Musings on the Akasha Subterfuge, Egyptian vampirism and necromancy

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the third: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 4.

Green Glass Tablet 4: The Space Born

This chapter is about astral travelling. If there’s one important takeaway from this chapter, imo, it’s that the ability to retain your conscious mind, whether lucid dreaming, astral travel or remove viewing, this is a a huge part of becoming immortal in the ego sense.

We know how, when dreaming, shit happens to use and we don’t choose how we react, we are not so judgmental, and I think that’s what happens to most ghosts before they die the 2nd death: shit happens and they can’t think straight, judge or control their reactions. We have to be able to be take control and not dream our way willy nilly into the 2nd death.

  • Thoth really, really wanted to astral travel to the stars as a child
  • He tried for years and eventually succeeded in getting Out of Body (OOB). He called this “being free from the bondage of earth man” or “bondage of night”.
  • He briefly describes some of the planets he visited, including one where the inhabitants has manifestation siddhis and not only manifested cities out of ether but also the whole planet to suit. [Fun times]
  • Practically begs the reader to try astral traveling to the stars, not least because it makes it super clear you are a higher being, also it’s very interesting (wisdom!)
  • [Plus some random notes on his opinions of order in the cosmos: this guy rambles a lot]

Now we get some tips on how to astral travel

  • Fast until you lose your “desire for food” which I read as appetite [takes about 3 days]
  • Sit comfortably in silence until you no longer feel distracted by wanting sound
  • Lie down in full darkness and close your eyes
  • “Centre your soul force in the place of your consciousness, shaking it free”. [I take this to mean keep trying to leave your body, probably though the third eye, (or by any other method that works) until you get out. Michael Raduga, eat your heart out* :crazy_face:]
  • Visualise where you want to go and see it as clearly in your minds eye as you can
  • Use shaking (not physical, mental, keep your body relaxed) to willfully leave your body
  • Prayer to the Lord of Light for assistance:


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the third: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 5.

Green Glass Tablet 5: The Dweller of Unal
  • Starts with recapping that the Dweller aka the Master is asleep in buried Atlantis (this being written by Thoth at the end of Thoth’s reign in Egypt)
  • “From a cycle beyond us” [I take this to mean he’s an ET, incarnate into an energy body not a physical one]
  • But he can manifest a physical body that looks human to “walk with us” {hang out with the humans]
  • He is the Keeper of the Way [keyword: “the way” could link to the way taught in the mystery schools referenced by Jesus/Mithras “I am the way and the light”]
  • HORLET the Master [of Unal] [is this is name? Guess so. Bit unfortunate but oh well]
  • Horlet was there very early in Atlantis, set up the civilisations structure into 10 kingdoms, and manifested a massive, multi mile wide temple out of the ether via the power Thoth calls YTOLAN
  • Horlet also manifested things to put in the many chambers in the temple
  • Horlet looed very strange and unhuman.
  • He picked 3 human Atlanteans as his liaisons with society, they gave orders to the 10 kings of each country, and were trained for fifteen years (years five and ten) before having enough understanding of “the light” to teach it, which they did on the island on Undal
  • After lots of hard work, Thoth met Horlet, who he describes as having a very strong energetic presence, and was given the job Keeper of the Records. He lived in the temple after this. [this fits my memories of certain alien ways of living: you are your job, there’s no “work/life balance” as we know it]
  • He was taught the LAW, which appears to mean all the sciences,

Now the story turns: [SPOILER, fallen angels are actually naughty Atlanteans, the rascals, which basically makes Horlet god] Is it me or is this hilarious? I think we see where Stargate SG1 got some ideas from, it’s too much of a coincidence.

Fun fact: Did you know that in some corners of the truther community, Stargate SG1 is considered disclosure? I’ll just leave that there.

