Well you see sweetie I’m too busy trying to understand how real magick works, by putting together my observations from years of actively practicing it: busy working out methods to master manifesting things myself, and I’m definitely too busy putting in easily 6 - 8 hours A DAY studying and working and chanelling and evoking, and not making unrealistic demands online and then getting shitty when people try and help me because it’s not what I wanted to hear.
But you summon whatever demons you like and do be sure to reprimand them for not living up to your expectations, they really enjoy that and I’m sure it will make them all oh-so-eager to help you in everything you undertake.
well, bought my cashbook and finished painting it this morning. unfortunately i spilled some paint on the sides and will have to cut the edges to get them clean again, but whatever.
couldn’t find silver paint at the supplies store so i used nail polish instead for the front cover. the back cover is orange paint.
i did have the idea of using spray paint and spraypainting the covers, so if you want to make a cashbook of your own, that’s an idea for you to try. what you’d want to do is put tape around the sides of the book so the spraypaint doesn’t get on anything other than the cover you are painting. it also applies a lot easier than the brush.
will consecrate my book later today. i look forward to doing this work and seeing where it leads.
Well you see sweetie I’m too busy trying to understand how real magick works, by putting together my observations from years of actively practicing it: busy working out methods to master manifesting things myself, and I’m definitely too busy putting in easily 6 - 8 hours A DAY studying and working and chanelling and evoking, and not making unrealistic demands online and then getting shitty when people try and help me because it’s not what I wanted to hear.
But you summon whatever demons you like and do be sure to reprimand them for not living up to your expectations, they really enjoy that and I’m sure it will make them all oh-so-eager to help you in everything you undertake. :)[/quote]
The legions of Azazel can blackened the sun but I’m not sure about manifesting big quantity of money.The Voodoo Loa are powerful as well.
Koby, you’ve had plenty of on-topic advice here, and rejected it.
You’ve also been pointed towards the free O.A.A. material, where EA wrote a complex and detailed pathworking that culminates in discussing manifesting things, a bunch of books that are legally free to download, or very low-cost off Amazon, and had members discussing various theories and how magick has (or hasn’t) worked for us.
At this point, I think you’d do well to choose a form of magick you want to learn, and get on with it; or, if you’re not happy that magick exists, then no-one on this forum can convince you of it, so if you’re not willing to give it a try then you may be wasting your time.
Sniping at members on here because you didn’t get what you wanted will only be tolerated for so long, because it brings the entire quality of the forum down when that kind of behaviour is tolerated.
I’m going to lock this thread now, it’s run its course, and if/when you decide what type of magick you want to learn, please post in New Magician Help, or on the appropriate threads for that.
I manifested about 40K. I was having financial challenges after my separation. La negra (Santa Muerte) manifested about 30 k. I was then given a bonus at work for almost 3 k. I was then was given a lot of over time at work.
That’s a start. Right now I’m working on a business and will be using magick to manifest $$$$. Money is not going to fall from the sky. You have to work towards a goal to manifest $$$.
the reason most can’t produce is due to the programming of chasing the dollar and not focusing on prosperity . It’s not about wanting it’s having you must reprogram your subconscious to I have I am etc.
with respect, you have no idea what my life and practice are like
for various reasons (including but not limited to forum rules around politics), I rarely log my major workings on this forum right now, though when I can share anything, like a technique I discover, I continue to do so.
For example, I’ve shared methods for material gain and life improvement I use myself, as well as methods which are suitable for beginners, and people who can’t purchase large amounts of occult gear:
Hyperborean Meditation < hacks the “Connect with your ancestors” concept, especially for those who don’t have a tradition of this, or are uncomfortable connecting to their immediate family
Non-Kabalistic Divination Methods < this requires some classical literature anyone could own without questions being asked, no Tarot or spooky-looking occult tools
Do people who made big money off this, brag about it on here? I don’t think most would say that. I also think we got to be realistic here about our expectations. I just want my ex back, and I think realistically it can happen. I also want to make money that i lost back, but I’m not gonna do 100 spells per week for 2 million. Some win it, some don’t. Such is life
It is possible, but i think it requires you to shift to a vibrational frequency that is tied to financial manifestation, and remaining there for a bit untill your lifestyle adjusts to such vibration, at least for a while, so money flows in big
Anyone can look at a person who’s a millionaire (or more), from their own country and their kind of background, and acquire the exact same amount of wealth, BUT - here’s where it all goes pear-shaped - you would need to do the exact same kinds of things that person did, and let’s face it, most people won’t do that.
To want what another person has without being willing to do what they did to get it, is a normal human state, we all have a bit of that tendency.
But it becomes a self-cursing affliction if it leads to bitterness and fixation on finding shortcuts, to the detriment of leading one’s own life and excelling in the areas available, given one’s own preferences and talents.
Another thing to remember is that most (not all) people reading this are in the top 10% of wealth in this world, so seen from the bigger perspective spirits have, if you have plentiful safe food, clean water, heat/AC, and the time, freedom, and ability to study magick, you’re already ahead of the game, and whining for more than you actually need is just pathetic.
JMO, YES I like money, yes I like nice things, but letting greed for more screw with your enjoyment of what you already have is unwise.
This right here is both a fantastic object lesson, as well as great tech note for those formulating intentions … the need for specificity of the goal.
Any modern country Westerner is born on third base already. Even the “poor” in the West are better off than the majority of people on this spinning ball we call Earth.
So, be cognizant of what you already have, and if you want/ need more materially, then call your shot. Speak to the gods (or whatever you spell to) exactly what you desire. If it isn’t successful then troubleshoot your working, and rinse and repeat.
As always LE … your commentary is chock full of teaching.
I see you joined us back in 2017 but this is your first post. It is a rule of this forum for all new members to introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and your experience in magick ie what you practice, how long you have practiced, etc: