He created the Great Pyramid (not Cheops) when he left (died) in 36,000 BC.
  • The tablets are made of green glass, (“a substance created through alchemical transmutation, impervious to elements and substances”) not actually emerald. I assume “elements” means weather, and I would expect that they’d melt.

So, there’s a date mismatch right out of the gate; if Atlantis didn’t sink until 9,600 BC: Plato and Doreal cannot both be right given the reason for his founding Khem was the sinking of Atlantis.

I do not believe Thoth can take credit for something that is a regular part of Earth’s multiple cataclysmic cycles, but they didn’t know about these at time of writing. It’s a red flag imo, a warning to take the rest with the usual careful discernment when the conscious mind is interpreting subconscious data.

I could accept that the Atlanteans could have protected themselves better and perhaps he interfered, as we are being interfered with today, for the same reasons: the current culture being judged unworthy by a few who assume they have the right to make such a decision. Akash just says “No” to this placement of blame, without elaborating

The concept of Atlantean survivors correlates to Freddy Silva’s research into the Shining Ones founding multiple civilisations with commonalities in beliefs at that 10 to 14k years ago timeframe, including not the Mayans (way too early), but possibly the Aztecs… but we don’t have documentation dating back further than 3500 BC, so we have to analyse what what was mythologized via aural traditions.

Side note re: Earth catastrophes… there are ones that match both dates, it probably was a pole flip aka magnetic excursion, but at 50,000 it was closer to the one 4 pole flips ago, called the Laschamp Excursion, not the last one, which was the Gothenburg Excursion. Either way an explanation with geological evidence exists. I still think the date is too old and the Bimeny road and buildings in the Atlantic are Atlantean (ref Dark Journalist’s data), so I’m still with Plato myself.

Table of magnetic excursions with their effects on the Earth:

(If you didn’t know that this planet is unstable and periodically wipes out all civilizations and a large chunk of life with them in such a violent way that little physical evidence that they existed remains, well, now you do. There’s the true face of “Mother Gaia” for you. This planet sucks a bag of dicks, I’m never coming here again and I’m taking my ball with me!)

But this preamble is just context for the Tablets and isn’t really what I’m looking for, so, to be continued…

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The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the second: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 1.

Green Glass Tablet 1: The History of Thoth the Atlantean

Not super clear how the guy’s biography is supposed to help me ascend but, ok. He wrote it, why not explain who you were. But the channeler wants me to read it 100 times. Right.

It reminds me of some wisdom I was give in a job shadowing for an Aerospace company I did when I was a teen:

Toot your own horn; nobody else is going to.

However, I think “actions speak louder than words” is wiser, and you can talk your face off but your actions will stand on their own merits; the truth will always come out.

  • Born in Keor city on Umdal island.
  • Atlantean lifespans are “aeon to aeon”, longer than 120 years.
  • He reincarnated/rejuvenated (“descended the dark way that led into light”) 1000 times using the tech in the Halls of Amenti. [This, I think, means, they still lived a normal human lifetime, but by controlling the reincarnation process, or perhaps healing via technology, maintained the same personality, lifestyle and relationships.]
  • He intends to incarnate again (which he did as Hermes).
  • Threatens and simultaneously insults the audience (“men of Khem”) with being “cast down into caves from whence ye came” if you betray his trust. What does “betrayal” mean here? What was he trusting them to do? Doesn’t say.
  • His father was Thotme, keeper of the great temple. [But he reincarnated 1000 times so…only one?]
  • When the civilisation was young the “Children of Light” dwelt in a temple, which made the humans strong and wise [links to the ancient aliens theory, but were they wise or just under control?] Later he calls them Master.
  • The Children of Light were not incarnate into a physical form
  • Thotme was the liaison between the Children of Light in the temple and society.
  • Thotme was the: “Mouthpiece, after the three, of the Dweller of Unal, speaking to the kings with the voice that must be obeyed.” :eyes: [well, no idea but that sounds quite ominous.]

There is pure, visceral darkness here. It claims to be of the light but it’s that false light we are all familiar with. The controlling, fuck your free will, it’s for your own good, kind of dark that fakes being the light. Not a fan! The more I read the less I like it, but let’s keep going.

