Strange thing I experience in my sleep state

I don’t know if this is something serious, but still there is something I’ve been through and I wanted to tell you.

Yesterday I lit an incense before I went to sleep, and after the incense was finished I put the Marchosias sigil under my pillow. But I don’t know how to express it when I fall asleep, but I was entering a half-asleep state as if I was both asleep and not asleep, and at these moments I felt something like a weight on me. Since the feeling of heaviness in these moments was uncomfortable, I opened my eyes again and tried to sleep again. The same things were happening again. I tried to sleep for about 15-30 minutes. In the end I thought it might be because of the sigil, so I took the sigil out from under my pillow. I was finally able to sleep.

Has anyone experienced anything similar to this? And what is the reason?

This is a well used state for lucid work and trance work. You’re basically in an altered state of consciousness… E.A. calls this the Theta Gamma State (TGS) in reference to the brainwave patterns that happen in this state. The trick is keeping it here an not falling asleep.

I put up a post with pictures about this here:

This is “sleep paralysis”, also called a “hag attack”. Also very common, especially with people trying to use TGS for astral development and magickal purposes.

I would say your experiment was successful, and now you can take it further. Next time don’t worry about the feelings: Keep your goals for the session firmly in mind and work on those. In this case you wanted to communicate with Marchosias, so it would have been a good time to menially call out to him, sat “Marchosias come!” three times and watch for changes in the ambient energy around you or any impressions that spontaneously pop into your mind indicating contact.

This is a form of telepathic communication, made possible because of your respective state… From there you can talk to him, ask questions, remember the impressions that come to you in response.

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Thanks for the answer but I have a question. I had to take a break from my previous Meditation and trance studies because of school because I can’t focus much during school time. So it felt weird that I was going through this, especially during my hiatus. Does this seem strange to you too?

Sooo, can I work with TGS in the future? And can I improve myself further?

Okeey! I’ll try again tonight and post the result here.

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I think it should be noted that Sleep Paralysis and “Hag attack” as you call it or rather “Night Hag Syndrome” are not synonymous and are different experiences entirely even though they all are based upon a person entering into a paralyzed and altered state while asleep. Sleep Paralysis doesn’t have to include being ridden by the hag.

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I think you’re good. You performed a magickal operation with the incense and sigil after all, you didn’t say what your intent with that was but I was guessing it was communication. To my mind, the trance was a continuation of a casual sort of ritual that you had already started.

This kind of thing is one of my favourite ways to have conversations and get information, and also if I wake up in he night. You can get really clear vision work done, the downside for me is remembering it, which is where writing it down helps. :slight_smile: You can make progress and deepen relationships every night without feeling like it’s a hassle this way.

Yes, you have the idea down: it’s that feeling of being in between sleep and waking, you may dip in to sleep and get more unbidden sleeplike information that makes less sense, including voices and visions, and that’s ok, It might wake you a little and that’s ok too just keep at it. It’s less a steady state and kind of going in and out of deeper trance. …

You can do this in ritual as well, opening sigils, sitting up in circle prior to evoking, at your altar, all that good stuff, and it helps you be open to receiving messages. Sitting up help you say away as nodding off wakes you up. It jolts you a bit and then you relax back into it right where you left off.

Awesome, looking forward to the update! :smiley:

Actually, the reason I did this was because I wanted to dream of Marchosias. But when I burned incense before I went to sleep, I was talking to myself looking at the Marchosias sigil - topics like “I wish I could talk to you” -.

wow! I will definitely use this if I continue to be successful in such matters in the future. thx u

Finally, when I enter the TGS state, should I pay attention to the incoming impressions or try to talk?

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You can talk, in your mind or out loud however you’re comfortable. In circle I talk out loud and in bed I alk in my mind. It’s helpful to keep the questions going, to stay focused and that helps keep you out of falling into full sleep state.

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