  • Some of the previously ascended Atlanteans, become proud of their learning, “fell into darkness” [sounds familiar!] [Not all Atlanteans got to the same level so these were some of the best]
  • They studied “forbidden” knowledge [doesn’t say what that means] and opened a “gateway into below”, because they wanted more knowledge. [But apparently bringing it up from whatever “below” is is uncool]
  • In playing with the below you have to have balance, as the gate to below lets through “a great woe” [what or why? don’t know. Maybe if he’d told them that part they wouldn’t have done it? Instead he said “don’t touch the red button!” …D’oh! :woman_facepalming: I’m dying :rofl: ]
  • The Dweller aka Master of Unal aka Horlet happened to be OOB and saw the gate to below being opened.
  • He came back to his body, called the 3 stooges (and got then to evacuate a few folks) and then went to the 7 Lords [there were nine, now they are 7, don’t ask me] and created the pole flip “changed the Earths balance”.
  • All islands except Unal and a bit of the Undal were shattered, [earthquakes I assume, with total loss of life which the lovely Thoth appears to give precisely zero shits about, not a single word of regret or feeling for the fear and pain of the innocents: I’ve notice “ascendeds” can be real psycos sometimes]
  • Horlicks told Thoth to preserve the records, [as if he wasn’t going to]
  • They flew to Khem, [and we know the story from there where they beat the shit out of the local and stole the country for themselves, introduced slavery and despotic rule]
  • He buried his spaceship, and erected a huge statue over it like a lion yet like unto man [can’t possibly be the sphynx since we know that used to have a different face, probably a jackal. [So much for “UPG” Doreal, you’re embarrassing]
  • Entreats the reader to awaken and go get his ship

Urrggh. :face_vomiting: If this was Cinema Sins we’re already over 100 with three points taken off for something actually interesting and useful. You get 100 points just for being a heartless dick about the victims in the pole flip, and another 100 for claiming Horlicks did it on purpose.

The whole thing so far is a massive, steaming pile of camel dung. I’m having to seriously rethink how much respect I have for people like Drunvalo Melchizedeck for saying they believe in and promoting this gratuitously and obviously factually incorrect LARP.


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the third: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 6.

Green Glass Tablet 6: The Key of Magic
  • Dualistic view of light at war with dark. Thoth freely admits this. What is the dark? Glad you asked: it’s the humans
  • So basically the “SUNS of the morning” i.e., the ETs, landed and decided humans were bad, all of them, and started a war to conquer them. [Fits their MO in Khem, “we’re right, you’re wrong, bow down”. Riiight… So light, much wow]
  • The “Brothers of Darkness” are beings from “below” who seek to keep humans incarnate and not ascending. This is not just selfishness, it’s deliberate and malicious, for … reasons. [No reasons are given, unnuanced boogeyman established]
  • Entreats the reader to always strive for the light, it’s really hard, but light must conquer anyway. But it’s the dark of the darkness not the night, but they’re also called the Brothers of Night. [Clear? good]

So this is just angels vs demons … The ETs that like slavery and control are angels, and the humans are affected by the gate to “below” that lets them be affected in their minds by demons …

Spot the continuity error?

That “gate” was only opened by Atlanteans with special Atlantean magick taught by the ETs and immediately closed and the whole island grouping sunk, but NOW it was there all along… so what was the point of sinking Atlantis again? Oh, there’s isn’t one.

Ugh. Never mind.

So to “be free”

  • First you have to notice when you think bad thoughts, then make a vibration and clear it out, first irregular then regular, and wash the vibes through from head to foot. [Whatever, qigong happy shaking, fine]
  • If the thoughts come from a psychic attack, stand in a circle in a dark room, raise your hands above your head close your eyes and recite this incantation/pray for protection.

So we see here the names of seven of the nine are (I’m writing this out for forum text search purposes):

  • THREE = Untanyas
  • FOUR = Quertas
  • FIVE = Chietal
  • SIX = Goyana
  • SEVEN = Huertal
  • EIGHT = Semveta
  • NINE = Ardal

And by the way, yes that was the Key of magick. “Be good”, and “Protect your energy”.