  • At time of writing the tablets in 36,000 BC these Children of Light have long gone and humanity has diminished as a result [says he]
  • Children, including Thoth, were taught the mysteries, and candidates for further teaching were brought to meet one of the aliens [“Dweller”, but I’m calling it as I see it at this point] in the temple.
    This killed some of them. :exploding_head:
  • Thoth was successful in being chosen and lived in the temple learning for “long ages” including the path to Amenti. [Not the Halls of] The purpose was to do the aliens bidding [not to make men wise, then, to make Thoth a good minion. He didn’t see it that way, but I am Belial so I do.].
  • He “approached” the “light emitted by the great fire”, [I think this means full reunification into the all, permanent Samadhi and loss of identity] but didn’t quite make it.
  • Calls the aliens the “Lords of Life and the Lords of Death” as they “gift” him the “key of Life”, making him immortal without requiring reincarnation via Amenti tech. He is now an energy being, manifesting in the physical or travelling the cosmos at will.
  • He says he watched Atlanteans become darker and more degenerate and blames this on lesser “stars” [echoes of Crowley who said humans are incarnate stars] incarnating as human.

Or maaaaybeeee the higher beings got sick of being limited under alien control and stopped incarnating here :thinking: Maybe they started to tae control back for themselves. Either way, given the level of dictatorship by the “Master” here, it seems these dwellers, as “the management”, were ultimately responsible for this situation, but blamed humans for it… Just like any dictatorship ever.

So, now we get to the magnetic excursion and this is blamed on this Dweller for being pissed of at humans being so degenerate. No mention of what this “lesser star” degeneracy manifested like, why it was bad, or attempting to help them be wiser. But that’s probably because the excursion has nothing to do with the aliens and there’s nothing they could do about it.

  • Eventually the alien “Dweller” started paying attention to the degeneracy of the humans
  • This pissed him off and this is the point where he called the great flood drowning and sinking the world [not just Atlantis, but the Temple is now suddenly on a mountain so that’s ok, deus ex machina!] by “speaking the word” and the “sons of Amenti” heard him and did the actual work of fucking up the planet. [yeees, I can definiely smell shite!]
  • Now the few humans left got in the “Master’s” ship that he suddenly has handy and went to implement a “plan” somehow never mentioned before, to go to the “land of the hairy barbarians”

Wtf!?. :woman_facepalming::joy: Comedy gold. This cliche is exactly what 1900s toffee nosed aristocrats of the type that never had a job and could spend all day farting about with “magick orders” thought of indigenous peoples (and pretty much everyone who wasn’t them), so, I don’t think this was what the tablets said, quite, (if they’re real, not sure yet) not written by a self described enlighted one.

Also, this author could really have done with watching some Critical Drinker for storytelling tips, this is terrible. We’re really supposed the think the author was well over 16,000 years old? Fer cereals!?


  • They took off in the ship just in time to see the temple sink below them. [cue dramatic music. Confirmation it’s a spaceship or at least antigrav, because it belongs to the “Master”, because aliens.]
  • They flew East “towards the sun of the morning”. [dude, the “vibration” of the text means East. just say East]

Now, we just had a magnetic excursion, when the pole flips, if this was right after the Laschamp Excursion the East is the same geographic direction as today, so they flew towards North America. If it was the Gothenburg excursion, East was actually our North towards Europe.

Someone who had lived long enough to see multiple excursions you’d think would know exactly what was happening, mention that, and go by geography not magnetic compass directions they they know change? You’d think.

I’m only halfway through! Let’s try to condense what they thought of the “barbarians” more than this, I think we get the point.

  • So they landed in Khem and were attacked by the locals.
  • He used laser tech in his “staff” to paralyze them and talk to them [phasers set on stun!], told them [a big fat lie] about being “of the Children of the Sun”, and scared them into submission. [How he knew the language? Don’t know.]

What an asshole.

  • The “Master” is asleep in Amenti at this point but they’re still religiously obeying his commands, including sending out missionaries.
  • Credits the entire development of ancient Egypt and it’s later dynasties to himself.
  • Thoth “blasted” a path to Amenti, and fucks off there to sleep too.

So this Amenti now sounds like a physical underground location, and he still had tech, but was concerned about losing his “powers” and hence needed access to his stash. So much for being enlightened, this is not a man with natural self sustaining Siddhi’s, this is a dude surviving on alien tech. … but we’re supposed to read this book and become like him… without the tech, or a handy alien mentor to give you “gifts”. :thinking:

Akash has turned his face away. He’s not even listening to this drivel any more.

