Yes, definitely, I’m a bit busy now but will reply more when I have time, meanwhile take a look at these (edit, you may have seen them already, soz! ) :
She (Demoness) :P[/quote]
I first approached Buné expecting this male demon, which was what I’d read, and then it was only working with her a lot (because honestly, three heads and darlk snakelike body don’t give me much to pin a gender on), and finally a spirit calling her Mother, that I came to see Buné the demon as Buto or Wadjet, the snake goddess protecting the Pharoahs, placed over the third eye location as a guardian and also as a channel.
She brought back one of my parents, who died a…
I spoke to her about money ages ago, but then she got more involved in the ancestral work I’ve posted about.
She hasn’t raised the topic of money since, so while it’s impossible to attribute human emotions or motivations to a spirit, doubly so one who gives off a very non-human vibe, I think she’s more interested in the wealth that resides in our DNA, our inheritance of that type.
She offered to get involved in this and provided a kind of resurrection body for my deceased parent, and that par…
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