Vampirism and astral immortality

And yet there’s also account of people having experience after being pronounced brain dead and coming back. They have these with and without activity in the brain. Again, that makes sense if the brain is an interface where you can be more or less connected to it.

I don’t believe in karma like this AT ALL. So, no, not in my option.

this is when they are, or are assuming, that they are a new spirit that has never ascended before or was not originating is the ascended “planes”. that is a narrow minded assumption that I don’t believe is true.

I do think, that a person is a higher being incarnate into an animal. We thus have two minds, the animal and the ascended. Some people are trying to ascend the animal they incarnate into, so that it does not die and be lost, and it wants that very much - I believe this is the actual drive to "become immortal’ - the animal gets enough awareness that it wants to be like the “higher self” that it can feel is with it - and we think with both minds at the same time most of the time (not always) so we want what it wants. Being with the animal to share energy and “vibrations” partly helps with this, but meditating also helps.

So when you say to me “I am stuck in rebirth and want to ascend” I hear the animal crying to be free, not the higher mind that already is.

That’s normal. You can incarnate anywhere in the universe if you choose. If you are only a ghost aka undead in your nomenclature though, then you can only incarnate on Earth as you are bound to the Earth still. You won’t have the ability to leave the planet.

So fixing yourself as a ghost has one main purpose from what my own vampiric guide tells me, and it was to remain in the personality close to the people he loved and be able to continue teaching and helping them. That was really it, and he’s still looking for people to teach 6k years later, but his people have long gone into prehistory. He was an Egyptian mage, and I have posted about him here before.

He does not feel he is liberated. He is bound. By choice, to serve his people. It’s not what you seem to think it is. Not for him anyway. You are free to contact him and talk to him yourself any time. I posted a photo of his effigy in that thread that you can use as a link if you like.