  • So there’s an elaborate set up with crystals he used to open a door to Amenti, but, if you lie in his sarcophagus he’ll talk to you and reveal his mysteries.
  • Final admonishment to follow his commands [I suppose those come later] and be one with the “Master” as that’s as being one with the All.

So, to recap, religious cult worship of unnamed aliens who he doesn’t even know what species they are or what their motivations were. Seem to be Earthbound ETs since they didn’t just leave when the pole lipped and basically died as far as I can tell. A childlike inability to tell the story coherently or keep it relevant. Lots of self aggrandizing and Master fluffing, and a complete disregard for anyone’s needs but his Master’s.

This is the voice of a brainwashed head slave who’s just thrilled to be the high poohbar of all the other slaves and goes enslaving more people for his masters.

But at this point, I’m convinced this is fiction, based on the mistakes, omissions and lack of skill for someone supposedly millennia old, the “wisdom” part is just not there.

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It’s worth mentioning here that Catholic exorcists freely admit that especially evil human souls basically obtain a demonic rank and do in fact possess people. Judas Iscariot being a prime example as well as others.

My point is that even the Christians admit the possibility, and men of great integrity admit it to be the reality. So I think it’s quite possible!

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Ok, with that out of the way, and keeping an open mind, there’s still the possibility, if faint, that this book is something like a vehicle for this “Pyramid Priesthood” to disseminate their spiritual philosophy. I’m going to carry on with that perspective, Akash has turned his face back to me, I have a nice dry Merlot in hand, let’s go.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the third: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 2.

Green Glass Tablet 2: The Halls of Amenti

From the preface (basically Doreal’s opinions and more UPG):

References are scattered throughout so I will wikify this and come back and update it as I find them, so they’re all in one place.

  • The Halls of Amenti contains instruments and records from Atlantis.
  • The ETTA are ten records from this stash.
  • The Great Pyramid of Giza was later built to hide it’s doors… with human guards/priests.
  • Reincarnation while retaining the ego was performed using the Halls of Amenti, presumably meaning by using the instruments kept there.
  • The Great Pyramid was used by these Guard//Priests as a temple.
  • There’s some name dropping of celebs who got initiated there, which doesn’t match records but ok.

So the doors must be accessible. There’s no guards per se now but tourists are not allowed in some places.

At this point, I do have to ask, if Doreal could astral travel to read these tablets, and he visited the Halls of Amenti to do it (which I’m not clear on if that’s what he did yet, have to read more) why didn’t he read other things (I would, I’d have my sticky fingers over the whole library and probably try out the tech), and why not just skip the middle man and astral travel straight to actual Atlantis?

Right, into the chapter, this starts out from the perspective of these Children of Light.

  • 32 Children of Light “looked down on the world”, noticed humans are solidly stuck in their bodies, then manifested physical forms that looked human in order to interact with us. [Echoes of watchers]
  • These aliens blasted multiple huge caverns under the Earths crust and lit them with alien tech, where they actually lived and built permanent homes. [echoes of hollow earth theories and underground ET races here]
  • The Halls of Amenti are part of this complex. So are the “Halls of Death” and “Halls of Life”. So, different caverns for different purposes.
  • There is a claim to seek to “free” humans from the bondage of being so stuck in incarnations

Ok so that failed so miserably I question if this was actually a real goal or just what they told Thoth. Aliens with tech and abilities this advanced and over how many millennia and they failed so badly it’s like they never tried? But they just happened to enslave the Atlanteans and accidentally kill their kids with their powerful appearance along the way… I don’t buy it.

  • In the “Hall of Life” is tech that supplied radiation, with 32 seats around it. Sitting in the seat lets you bathe in that radiation, which heals the body. It’s used repeatedly as needed.

Echoes of alien supplied “med beds” talked of in fringe communities today, and Goa’uld sarcophagi from Stargate SG1. Interesting tat there were 32 aliens, and 32 seats, intended for millennia of use. This says either, they never expected to have kids or lose any of their number, or the writer was, as a human only thinking short term and couldn’t imagine what it’s like to live that long nd have to plan that far ahead.

So this may be answered:

  • From here, this is where the aliens physical bodies stay, and then they also go and incarnate as human “free flows their soul through the bodies of men”.

