(2019 edit: hello, person who found this via search engines, I wish to let you know that a member on here @emperor is doing some stirling work on this book, please read his topic, it’s going to be far more useful to you than mine: The Miracle Of New Avatar Power, revisited)
June 2014 old post resumes:
Well, I am what the hippies used to call “royally bummed out” by this one – I thought I’d follow up my evocation of Evoking Eternity with something a bit more light-hearted and fluffy, since I managed to royally offend and piss off that tome.
‘Twas not to be – UPG warning, the following was only my experience and shouldn’t be taken as more than that.
I had been planning for a few days to evoke the spirit of the book The Miracle Of New Avatar Power – I intended to ask it five or seven questions, of which the following were the first three, and then to base my subsequent questions on answers from those:
Why do your spirits work so well in the accounts and yet desperate people now can’t seem to get results?
Why did GG-C renounce this type of work and go to work with angels?
And most importantly
- Can you please give me ONE new incantation that people can use with a spirit who will bring only auspiciousness and joy?
I set up my wooden altar which has a pentagram on one side, and a seven-pointed star on the other, to the east, and placed my copy of the book on the altar, and cleansed and banished, did my usual prep.
I’ve used this altar since I was into the love & light stuff and it’s a solid bit of gear, and I placed it east since the north’s sacred to my ancestral gods and the south is commonly used for demonic evocation, which makes more sense in my head probably than it looks typed out.
GG-C used a hodge-podge of various entities and godnames in Hebrew, and in my symbol system, east is for new life.
I called forth the entity, asking it to sign its name by showing me its cover above the actual book, which I wasn’t really looking at. I wasn’t using incense as a base since that messes with my sinuses, I was using clairvoyant sight, which has been completely reliable in the past since I was a kid.
When this cover image was received, like a retinal afterburn, and my own spirits confirmed it, I was set to ask my questions, when the spirit spoke first.
After showing me the cover with that weird target-like logo, it changed and looked like a small oval fireball of white, yellow and slightly violet fire, spinning horizontally as the earth spins on its axis – but it was not a happy spirit to be summoned thus.
Evocation Q & A
NAP Spirit: What do you want (in a voice and demanour that was sleepy, dusty, dead tired)
Eva: Are you a dead book?
NAP: No, but my time is gone, there will be others greater before me and after me.
At this point I need to make a note – I did both audio capture, and also typing answers with my laptop on my knees, and I had – I shit you not – begun typing certain words backwards by this point – the response, “others greater before me and after me” was typed as “others retaerg erofbr and tfare me.”
Everyone does typoes, but what’s ODD is that even in partial possession with Ahriman, I never did anything consistanly backwards, like a Hollywood movie’s conception of the diabolic.
What’s also interesting is that, as this continued during the evocation, the backwards typing only applied to concepts of time and not to nouns, pronouns, etc. This could have been typoes, I don’t rule that out, but it was very consistant, so, offering it as an observation, nothing more. To continue:
Eva: Do your rits still work?
NAP: Yes, they work well, nonetheless I am tired. (“am” was “ma”)
Eva: Am I evoking just my edition of NAP?
NAP: No, it is true of all of us, the spells fail and the miracles cannot be repeated.
Eva: Why is this?
NAP: Your time has come, the new children, the… living god. (During this bit I felt the book sending feelers into my mind for the concept “living god” it can convey – I don’t think it was specifically about this site or the works of EA, it felt like it was trying to talk down to me almost, about what it wanted to say. And still so very, very, tired and dusty.)
Eva: People love you – please, give me something new to use?
NAP: You each have within you the scrying mirror, the wishing well, it is too late to break new grounds… I bid you adeiu.
That exuent itself felt like something hurriedly hacked from my own vocabulary, and the spirit seemed so damned tired, that I gave it leave to depart, and typed this up.
I’m disappointed – NAP is a much-loved book, and a lot of its content is excellent, and I’d hoped to find a lively bright consciousness who’d maybe share some cheeky new techniques, stories, or otherwise be interesting.
What I found was a spirit as weary and dusty as a ghost, and a lot less motivated to be heard.
I realise this is UPG plus the simple fact of a grown woman talking to a book, so, take it for what it’s worth, and if you’re getting results from NAP then you evidently tapped into one of the vital currents left which relate to the spirits it called, and I’m sure there are some.
I’d be interested if anyone here repeats this exact evocation of the same book at some point?
That was crappy though, and I’m only posting it in case someone here is struggling to understand why NAP isn’t delivering for you – it describes itself throughout as a book for people in dire need, and to hear it’s taking the book equivalent of retirement into dust is sad, in every meaning of that word.
I think some of the spirits within are legit and had a result with it myself, but perhaps its time we took its advice and looked deeper within ourselves for information.
Anyone else owned/worked with/evoked this book recently?