Working with King Lucifer

How many entities have you worked with? I am wandering if you have worked with some of the Gods that I want to work with.

Hmm… If I had to guess I’d say I’ve personally worked with at least 10-15…


Wow that is a lot

That’s actually a smaller number compared to some people here… Anyways, who do you want to work with?


These are the gods that I would love to work with. Bathin Buer Bune Dantalion Orias Ronobe Sallos and Seer. I know Sallos is a good God to work with for beginners but I don’t know about the others.

Give this a read


Thank you

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I work exclusively with Lucifer and I have an extended relationship with him. Because of this he has sent other entities my way and introduced us so to speak. There was one time I tried to contact a certain entity and failed. I asked Lucifer about this and he told me " I am connected to you, I am connected to them- you are always connected." There was more to it, but the bulk of it is try on your own. If it’s not working I would ASK him to speak on your behalf, not demand.


With demons, I’d say this would work. But if you were trying to get in contact with, for example, Thor, this wouldn’t be a good idea. Nor would it be a good idea for anything but western demons…

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Exactly. These were demons from the goetia.

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Clearly I can’t fucking quote damn lol

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Lol its all good. I usually talk in jibberish anyways :rofl:

And I know, that wasn’t against you, I’m just trying to prevent any unfortunate accidents from the op or anyone else. I know a few beings that if I tried that with them I’d be happy if they laughed at me… That would be best case…

No I should have clarified, I’m glad you caught it and pointed it out!

I swear I grabbed every word, but as you may note sometimes my autocorrect changes things to some crazy shit alot of times in editing each and every post :joy:. I sound like a half wit most times!

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How come your calling him a king?
He is above the rank of King he is the Infernal Emperor


I didn’t know that

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Now you do! :+1:

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I call him My King but it’s a term of endearment. There’s more to it but it’s personal


Old topic but I was told, have been told more than once, and I am very very new to this, to call him “Lord Lucifer,” as I was just saying, “Lucifer.” I am also told that it depends on the relationship, etc. All I know is he politely has corrected me and I haven’t even really connected with him yet!

Sir I want to work with king lucifer so plz tell me the way to work with king luficer

I’ve had great result with Emperor Lucifer more than once but i just don’t know why I hadnt take it serious to work with him. No ritual nor sigil,
Just call on him mentally and he answered and granted request all within minutes