This is a new idea to me: that one could have multiple incarnations at once, you can only animate one body at once, so you find a safe place for the one you’re not using. Does that mean if you die as a human you wake up in your other body? :thinking:

  • However, this is thought of as dwelling in darkness. The next stage is to to develop to be “free” from the Halls of Amenti and free of his radiation device called “the flower of life”, and “dwell with the Masters”.

Right, so, if they are ultimately bound into their physical bodies the same way we are, what was that guff about looking down on humans for it? How did they expect to teach us something they didn’t know and didn’t have? And why want to be human when you’ve got a body already? What’s wrong with your other one? Bored of the pussy and wanted something new!?

Well now we get a hierarchy of gods, basically that these aliens are supposed to believe in (although all info today from the UFO community says aliens don’t have religions, and all is tech or the All to them, no gods plural)

  • There are 7 more seats (not mentioned before) for the “Lords from the spacetime above us”. These are silent and all knowing and they ask their advice all the time. So, basically their gods, and not the same species.
  • These 7 are one with both humans and aliens
  • One of these is actually nine more and called the Veiled Presence or Lord of Lords. [this is about as clear as mud] I assume this Lord of Lords is the Master referred to earlier.
  • The Lord of Lords represents himself and eight under him, outside of time and space, but they are not named.

Note: Ancient Egypt had a lot of “enneads”, groups of nine gods for different purposes at different times. They also had groups of 7 but less often. The author would have known this, having a hard on for all things Egyptian.

  • The Dweller, who it’s now clear must be one of the aliens and not one of the Lords, takes Thoth to meet the Lords, which he does via invocation, who gift him immortality.
  • Thoth is now labeled a Child of the Light
  • This is one step in the “mountain of light” [there are more developments to make for a spirit ascending, there’s a lot of them and each one is hard if this is a “mountain”]
  • But it’s not a mountain because it’s infinite an the more you do the more you make possible
  • He can now always retain his personality and choose his incarnations at will

I read this as, you are literally creating the universe as you go after a point, it’s not exactly planned in advance. You are god so you’re the planner, you figure it out. This is also a new idea for me.

Two new, really good ideas in one shitty book, well alright then! That’s not so bad. I don’t get new ideas much these days, it’s refreshing.

  • Next there’s a vision of meeting the personification of death in the Halls of the Dead, and the “Master” (which one? don’t know) who is escorting Thoth as if he was a regular human, instructs this Lord of Death, also called the “guide of the way from Life to Life” to never call Thoth.
  • He’s now free of the halls of Amenti, [but, he was never one of the 32 in the first place so that’s weird. Doreal needed a continuity check].
  • Next he returns to his human body and goes about teaching and conquering barbarians. Yay.


  1. You know, there’s a parallel here between the mummification rituals and these seats the 32 had. The idea that you have a body that is preserved, while you explore elsewhere.

  2. Akash does not incarnate because he would be subject to the memory wipe. How did these aliens avoid that? What is immortality if it’s not just having enough control to not having your memory wiped and remember who you are?

  3. Akash is not aware of any deep underground caverns, of the 32 dwellers, of Thoth as an incarnate, or these gods.

  4. Akash IS aware of the extensive use of the rooms in the pyramid for spiritual development, meditation and energy work. It’s this he wants to talk about. {And I’m wasting time, but we don’t knw what’s in the rest of this)

No useful data for a mage today apart from “you can go talk to Death and tell him not to take you”. Hmn.


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the third: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 3.

UPG Green Glass Tablet 3: The Key of Wisdom

Seems to be general advice on living.

  • Share your knowledge (but not with fools), listen to others (but not to fools), stand up for the truth and follow your heart. [That’s half this chapter, it’s a long winded and simplistic “be a good person”.]
  • To become immortal, the first step is to understand the difference between material and immaterial, spirit energy (“fire”), from the physical {“earth”).
  • Spirit ascends to spirit, so know the spirit within yourself and you can ascend to immortality dwelling in eternity.

Oh, now it starts to get interesting

  • The inner fire (spirit, of a human) is the most potent of all forces, because it overcomes everything and can affect everything on Earth.
  • "Man supports himself (the physical incarnation) only on that which resists, so the Earth must resist man or else he wouldn’t exist.

Right on. It’s also said in qigong, by resisting something you make it more real, give it more strength through the energy you provide in giving validation that it exists and how enough power over you to be worth fighting, which is magick making it exist though your belief in it. You don’t have to fight something that isn’t real. This is that concept turned around: by providing resistance the Earth validates and strengthens to existence of all life that lives on it. Not just humans.

