Okay let’s see if you’ve got what it takes not only will this challenge be on working with the powers of darkness, but embodying working, invoking and consuming darkness into self.
I will be giving you exercises and rites for working with darkness eternal and absolute.
Calling on the darkness - Start of by creating a black thick inverted pentagram on paper, hang this on a wall in the north, simply sit there meditate and scry into the inverted pentagram.
While vibrating the mantra ’ THIL ', this is a mantra which brings forth the darkness, to gain a critical mass around you and within you, then recite this simple incantation.
" Darkness come, i knock upon the ancient door of the shadows, to immerse my self
in Darkness eternal, to call upon Darkness absolute, Darkness come into my life,
Powers of darkness which are powers unlimited, i summon, i conjure you, before me now ".
This is the first challenge now onto the second.
Turning away from the false light - Blasphemy.
Start of by drawing sigils but of the christian cross, then the next paper draw the star of david, then on the next piece of paper draw the cresent moon and star which has been used to symbolize islam.
Then with a black candle stand before the inverted pentagram in the north, scry into the pentagram, visualize darkness flood from the symbol into the black candle and say
" May the powers of darkness rise through the candle before me, in the name of the ancient dark gods, solidify and empower the flame before me to burn away the false light upon this wicked night "
Now visualize the darkness enter the flame, creating a blackened flame before you, then scry into the cross releasing the power of its false christian light and say.
" This symbol does not belong to the god that has taken it, may the christian god of false light and may his prophet burn in darkness eternal i renounce thee and your light shall be consumed in darkness ".
Then burn the paper and then see the light be consumed in the blackened flame.
Then take the symbol of islam and scry into it releasing the power of its false islamic light and say
" This symbol does not belong to allah the muslims have taken it, may the islamic god allah and may his 99 prophets burn in darkness eternal i renounce thee and your light shall be consumed in darkness ".
Then burn the paper and then see the light be consumed in the blackened flame.
Then take the symbol of Judaism and scry into it releasing the power of its false light and say
" This symbol does not belong to the god of the jews the jews have taken it, may the hebrew Judaic God and his prophets burn in darkness eternal i renounce thee and your light shall be consumed in darkness ".
Then take the paper and burn it then see the light be consumed in the blackened flame.
Now take your hair and burn it in the flame before you do say
" I renounce Ahura Mazda and his angels of limitation, i burn the hair in flame which is the sin and renunciation of Ahura mazda ".
CHALLENGE THREE - Invoking Darkness
Face the north, sit in a meditative position, draw on your left hand a inverted pentagram, now with that hand in front of you extended, scry into the symbol until it opens on your flesh.
and say …
" May the powers of darkness enter me, May darkness eternal come to my calling,
The driving force that is darkness come to my calling, i call down darkness absolute,
I invoke the Darkness, enter your temple, enter my hand, enter my flesh, enter my blood, enter my heart, enter my mind, enter my soul, i invoke darkness, i invoke darkness ".
Then visualize a huge mass of darkness enter through the symbol of your left hand then squeeze that hand into a fist, then visualize the darkness spreading through your entire being with your breath.
CHALLENGE FOUR - Litany Of Darkness
I was going to go with a ahrimanic dark staot, but instead i used this litany of calling Darkness as it calls darkness without form or without a current influence which is the totality of darkness itself.
Cut out a small paper circle and create a inverted pentagram on it, then give blood on it then scry into it, then place the candle on the circle and light the flame, focus there should be a building of dark mass, accumulating at a critical mass then say.
" Darkness eternal and absolute, rise and spread throughout time and space,
Darkness the force of absolute power and unlimited possibility rise and come and spread
Darkness the one that the Zanda’s call Ahriman, Darkness the ones the followers
of Ahura Mazda call Angra Mainyu, Darkness the one egypt call Kek,
Darkness the one the greek call Erebus, Darkness the one the romans called Scotus
Darkness come in all your power and glory, tare through the veil, crown me as your prophet
Ignite the darkness of my soul, possess me, enter me, empower me, so i may become
the microcosmic representation of the macro cosmic primordial darkness ".
By this time the darkness that is before you, will have reached the peak of its critical mass in manifestation, stand there accept the power of darkness, allow it to enter you, simply open yourself up and consume the darkness before you, allow it to enter you, this will have a alchemical process were these powers slowly spread through your whole being.
CHALLENGE FIVE - Initiation into Darkness and the realm of Darkness.
This is a meditation, simply enter meditation, allow yourself to become relaxed and enter the TGS, now rock back and forth. Simply repeat in a whisper or internally
" Darkness descend upon me now ", say this over and over, rocking back and forth entering a state of pure mayhem, while visualizing darkness entering from the roof, visualize this dark matter eating away at all of existence until, all matter, life and existence is consumed in darkness.
Until all your surroundings are darkness, now focus inward, you are alone but in this darkness, you will face all your fears, see them and confront them once all fears have been faced and they have dissipated.
Say " Imperium tenebris ", which is latin for power and darkness.
See before you, a dark figure this is darkness, taking a anthropomorphic form, this is a mistake but still see it because you must realize darkness is unlimited power and potential so by it taking form it becomes limited, so allow the darkness to resort to what ever form it may be, now in this meditation accept the darkness, but use all your desire and will, for it is you who must jump and immerse yourself in the abyss before entering a state of total becoming.
Then simply end the meditation. This may seem simple, but you are casting out your desire, your focus and will with intent to allow the darkness to not only enter you but also your life, this is necessary if you want to achieve complete immersion with the primordial force of darkness.
