Theogenesis : Becoming A Living God

Yep I resonate with this completely.


This sounds fascinating! Do you have any guides to your work? Not spiritual, but I mean something that someone like me could access? I’ve seen you reference core shamanism a few times, so maybe that’s still a good place to start.


I’ll PM you the tut for core shamanism, these are also things that are my own work (though everything comes from standing on the shoulders of giants, of course):

Those should all be adaptable to almost any magickal paradigm, worldview, etc.

There’s also some stuff linked in my profile, as well.


Thanks a ton!

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Nice idea. As for me, I like to keep things simple. Just know thyself, and see reality such as it is, not always how I want it to be but you can only create your own life, not someone else’s. We all have free will and freedom is my middle name. I will defend it with my utmost at all times. I’m no soldier but I have survived long enough to feel life doesn’t need to be some complex theory of everything and putting ego above it all, seems a tad narcissistic to me. Divinity is within you already. Just don’t step on toes while you’re trying to figure out what is within. :wink:

And how’s that working out for you? :smiley:


Sarcasm? Okay. Meh. Nobodies business really.

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I always believed Google was a god… now I know for sure! :wink:

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I’m on board with you on this one. This is my goal too. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for sharing this @Lady_Eva

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Okay…this is beyond strange and weird to me as I haven’t in all my life encountered anything this close to my belief system and working and im still sorta figuring it out/beginning. I didn’t even have a framework, but theogenesis speaks to me on a level i haven’t found yet. ^=^’ um…
@Lady_Eva Can I pm you and possibly, if it’s okay, learn more?

I guess, I am a bit pushed for time but if you keep things to simple closed questions (“How do I do X? What is a good way to Z?” not “Tell me how you got started” etc., which require a book to answer) will try and help if I can. :+1:

Need to repair image uploads in my OP yet again… :crying_cat_face: and some formatting in replies.


This is quite a personal question but what do you do with your God powers? I know exactly what I want to do. You don’t have to tell me or you can PM me if you want. I just think it’s near infinite power and I wanna know what other people do with theirs. I made major breakthroughs today, so much so that I think my power is going to happen a lot sooner than I thought.

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I wont lie i havent read this entire thread. Personally I use the term “immanentize the eschaton”, but im sure theogenisis will sneak into my lexicon, its just that good.

I have always thought that those who can accomplish great things have the moral responsibility to do that for the people around them. Am I lucky or unlucky for having a grasp at the wonders I can achieve? Lol. I do not view my quest so much as to become a god, for I have accepted I am already a god. I use the term “ishfa” (prononciation slurred for public use), which basically means self mastery. Of owning and having everything you do be a conscious choice. All things in your life are that way because you have made it so.

I yearn for Ishfa. To be in charge and to lead my life fully. Change must come from the individual and it bleeds outwards. @Lady_Eva you have stated too many good points for me to respond to. It seems we kin for our cause. I will leave you with one last thing:

I wont stop till all lettuce has been destroyed. HAIL DISCORDIA

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Well, that’s a complicated question I don’t feel able to answer, except to say that every living human being has the seeds of theogenesis within them, or, perhaps, we ARE the seeds ourselves.

But to talk about myself, there are too many factors involved I would have to address, define. clarify, and then qualify everything I said a dozen ways, sorry. :blush:

And in addition, the forum spontaneously logged me out, twice, when trying to get to grips with this, something which has never happened before so I am taking that as “exercise the 4th power.”


I am currently pre reading OAA and it says “chant the Godname”. What Godname? Mine? If so, how does one go about this?

I found it on the forum (I keep forgetting about the search function), but it wouldn’t let me edit.

Yes the one you possess, or might i more accurately say possesses you. Cut away at yourself until you find your base, and then build and strengthen that. At least that’s what I did.

Sorry I cant state this more explicitly, these things live beyond words!

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Wow that’s so cool. I am gonna do so much with my God powers.

Can you PM me? I wanna ask your something.