
Hey guys my Name is Charlemagne from Salt Lake city , I don’t consider myself a magician or a practitioner , But yes i do have experience with invocations and evocations. My Grandmother passed away in 2016 and she left me her personal journal which i soon came to find out was her own personally compiled grimmoire. I started using it in 2020 when things got tough.

Her journal REALLY works but I’ve always had many questions . Last night i asked my spirit guide about a group of people I could join to discuss such matters about magic and spirits. Then the following day which was today, i saw an article on BBC about some guy called Matthew Lawrence, aka EA KOETING , who owned a forum for satanists. So i came here…Unfortunately i’m not satanist, but I’ve been led to this forum…I did go through some of the topics on the forums before signing up .

And i realized a couple of spirits which are in her grimmoire for example , Frimost , Clauneck , Aniquel and Lucifuge etc . But she also added other hebrew names which she says were given to her to call them quicker. So one thing id like to know is that have i sold my soul unknowingly ? Cause i was really shocked when i read about lucifuge , i didn’t know he was such a powerful demon


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Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here.

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While I’m here, let me correct this misconception and put your mind at rest. The BBC have been very lazy and unprofessional here, as this is NOT a “forum for satanists”. At no point did they bother to get off their asses and ask anyone here or the owners for any kind of detail on what is it that we do as real “journalist” would, you’d think, and they didn’t even spend 5 minutes looking into it to find out.

This forum is religion-agnostic and for ALL magick practitioners and spiritual discussion. There are satanists here, and Christians, and atheists, and Hindus and Taoists, and agnostics and chaos mages, people with philosophies rather than religions and those who don’t subscribe to labels at all. We don’t discriminate, we have rules against that as against preaching. Anyone can share an experience, and opinion or open a discussion as long as it’s civil and on topic.

No. That’s a no brainer: you can’t sell what you don’t own, and you ego is not the boss of your spirit, and you would know if you’d made an agreement because you’d have consciously asked for it. Intention matters, free will matters.

Read this for some opinions on this topic or try the search. There’s 11 years of discussion here and this one is not new.

Dude’s cool as fuck and nice as pie. He’s very astute, sincere and kind, in my experience. He will help you be the best that you can be, and he does it because that’s what he loves doing.

Pretty much everything you hear about “demons” is JCI propagandist bullshit designed to disempower you and keep you enthralled to a priest class to “talk to ‘god’ for you” and indebted to the church. Most of them if not all are old gods and angels on the non-JCI side of a very old feud that has nothing to do with us anyway. Imo as usual. I would say keep an open mind, try what you want and make up your own mind based on your own experience rather than religious dogma.


I beg to disagree on the fact that Lucifuge is nice . Yes some are and you won’t even notice their presence tbh. At first when I conjured him , I was supposed to do some sacrifice which honestly I couldn’t cause I didn’t have the guts too.

Never the less he showed up , but showed up in a way I hadn’t really expected . I thought I’d see him with my physical eyes . Only for me to see him show up as a very massive python which fell off my roof . I was honestly shocked cause wtf. Well yeah , none the less he was VERY PISSED. Cause there’s some stick thing of Solomon that apparently is used to make them show up if they don’t want to . I didn’t have the stick but I said the words . And seconds later after I said it 4 times , a massive python fell off my roof.

I know I might sound crazy right now , and yes I know that things like this never happen. But the snake actually spoke behind the desk. It was VERY furious and asked me that why have I chosen to torment him and that why am I so selfish and after to get him. He said I’m selfish about 3 times . He said a lot of unpleasant things about me and my life including how I’ve once mistreated family members etc. He was really angry and proceeded to ask me that why have I called him.

And I told him my petition . He said no and that he doesn’t give wealth to people who torture him. Mind you I didn’t even torture him. He said that we can rectify things if I come out of the circle and pick him up . I’m sacred of snakes so I said I can’t do that , for some reason he really persisted . And I out right told him I’m afraid of snakes and of him . He then said “Let that be the end of us “ . I said okay , and he told me that “Let me depart.” I said okay and he left. I came back to check the snake after 30 mins and it was Gone.

Thats really my experience with him . When I left the room o found 86 miss calls from friends and family.

While mileages and experiences vary. It sounds like the snake was just a coincidence and/or you were talking to a parasite.

It’s rare to see an entity physically as clear as you did nor do you need any tools beyond an entities sigil and most importantly your intention.

You don’t need the stick of Solomon nor a protection circle. But you do need to keep up your spiritual hygiene to ensure you don’t attract parasites.

What methods did you use to verify this was Lucifuge?

I don’t really understand the significance of the 86 missed calls that seems excessive given the context of your story.


I would not be surprised if the method of evocation was the difference here - I don’t use Solomonic methods for this exact reason: I wouldn’t respect someone who was not only attempting to coerce me, but not even doing it in his own name but the name of an entity I don’t even respect myself. I hear the argument that “they don’t respect you unless you use force” and I think this is outdated and incorrect. It’ll work if you’re strong enough but it’s unecceary and just puts you in a bad position.

I’m also not a Jew or a Christian so I don’t use Judeo-Christian techniques as there’s a lot more I disagree with in those religions, not least the monotheism and yhwh is a weak, psycho POS - having met him, or one version of him, I was beyond unimpressed.

How many mages bothered to even try to evoke or journey to meet the entity they are asking for protection from and to work with? It’s kinda weird to me that you’d except that to work well without even talking to the dude - well I did, and lets just say he makes your experience sound like a walk in the park: we just don’t get on and there’s no way I’d ask him or “his names” for jack shit. The whole current is tainted with madness and parasitism.

It takes strength to be kind, and also confidence in yourself to call entities in your own name and stand in your own power. Lucifuge is very intelligent and a decent person, and doesn’t deserve to be treated like he’s “evil” - that whole attitude is just rude in my book and people wonder why they get into fights - they started them! … For NO reason than believing old, outdates age of Taurus Hebrew dogma.

He respects that and you can meet him as an equal, have a conversation and come to a mutual agreement. That’s how I approach all beings until they prove to me they are lesser and then I don’t even deal with those.

We’re in the age of Aquarius now, the energy of this entire age is all about cooperation and innovation, mages need to get with the times, imo. Or, you know, carry on picking unecceary fights and bullying good people that don’t deserve it and wonder why you get told off. But why not just TRY being equals for a change?


That attitude will stand you in good stead here.

I’d be interested in seeing what she wrote in it, if you don’t mind sharing.

EA is not a Satanist, he’s a demonolator. At one point he dabbled in Satanism, but as far as i know he’s never done a Satanic pact, he just does demonoloatry as far as i can tell. I’ve known about EA since 2006. We were both members of Circle Of The Antichrist back in the day when he was still known as Baron Archelaeus.

Those aren’t Satanic spirits, they for the most part are from the Grimoire Verum and other demonolatry grimoires.

Your grandmother sounds like she was also a demonolator, maybe in Mormonism but probably in something else.

NO. You’re fine. Don’t let the goofy church bs stop you from stepping into power.

Btw, church preachers are the biggest fucking liars you’ll come across. Actually read the bioigraphies of some of these preachers and Catholic priests if you want to see a life of sin, it’ll shock you how debased the preachers really are when you see them for who they are behind closed doors.

Or better yet, just swerve the religious hypocrisy and work with your grimoire. Your grandma left you with something that can really help you in life. USE IT!

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You know I can’t be entirely sure as I don’t entirely have a method to verify or test the spirit. But before the snake fell, I felt a very powerful change of energy in the atmosphere .

As i said i am using a manual which was constructed by a relative before she passed away in 2016. That experience for me was really scary and left me traumatised. In the diary it gives you the spirits name , then she gives another name aswell for the spirits . She claims these are names she used to call them quicker and that the names were given to her by the spirit. But she never not once mentioned that they were demonic . She just called them “helpful spirits”.

Secondly in the evocation manual i used, there was also some seal , apparently its called the seal of the schemhamporasch which is used to bring forth any entity including angels , demons or spirits . When I did research about them , I found the same seal in some book called sixth and seventh book of Moses alongside some spirits which are also in her diary . I tried to use that book but I failed so I was just like let me stick to her work . Cause she did warn in her diary about using other grimoires

Yeah I also truly do appreciate her work . But I feel like she should’ve been more honest about the nature of the spirits in her diary. Yeah I should’ve done my research but still , most of the spirits in that book are literally UNKNOWN. When I search their names here there’s just nothing .

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The way around that is to call the spirits that ARE known if they’re said to command them, and ask them about the unknown ones.

Also, i get the feeling your grandmother worked with goetic spirits. There are a number of them that teach necromancy. If you come across a goetic spirit that teaches necromancy, it’s possible for you to reach out to that spirit using either your grandmother’s instruction, or something like Gord Winterfield’s Demons Of Magick for a more mainstream method.

With contact with that spirit, ask it to bring you into direct contact - with your grandmother!

When your grandmother comes through, tell her you have her grimoire and ask her to show you how to use it HERSELF.

If you have photos of your grandmother, an idea for setting up this type of altar is to take a photo of her, put it in a frame, and set it up on a table with 2 silver candles on either side (you can also use orange candles - silver candles connect to the Moon and the emotions, orange to the mind and thoughts.

After calling the spirit and asking for it to bring your grandmother (and only your grandmother, not a deceiving spirit) to you, then talk to the photo every night for 30 minutes after lighting the candles.

After a time, she’ll start to speak to you in dreams and intuitions.

The book Communing With The Spirits explains some of the very basics of necromancy for more information on how to set up your ancestral shrine properly. Between calling a goetic spirit your grandmother worked with to brig her through to you, setting up an altar to your grandmother, and calling her and speaking to her daily for an extended period of time, you can make a connection to her. From there, you can build a link to her - ideally, she’d be good to establish as mediumship spirit for you to channel so she can really teach you everything she wrote in her grimoire. She may also show you some shortcuts to call the spirits she called that aren’t written anywhere else or known by anyone on BALG or anywhere else.

You have many options, it just comes down to what you want to do.

This tutorial will assist you with determining on whether you have summoned an imposter or the real deal:

what’s your experience with that book and Are there spirits other than Demons ?