Thoughts on Christianity?

I’ve been into Christianity for a few months now, basically absorbing it by listening to christian stuff for more than 5 hours per day (Yes I’m addicted)

Some of these rhetorics are now deeply ingrained in me, like the rapture for example, the idea that you have to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour before its too late.

I am starting to get fearful that I may be on the wrong path, especially since these Christians are very convinced and thus come off as correct.

I’m wondering what you guys think about Christianity, what are your experiences? Do you believe there’s any chance its true?

The people I listen too were also once part of our path, which makes it even more interesting why they chose Christianity.

Evoke Jesus and talk to him. There are several old posts about some members’ experiences doing so, and it seems that the man himself doesn’t really agree with what the Church teaches.

Personally, I’ve always had the impression that if Christ returned today, the Church would brand him a heretic and a false prophet and probably try to lock him away. His teachings actually contradict a lot of what the Church tries to sell to their followers. A prime example is the part where he tells people that they too can perform miracles: “Very truly I tell you, those who believe in me will also do the work I do. And he will do even greater works than these…”

Honestly, when you read the Bible, you can’t help but notice that Christ is actually a Luciferian figure, one who challenged the authority of the religious orthodoxy of the time. That’s why they had him killed.

To quote the author Mark Twain: “If Christ were here, there is one thing he would not be - a Christian.”

Edit to add: Christian magick can be very powerful so, contrary to the Church, the paradigm does not exclude using spellwork.


Beautifully said!

The way I read this, is it’s essentially correct, but has swapped the concept of god out into a cult of personality. I think this means to accept your divinity as a christed being.

According to the research of Freddy Silva into the ancient original texts, as much as can be found, there were many Christs, at least 24 in the documentation. Joshua of Nazareth aka Jesus, was the last in the line. He probably gained Christ consiousness when he spent all those years in India learning the Vedas.

So I can’t be a “Christian” because while I believe the stores, I also believe the worship of a man was not what he himself intended to teach, and you can see this for yourself in the “red letters” that are hopefully his words not too corrupted by rewriting. He wasn’t a Christian himself, he followed a mystery school we’re not clear about. But if you really want to follow Jesus, do what he said do, not what the Christian cults have made up about what he said.

I agree with the idea of evoking him but caution that there are a gazillion egregores to avoid here. Maybe try for the man by his birth name, not the idealised figure.


My personal thoughts on christianity.
The christian texts, both viewed canon by the church and the gnostic texts, seem to be written by followers of the apostles.
I think all the messages in christian scripture are to be viewed as symbolical, but 80% of the followers take it too literal.
I also think the person Jesus is more like a buddha, an ascended being that came back an incarnation to teach and “Christ” might be more of a title. If you read the gnostic texts, his teachings seem to revolve a lot around breaking with the ways of the old testament.
In such I agree that accepting Jesus, might be more about accepting the Christ or the divintity within yourself.


I feel like Christianity is inherently wrong in how it views people, nature, and life. Though, I feel that way towards monotheism in general.


I appreciate your perspective on Christianity and monotheism. It’s fascinating how beliefs shape our views. Diversity of thought is what makes these conversations rich.

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Christianity may be a way of walking on the spiritual path and, about that (but also the magical path etc.), some time ago I had a perhaps crazy idea, i.e. a side of Ascent consisting in the creation (provided they don’t exist already) of various, almost dimensional, egos. Surely I was inspired by some concepts read around.
Practically one could even say “I create my Hindu self”, “I now move from my common self to my Satanist one”, “I assume my Voodoo self” or direcly “My Christian self prays (…etc…)”

All christianity that is presented in the world is wrong and a lie.

Entities and forces and etc that exist in christian lore exist.

But none of their actual values are like that of christian bullshit, stereotypical mainstream christian crap its, tbh, insulting and far too human to be ascribed to any great being.

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I agree somewhat. But you are doing the same as the regular closed minded mainstraim christians do.
Christianity is a huge movement with a lot of different ways to view and practice their spirituality.

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I am definitely not, I’ve watched this organisation with a truly free mind, and examined it with a fine tooth comb, free of bias, for years.

The extreme vast majority of these people are simply worthless, through and through, immune to truth, blind to purpose, gave up their individuality and soul a long time ago.

All the differing ways to practise something that was originally set in stone a long time ago also, isn’t beautiful, it’s a cherry picking lack of discipline.

Wether they are cruel or relatively civil/pleasant (civil, not kind) the civil, ones are the way they are because:

  1. They cannot be any other way, they don’t have the power to wholesale wipe the heretics anymore.

  2. Because a book told them to be.

This pleasant arc btw, just so happened to start right around the point that 90+% of the population of america stopped being christian, what a coisedence, almost like it was just them adapting cause they no longer had tyrannical over-arcing power.

Some of them are just basically citizens that follow the law and social norms, as everyone does to get positive status, yet they also need a religious book to tell them this, they call this christianity.

Why did they need the book then at this point? Because not commiting crimes and being polite to people is really the extent of most of their “faith” at this point, and that is just how you thrive in this society, it’s literally the most self beneficial thing to do in this society at this point.

How is any of this christianity? No man, I’m not impressed with any of this.

I’ve burned my own mind body and soul in the past to accept harsh truths, been ostrasized by all society, for years, lost so many friends, just to see harsh truths, opened my mind to literal hell, just do to what was right, for the sheer sake of doing what was right, with no benefit and a lot of the time, a lot of negative consequences to myself, A LOT of the time.

Don’t you dare call me close-minded on a mere whim from one vague comment, or really anyone on this site.

I think it’s quite obvious that even the lowest fools on this site are higher than 99% of the population, gtfo here.


Do you base this viewpoint primarily on american christians? Because there is a whole world beyond just that one country and most of our cultures are nothing like that one.
Have you considered christian mystics, or just the ones that take their one book too literal and get their opinion forcefed by one guy every sunday?
Have you ever talked to a true gnostic?

Most mystics and gnostics are, just like true LHP magician, all about truly bettering yourself. About taking resposibility for your own actions, instead of looking at an outside source for praise and damnation.
An all about considering the unified truth in numerous other cultures and spiritual paths

I am not considering christian mystics, no.

I don’t consider them christians, or any of us of differing practise points a certain religion.

I see them all as sorcerer’s/occultists.

Darkest said it best, jesus wouldn’t be a christian either, and if you are outside of the mainstream practises and the dumb stuff that is actually in the book, even the original testament (which is judaism btw)

Then why not just name urself something else? Because you ARE something else, as you said, a gnostic, a mystic.

Because christianity, the literature, doesn’t really represent any of the beings in it it references correctly.

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One only? Which one though?

To be fair, there’s 100s if not 1000s of Christian sects. Do you know what the Slavic Orthodox Eastern church teaches, which includes book thrown out of other sects like Vatican Catholicism? No? Then you don’t know that and you have not watched “Christianity” but “a given sect of Christianity” and these are not the same thing.

Me, I’m anti all religion, period. I can agree to keep rules to share a social space, I can’t agree to be told what to think and feel. Christianity calls it’s followers “sheep” proudly and for a very good reason: magickally, intent is everything, and labels can box you in, they call you that because that’s what they, he “shepherds of the flock” want you to be.

I have the exact same attitudes to Satanism and Luciferianism though, which are also Christen sects using Christian paradigms in their way, imo, and the reason is partly also because religion is an identity, not a reasoned and defensible or moral philosophy to life. And then you get identity wrapped up in your approach to life, but you’re following a book with self contradictions, outright lies and political propaganda on top of bad translations, and you go and induce cognitive dissonance in yourself just to meet the criteria of “being a good x”. It’s bad enough to wipe out your ability to think, it’s another again to replace that with evil intent, which the JCI religions do specifically and very parasitically, feeding on the bad vibes.

Not sure where the evil is in JCI? It’s infection from in the old testament, which should never have been tacked on to Christen lore, (I suspect there are some Christian sects that don’t include it but I don’t know for sure) it’s an abomination and very, VERY stupid plagiarism of older, tribal warfare type texts. Some is rambling historical stories, but some is the opposite of what Jesus taught.

Christianity was spoiled by this deliberate act of putting the fly in it’s ointment. Which I think we have the hyperpolitical warmonger Constantine to thank for, if I recall rightly.

Here’s a small sampling. This is the heart of the parasite that feeds on bad energy and what creates all the yummy religious wars… it’s just war propaganda, plain and simple, not spiritual and not worthy for a spiritual person to follow.

Jesus told the Jews they worshipped the devil, (New Testament) and 300 years later they inserted that religion into Christianity. It’s the ultimate insult. And it’s why Christianity is wrecked today where it was something enlightening and beautiful when Jesus taught it: they made sure we don’t know what that was.

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Organisation, christianity, I meant the whole thing in general.

Not like a specific company or something.

Making a lot of assumptions, I know it has a load of sects, but it’s a load of sects that choose what they want from it, as I said before, “cherry picking”

And what I said in my original post counters you criticism there, I basically said, “it was a bunch of fools cherry picking instead of accepting the original truth of it”

Instead of just having their own life philosophy, they couldn’t help corrupting another, needing to somehow connect to christianity in some kind of desperation to be in the popular religion but not actually follow it.

So, no, anyone that cherry picks and corrupts an original thing is a fool.

They should just admit they are their own thing at that point, and have the strength to stand alone, I knew exactly what I was saying and there is no logical flaw in it, I didn’t need to know every specific organisation and how they ignore a religion to change it to what they want in their personal lives.

Even god himself doesn’t know about all these sects of desperate fools trying to cling to a community and corrupt it to their own mental comfort, and neither does he care.

I agree with the rest of what you said.

Philosophically I agree, but I have many Christian friends who are not evil crazed jihadists out to get anyone.

[mod hat on]

I don’t think it’s fair to call the “vast majority” worthless people, and this thread is about the philosophy not about Christen bashing, which is against the rules so you need to stop that. Keep it about the philosophy please.

[/mod hat off]

I’d say it was the other way around, and at worst most are slightly handicapped and emotionally damaged from this cult, but they manage ok and have good lives, have families they love… they’re just doing their best with what they know, and no one can ask more than that.

So I’m not saying that you can’t be a good person if you’re Christian. I so think the JCI religions are parasitic and damaging to some extent, and it’s kudos to people who stay “good” to be JCI and stay good, the credit is all theirs, even while they try to give it away.

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To be fair, I think the vast majority of people period are worthless.

Christians are just part of the vast majority of people.

Also sorry for being so combatitive, you were only a little combative, so it was a bit of a disproportionate response.

EDIT: Also to be clear, I usually never explain myself as I’m not on this forum often, and normal people never understand and don’t deserve an explanation, so it’s kind of a habbit, but I forgot I’m here and people here can actually understand higher orders of thought, and deserve explanations are definitely worthy of them, so.

There is a reason I use the word worthless, and not evil, I’m not always criticizing evil.

Which is why I mentioned pleasant/civil christians and people before, my ultimate criticizm is their inability to see the truth, to be honest with themselves, to get over their own cognative dissonance, to not need that cognative dissonance to live life and keep themselves stable.

The need to be in some community, be assimilated into some authoritative order to function and tell them how to live and think, I’m sure individually they can be very pleasant, maybe even good in a way, though I think true good is the hardest thing in the world to be, and it’s not cheap minor kindness and politeness.

But are ultimately not individuals, and if a true mob mentality time of chaos ever came, they’d side with the mob, regardless of their own merciful feelings.

I am also not criticizing you here mulberry or adding some more fight, I’m just explaining who I am so you understand where I’m coming from in future, that’s what I always mean by worthless, when talking about really everyone.


They do call themselves differently.
I’m not meaning to flex, but just because it’s easier to explain when you know I am talking out of personal experience. I’ve been a Rosicrucian since birth until I decided to take a different approach to spirituality.
You call yourself a Rosicrucean. Just like you would call yourself a Roman Catholic, a Protestant, an Latter Tuesday Saint…dude etc.
The Rosicrucian order/ mystery school I was a part of doesn’t talk of churches, but temples. When they speak of “god”, they mean “Source” and mix calling Him and Her when speaking of god. They talk little about Jesus himself and more of Christ consciousness and the Divine Spark. They talk in equal reverence about the wisdom of the Veda’s, Buddha, The Dao, Plato, the Sufi poets etc. There are no strict rules you need to follow, but recommended guidelines that will aid your spiritual growth.
They still consider themselves a Christian organisation above anything else. Tough luck if that doesn’t fit your classification and your preconceived (prejudice) notion of what a christian should be. They are still christians.
I wasn’t their most active student, I usually zoned out in temple services when the symbolism was to heavily Christian. I didn’t really follow all the guidelines, I didn’t like to call myself a Christian, just because the connection is usually as you described and ever since I was a little kid, I HATED what christianity did to the indigenous European religions.
But I was babtized in and part of a Christian mystery school and thus, a Christian whether I liked it or not.