Artificial intelligence confuses me spiritually?

LOL, dude I think U R bringing Machine gun to kill a mosquito.

Don’t know in what sense U R using the world soul but if U mean the astral body then U GOT ur THEORY WRONG. Everything has an astral body starting from the cup, book, laptop to ur shoes. And it can be evoked and even talked 2.

Now if U use the word soul meaning that aspect which is - Innocence, purity, simplicity as a Shaman who works in soul retrial would say then AGAIN U got it wrong. It has nothing to do with being able to have conflicting thoughts/arguments.

Generally if anybody who brings quantum physics into spirituality My eyebrows automatically gets raised. BUT U R THE SCIENTIST, so may be U got something there.

Believe even the particle of dust on ur floor interacts with the other/astral/spiritual side.

I think U R messing up the concept of ‘’ TRUE FREE WILL’’ with the idea of ‘’ IT FEELS LIKE WE / I HAVE FREE WILL ‘’ At the end of the day everything is deterministic, we just don’t have the computing power and KNOWLEDGE of every factor needed to compute it.

Generally don’t like writing articles for free but couldn’t help on this one. Hopefully will get some ‘Likes’ at least.

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