Not practically that useful that I can think of yet. But new ideas are new ideas, I’ll take it.

  • Consciousness itself is an infinite force, forever shining like a star, but it can be buried “in the darkness of night”, which is his term for temporary death, when you are stressed (by strife).

I’m wondering if this is saying, it’s the act of being stressed and having tension in your system, which probably also means energy blocks, that is the actual cause of being unable to ascend, unable to shine, and remember who we are life to life.
This does rather beg the question, what’s the point of building the lightbody or cosmic embryo in qigong then? Somebody thought that was necessary, and Thoth took many lifetimes to learn his himself, so it seems this can’t be the whole story. Although it might be one way to look at it.

The Keys of Wisdom are the entities “THREE” through “NINE” mentioned in the previous chapter as being under the “Master” an are the “Masters of Men”.
They sound more like forces of nature. He suggests to meditate on each of these concepts as keys to wisdom. (Don’t know what happened to 2)

  • THREE Lord of death. He binds spirits into human forms.
  • FOUR Lord of Life Is dissolution, he unbinds and looses power. so, also death as he frees spirits from their bodies, unless you consider being human a kind of descent into death and numbed darkness, which he does. Then death is the freeing force.
  • FIVE Lord of all Magick The use of intention to direct energy. [Probably later became Heka and from there Hecate as understanding of the powers/keys turned into worship and superstition]
  • SIX Lord of Light. Assist with pathways spirits can travel [talk to this guy for astral travel, probably]
  • SEVEN Lord of the Vastness, space and time. [Oh we know him: the Keeper of Time, he’s chatty and very accessible.]
  • EIGHT Lord of Progress, judgement. [here’s your status check: a useful power, implies goal management and development of discernment, this guy will help you not waste your time]
  • NINE Lord the Father, basically the power of manifestation out of the formless Tao.

The suggestion seems to be, to INVOKE these forms using sacred geometry (“place in thy body a thoughtform picture” while thinking of these numbers). and setting your intent to communicate with these forces. Spend a lot of time doing this. No special order is set.

This matches later information we see in the Pyramid Texts and Book of the Dead where the gods are invoked as powers and the mage becomes the god, taking n t’s aspects assumption of Godforms as again, taught by Crowley.

That’s fine, I’m not seeing anything new or genuinely original that the author wouldn’t have known at the time, but it’s one more way to know yourself and get a handle on investigating the mysteries for yourself. I do like the idea that the purpose of strife on the planet is to anchor manifestation, ifoly because it’s nice to have a reason for it.


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the third: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 4.

Green Glass Tablet 4: The Space Born

This chapter is about astral travelling. If there’s one important takeaway from this chapter, imo, it’s that the ability to retain your conscious mind, whether lucid dreaming, astral travel or remove viewing, this is a a huge part of becoming immortal in the ego sense.

We know how, when dreaming, shit happens to use and we don’t choose how we react, we are not so judgmental, and I think that’s what happens to most ghosts before they die the 2nd death: shit happens and they can’t think straight, judge or control their reactions. We have to be able to be take control and not dream our way willy nilly into the 2nd death.

  • Thoth really, really wanted to astral travel to the stars as a child
  • He tried for years and eventually succeeded in getting Out of Body (OOB). He called this “being free from the bondage of earth man” or “bondage of night”.
  • He briefly describes some of the planets he visited, including one where the inhabitants has manifestation siddhis and not only manifested cities out of ether but also the whole planet to suit. [Fun times]
  • Practically begs the reader to try astral traveling to the stars, not least because it makes it super clear you are a higher being, also it’s very interesting (wisdom!)
  • [Plus some random notes on his opinions of order in the cosmos: this guy rambles a lot]

Now we get some tips on how to astral travel

  • Fast until you lose your “desire for food” which I read as appetite [takes about 3 days]
  • Sit comfortably in silence until you no longer feel distracted by wanting sound
  • Lie down in full darkness and close your eyes
  • “Centre your soul force in the place of your consciousness, shaking it free”. [I take this to mean keep trying to leave your body, probably though the third eye, (or by any other method that works) until you get out. Michael Raduga, eat your heart out* :crazy_face:]
  • Visualise where you want to go and see it as clearly in your minds eye as you can
  • Use shaking (not physical, mental, keep your body relaxed) to willfully leave your body
  • Prayer to the Lord of Light for assistance: