Strange thing I experience in my sleep state

This is a well used state for lucid work and trance work. You’re basically in an altered state of consciousness… E.A. calls this the Theta Gamma State (TGS) in reference to the brainwave patterns that happen in this state. The trick is keeping it here an not falling asleep.

I put up a post with pictures about this here:

This is “sleep paralysis”, also called a “hag attack”. Also very common, especially with people trying to use TGS for astral development and magickal purposes.

I would say your experiment was successful, and now you can take it further. Next time don’t worry about the feelings: Keep your goals for the session firmly in mind and work on those. In this case you wanted to communicate with Marchosias, so it would have been a good time to menially call out to him, sat “Marchosias come!” three times and watch for changes in the ambient energy around you or any impressions that spontaneously pop into your mind indicating contact.

This is a form of telepathic communication, made possible because of your respective state… From there you can talk to him, ask questions, remember the impressions that come to you in response.

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