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Should have listened to Akash. But I’ve started so I’ll finish.

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I’m just going to take a moment to enjoy the hubris.

Indeed! Praise to the three stooges, the nameless Wormtongues, the shameless, who sold out humanity to a fat parasite hiding underground while Atlanteans thrived despite having to feed it, while it took all the credit. Well fucking done. Ya morons. I thank all that’s good that this is fiction and these traitorous cretins never actually existed.

This is making m want to binge-watch Stargate SG1. Same plot, told way better.

It does make me wonder, how many of the people he charged to get access to this in his super duper “The Brotherhood of the White Temple” coven got really pissed off after they actually read it? :thinking: :joy:

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I found a wonderful book called the “The Ancient Egyptian Books of the Afterlife” by Erik Hornung, who was a Latvian Egyptologist, emeritus of Basel University, and one of the most influential modern writers on ancient Egyptian religion. I will have to look up more from him.

“This volume offers a survey about what is known about the Ancient Egyptians’ vision of the afterlife and an examination of these beliefs that were written down in books that were later discovered in royal tombs.”

This book discusses these books, which also means I have more material to investigate:


I’m also surveying modern grimoires, M Ford did a couple that look intriguing, Necrominon and Sekhem Apep, which have a very modern, Luciferian lens on the subject. Egyptian Magick: a spirited guide by Mogg Morgan Caught my eye, and not Egyptian but related in time we have CODEX PUTREFACTIO NIGRA: The Canaanite’s Book of Death by Zulqarnayn XIll which tbh I just think looks like it’s right up my alley and crossover ideas (dating from fellow Atlantean’s that seeded in Canaan, perhaps) would be a bonus.

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The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

Part, the third: The Chapter Breakdown. Chapter 7.

Green Glass Tablet 7: The Seven Lords
  • Bunches of vague pleadings to turn to the LIGHT. Also more “list ye to me… because”.
  • Let the “brothers of brightness” enter your soul to "fill you with the brightness of the Cosmos.
  • Only by gaining the light of all wisdom art thou one with the infinite goal.
  • Repetition of concepts from earlier chapters. [It’s filler at this point.]

I take this to mean you have to fully connect with the cosmos/the all/god/tao to achieve union with it and realise you yourself are god. What that means and how to do it are left as an exercise for the reader.

He next contradicts himself saying “throughout the universe light is prevalent”… but he didn’t mean you. You are in darkness.

I disagree since all life is also the tao manifest, we are all god, and not being fully in touch with that doesn’t make you “dark” or not part of it.

Weird amount of assumption in here that the reader is completely new to any of this, it’s all “lost to man’s knowledge” (“it” being undefined). Yet he’s supposed to be addressing Atlanteans, and knows very well, so he said, that multiple waves of missionaries went out teaching al this.

More plot holes. :thinking:

Alright, a third of the way in we get to the “Lords”. This is the 3 through 9 entities.


So, connect with the cosmos and become omniscient… Answer your own questions, bub.
He implies he learned physics etc (again, repetition from earlier), which implies the “light” is a synonym for “knowledge” and all paths of knowledge lead to enlightenment. That’s debatable imo.


  • Confused warbling about how they’re “beyond” spacetime… but were formed “before” humans. Obviously, outside of spacetime everything all exists all at once because there IS no “once”.
  • Form is really formless and we only perceive it to be form. [Fair statement and in line with Buddhist teachings. This is the whole “perceived reality is illusion” thing]
  • Each entity, as an aspect of the universe, influences humanity in turns they call cycles. [Except they are your usual and constant companions for every human all the time, so, weird.]
  • They are one with the “soul of the cycle”. [I think he’s just trying to explain what an aspect is].
  • If you know how it works, ten as a god you can bend the rules [paraphrasing]

Now we get a prophecy.

  • HE of the nine, (the Dweller? Unclear), says that he’s existed for Aeons (despite being outside of spacetime, don’t ask, “they” have a really hard time explaining this relatively simple concept and fudge around it a lot).
  • So in the future, within spacetime, eventually life and death are so “balanced” they don’t exists separately. He’s alive not not alive.

