Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Welcome @Victoria6

Where are you from?

If I am understanding correctly, you don’t consciously practice anything, but have had random spiritual experiences?

What brigs you here to BALG? What are your areas of interest?

From London

Spiritual activities has happened so much that I no longer wanna ignore it

If it’s possible I would like to learn everything about contacting spirits

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Question About Memories

Hi, My name is Tharishanan I am 20yo,
i live in France I am new to this domain,
my parents are Hindou’s but i really believe in these gods.
I am here to learn how to work with the God Mammon.

Hello everyone! My name is Lucifer aka Adrian from Romania. I can say I’m new in LHP and new on this site also. I practiced magic for nearly 3years but all my life was full of magic if I stay and look behind. I wish to you all the best and I send to you Love and Light! If someone wants to chat with me , here I am! Good Luck

Hi everyone,

You can call me Edana. I’m from everywhere and nowhere… Born in Germany, lived multiple places in Norway and Sweden and currently live in the UK. Around 16 different homes during my life (I’m 27).

I’ve been practicing since being a kid, but mostly discovered things by myself, and due to a very chaotic childhood never fully stuck to my craft or got hold of any resources until much later. So it’s been very much on-and-off throughout most of my life.

I fully got back into my craft 2 years ago after a 3 year break, which is when I also started working with infernals and found the LHP, and it’s been amazing reaching new heights in my development since.

Right now I’m working through the Qliphoth and trying to find my true passions, after I kind of shadow-worked myself into oblivion last year, realising that my goals and desires weren’t really mine. So am currently trying to work through that while also gaining a broader understanding of various topics to further improve my craft, which is why I am here.

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Hiya! I am so happy to see you here :smile: Welcome to the forum!

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Thank you Angel :smiley:

Hi! I’m João, brazilian praticioner. I speak portuguese as my main language and english.
I found out about this forum while I was searching for some money spells and then I found a mind control spell quiet interesting. I didn’t made it yet, but my target was to cast it in favor of the person that I need to recruit me to a job.
Right now I’m still developing my craft through study and experiments and it has been a good journey.

Welcome @magickdream1

What, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

I am not sure what to name it but its a mixture of ancestor veneration with candle magic.

I do not follow any specific system or tradition.

I like to do what feels right and good to me.

Thank you. And approximately how long have you been practicing?

Hey guys,
My name is Marcos, I’m a Brazilian occultist, I hope to have good magical connections here.

Welcome @stigmata

Where are you from?

Practicing what, exactly? What are “occult audios?”

How long have you been practicing?

Are you following any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Welcome @Marco_Antonio Please tell us about yourself. This post doesn’t tell us much of anything and does not meet our intro requirement.

What, exactly, do you practice and how long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Hi. My name is Herve. I am new to this forum. I know nothing about the magic world. I just need my girlfriend back. And I need help. I have read many here talking about books. Please can I have any references. Thank you!

Welcome @Molato! :slight_smile:

Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here. Enjoy and let know have any questions?

You already found the Love/Lust tutorial collection, that IS our references. I’ll be honest the get gf back has a low success rate, and people tend to get over it change their minds before it finally works and then they’re not interested, leaving the other miserable. Depending on the spell you do, love magick can cause great harm, so read a lot first and be sincere, knowing of yourself and careful with what you wish for.

I do suggest getting your protections in place first. Your lovelorn state can attract parasites that feed on your misery and seek to extend it: make sure your desires are your own and get yourself clear of influence before you start anything.

Hi guys, I’m bong. I have been practicing for almost a month. I’m new to practicing, but I do tons of research everyday because I love a good research and I am really interested.

Although I don’t follow any particular system or tradition yet, I have cast a few spells by myself recently and saw some minor results and waiting for them to manifest. My ambition is to get my ex back, who I had a serious relationship with. But now I am blocked for almost 2 months and working on getting her back, reconcile, get married and stay together until we die and in afterlife! Nice to meet you all!

Welcome @bongbong

Where are you from?

Practicing what, exactly?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Where are you from? - I would rather not say that if that’s okay

Practicing what, exactly?- I practice manifestation to make my life better. I also manifest my desires and I am practicing evocation lately. I have tried candle magic, I do have some ingredients for some darker magic spells, but I would like to do my proper research first

What are your areas of magical interest?- Reignite love in my ex is the reason I got here. But after some research, I have found there is so much more we can do and improve our lives! I am also reading a lot about Duke Dantalion, Duke Sallos and Marquis Amon for their help with getting ex back. I actually posted about an experience with Amon, you can go to my profile and check it out! I’d appreciate it if you can shed some insight into the matter :slight_smile: