Free EBook Barbelo by Riann Booysen, very interesting research and suppressed information on what early writings actually say about the life and activities of the criminal Jesus Christ
So what will you find in Barbelo? Apart from presenting probably one of the most complete collections of unflattering if not downright blasphemous texts from the first centuries after Christ, I will also show that there was absolutely no divine interaction in his life, from his miracles to the so-called ‘prophecy’ in Revelation about the ‘number of the beast’. Everything has a down-to-earth, very human explanation.
In Barbelo several persons relatively unknown in Christian literature are identified, including Joseph Barsabbas of the Flat Feet, Mary, Martha and Lazarus, the children of Simon ben Boethus, Zebedee and Pandira. It is often stated that the Bible tells us nothing about the physical appearance of Christ, but the early Church Fathers had a lot to say about it, and none of it flattering. And then, of course, there are the accusations of violence perpetrated by Christ and his disciples – hence the title of the book, ‘Barbelo’.
Barbelo is a Greek word referring to the “First emanation of God”. Which in Gnosticism is actually female.
I rather disagree with the authors opinion on miracles being sleight of hand, in which he directs from the texts and launches into a layman aetheistic diatrate that treats “Physics” like the be all and all has all the answers religion it is very much not.
And I say that as someone with a degree in Physics… he has misunderstood what the field of Physics is and does, it provides predictive models to understand repeatable observable phenomena and predict outcome. The measure of whether a model is successful is whether the predictions turn out to be correct. They very often are not… enter miracles, Sidhis and magick.
Mainstream Physics completely fails to provide models to explain these, but it simply doesn’t follow logically that they don’t exist. There’s a lot of things Physics can’t explain, and isn’t designed to… Yet… It’s silly to assume that it can or should explain everything. Babies think people stop existing when you cover your eyes, adults find a better explanation.
Research including work done Bob Beck in Psychotronics (curently a topic of research for me), by the military, extensively by the Chinese and Ingo Swann, prove psychic ability, including what Ingo Swann called Superpowers show these skills exist in repeatable experiments and go some way into formalising and explaining why.
It has everything to to with humans being electromagnetic beings in an electromagnetic universe,and is not miraculous, but our birthright, available to all with practice.