I read this as saying that life and death are limited to incarnation into the physical, since that’s what I think anyway… and eventually incarnate species in the entire universe will stop using the physical to gain experience.

Based on contradictory information that the point of the universe manifesting is to experience, and connecting the physical incarnation wit the cosmos is a goal, I disagree that this prophecy is accurate, because it’s limiting in nature and the one thing the universe does not do is place limits on the experience of it’s manifestations, much that we wish it would sometimes.

If this is accurately channeled from discarnate beings, they’re not very high level to think that their state is the be all and end all. There are higher level beings than this with more philosophical views about the state of humanity/ETs and various styles of consciousness that seem to be beyond this level of understanding.

Not calling them dumb, but they are coming across to be as a tad inexperienced and closed minded. They seem to be communicating from their incarnate awareness in a fixed spacetime point (incarnate is a difficult word for this but we don’t have another to mean “wearing only an energy body not a physical one”) and unaware of higher consciousness viewpoints. This is not higher consciousness, this is the opinionated judgement of a being very close to humanity spouting an ideal, as a fake “guru” would, who has not actually achieved what he preaches.

I say preaching as the rest is exactly that. It sounds like a sermon, repeating over and over the same “reach for the LIGHT” idea as before.

There is nothing else new in the rest of this chapter we didn’t hear earlier. It does not actually talk about the seven.

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I don’t even know what to think, lol. But, thank you for reading this (and summarizing it), so I don’t have to, although I might attempt it anyway because I’m just stubborn like that. It seems to me this Doreal person was just trying to get their fifteen minutes, repeating some really fundamental stuff over and over, and throwing in some heavy doses of half-hearted fiction, or half-hearted UPG (maybe both…can’t really tell).

The other links and resources look really interesting, though. I haven’t had much free time, but I’m planning on looking into them soon.

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Updates. First, an unexpected shamanic experience, meditating on the effigy at night before sleep. I received an offer from him to balance heart energy, and accepted.

This was super interesting, he performed this work in a way more akin to qigong healing, where the healer opens themselves and feels unconditional loves the person being healed as part of how that energy is summoned and worked with. It allows the healed to read the energy of the healer as much as vice versa.

I got the impression a strong and noble, gentleman scholar, respectable, older, tanned, wise in his years. He knew I was studying him and his technique and met with approval, as it was a teaching moment. I don’t have the words to describe it in English, it was a thing outside of language, but ridiculously powerful and it felt really good. Some blocks and junky energy cleared like fog evaporating and I was more calm and collected very quickly where I hadn’t realised I wasn’t before.

After that, I got into ritual the next night, and after some follow up work on something else I summoned Akash, which didn’t work so I went out and met him in what I call “the dark place”, a kind of in between, crossroads type thing. From here I found myself meeting him in a Victorian looking street, and we move up the steps into a townhouse. An elegant period appropriate dinner party is occurring and we have seats at the table. Akash is to my right and I realise I’m being spoken to by a distinguished lady with grey hair in a nice updo across from him.

I gather I’m being considered to join this group having been put forward by Akash… and she asks me some questions, which I don’t remember but in the answering she’s not using my words to get the answer but the thoughts I have behind them. It’s a perfectly politely done, not intrusive but very deep and detailed understanding she gains, in seconds, of who I am in context. I’m faintly aware that she represents the group and there are a dozen or so others at this table all gaining this info at the same time, while she is the focus.

Apparently I fit the requirements and I get a nice compliment that is also wordless, and am formally invited, which I accept as gracefully as I am able, trusting Akash’s design and very curious and not a little impressed. I ask for the name of the organization and I get “Lotus Star”. I guess that makes sense all things considered and it’s a clue for further research.

That was my limit and the connection closed. I will have to reconnect with Akash to ask about this and what it means.

I’m reminded to pick this back up.