CHALLENGE SIX - Blackening the chakra’s
This isn’t the total blackening for it needs to be done numerous of times, blackening the chakra’s is a powerful technique, but not only does it reunite aspects of consciousness, but it is a rite of becoming darkness incarnate.
Focus on your crown chakra in meditation, use the black candle you used in the litany as this candle is filled with the essence of darkness from that rite now as i said focus on your crown chakra.
Simply vibrate the mantra ’ MO ', this is the mantra of that chakra but in reverse which is a power called backwards understanding not only that, but instead of using the original mantra to emanate the light of the chakras the mantra in reverse will do the opposite, it will revert the light.
This will eventually blacken the chakra totally, by doing this you are left with the crown chakra loosing its light then you must calling darkness into it by simply saying.
" Darkness descend upon my crown and bind the darkness within it ".
As you do this visualize a black mass descend into the chakra, this fills with abysmal darkness.
Then inhale deeply feeling the energy ’ sink in’ if you will, then exhale and feel the darkness solidify.
Then focus on the third eye and vibrate the mantra, " MUA ", the inverse mantra perform it while visualizing the light revert and drain.
Then visualize the mass of darkness enter the chakra inhale deeply, to allow the darkness to ’ sink in ', then exhale and feel the darkness solidify.
Then focus on the throat chakra now vibrate the mantra, " MAH " the inverse mantra perform it while visualizing the light revert and drain.
Then visualize the mass of darkness enter the chakra inhale deeply, to allow the darkness to ’ sink in ', then exhale and feel the darkness solidify. Then focus on your heart chakra then vibrate the mantra, " MAY ", the inverse mantra perform it while visualizing the light revert and drain.
Then visualize the mass of darkness enter the heart chakra, inhale deeply, to allow the darkness to ‘sink in’, then exhale and feel the darkness solidify. Then focus on the solar plexus then vibrate the mantra " MAR ", the inverse mantra perform it while visualizing the light revert and drain.
Next visualize the mass of darkness enter the chakra, inhale deeply, to allow the darkness to ‘sink in’. then exhale and feel the darkness solidify. Then focus on your Sacral chakra, then vibrate the mantra " MAV ", the inverse mantra perform it while visualizing the light revert and drain.
Next visualize the mass of darkness enter the chakra, inhale deeply, to allow the darkness to ‘sink in’. then exhale and feel the darkness solidify. Then focus on your root chakra then vibrate the mantra " MAL ", the inverse mantra perform it while visualizing the light revert and drain.
Next visualize the mass of darkness enter the chakra, inhale deeply, to allow the darkness to ‘sink in’. then exhale and feel the darkness solidify.
Now visualize a pillar of black energy, from the root chakra to the crown, uniting the darkness, then perform the Dark Inverse mantra’s starting from the root this time to the crown in this order.
" MAL, MAV, MAR, MAY MAH, MUA, MO ", this ground the darkness within you, allow the darkness to merge with the chakras, until you can see internally seven flaming dark spheres, or disks.
This is extremely powerful and does work more than i expected it would.
CHALLENGE SEVEN - Merging With Darkness
Face the north place a inverted pentagram on a circular paper, open the symbol like a sigil allowing the darkness to rise from it, place a glass of water on it for its conductive properties or dark red wine.
Then behind you light a black candle focus on it, feeling the dark energy, rise into the flame, then say
" I call forth the powers of darkness, i welcome thee to the temple, manifest around me, within me, above me and below me, i summon the powers of darkness to come, i conjure the primordial force which is darkness eternal and darkness absolute come to my calling and manifest, darkness come, darkness come ".
Visualize the temple filled with complete dark mass, now extend you arm and hand towards the glass upon the inverted pentagram, visualize the darkness enter the glass into the liquid and say
" I bind the darkness into the liquid before me, upon the wicked inverted pentagram, i bind the powers of darkness absolute and eternal, may the powers flow within the water/ the wine, may the darkness, charge, empower, possess, enchant and bind so i may partake of the liquid darkness ".
Then visualize the darkness bound to it, push your will and influence towards the liquid, to seal and bind the forces of darkness into it.
Now lift the glass and scry into the water, you shall have a sign that the darkness have been bound. Then whisper like a hiss of a serpent into the liquid.
" I shall now drink and accept the powers and spirit of darkness into my own soul and being ".
Then drink and feel the powers enter you, then place the glass down feel visualize the darkness flood through you, with your breath accumulate the darkness, into your chakras, your aura and your subtle bodies.
Meditate on this and perform the inverse mantra’s of darkness to ground the darkness within the physical and spiritual self.
" " MAL, MAV, MAR, MAY MAH, MUA, MO ", then feel this power take over you, blow out the candle stand up with your body in a cross like fashion arms and fingers extended, feel and see the darkness of self, every part of you is obsidian darkness.
Stand there and say
" I stand here in this darkness, as the embodiment of darkness, i am darkness and darkness is I ".
Visualize blackened flames ignite all within and around you, feel this black fire, burn through your physical and spiritual being, visualize it burn and enter your cells and atoms.
Then say
" I am Darkness eternal, i am Darkness absolute, i am Darkness incarnate this is my will and my will be done ".
What does this challenge do, it takes you through a state and path of becoming darkness incarnate, through all these challenges you become darkness and it becomes you.
For those who work through this i will be posting a separate thread, once your done to teach you how The Gods of Darkness, taught me Umbrakinesis.
This is a challenge for the faint of heart, let’s see how you all get on good luck …
You’ll need it
Conner Kendall