Why's everyone hate YHWH...I don't understand

But yhwh is not god.
Not any kind of god, a man. And nasty fucker at that.

The reason for this judgement couldn’t be made clearer in the bible itself.

Why you want to worship the egregore of an impostor, a judgmental, unjust murderer, a psycho that sent bears to rip children apart, did what he did to Job… I don’t understand. :woman_shrugging: These are not the actions of a worthy person.
If he was a human, I’d lock the doors of my car if I saw him on the street. :joy:

I already linked you a video with details.

All you have to do is listen with an open mind, the story speaks for itself you don’t have to blame me for not wanting anything to so with him.

I don’t hate him any more that I hate Ted Bundy, btw. The people that used this guy’s death cult to gain control of people are responsible for themselves. But I wouldn’t invite either to dinner.