Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide

Great guide, @Lady_Eva & I love your graphics! Did you make them yourself?



Hey now we have a “How To: Evocation” post to direct newbies to.

Use of the Enns is neat.

It’s all very straightforward and well written. Concise.

Nice work @Lady_Eva! Thank you.


Yes, I manipulated some images from Pixabay, I was pleased with the way the 2 demons came out, the 1st is comprised of:

… plus a lot of image editing, and the 2nd, the magician is a conductor with a different shaped hand, and the demon is a normal stock image silhouette turned into demon shape with the blur tool in Photoshop! :smiley:


It was fun making normal pictures into illustrations for this!


Wonderful! :grinning: I bet you were like, “YES!” when you found the conductor clip art! You did a very good job on the demons, too. I thought the 1st was an image you ganked from somewhere, heh.


I SO was! :laughing:

Especially because he reminded me a bit of Geof Gray-Cobb!

(Though afaik he never summoned a “demon”.)

Nope, and all the originals I used are CC0 as well, didn’t want any fuckery down the line if the EU copyright thing gets enforced.


He’s got the beard, yep, I can see the resemblance.

Ahhh, always thinking ahead! I like it. :grinning:


Lmao i think ive broken about every decent guideline in place set fourth here. I can definetely vouche for this set of guidlines as my life was a fucking mess for a minute.


Lol, I know what you mean. I’ve broken 3 of the 4, doh!


Our mistakes were not made in vain for the new generation shall benefit! Im glad Lady Eva posted this.


Great material, I didn’t realise that we should visualise form for a spirit that it can manifest, so far I was just waiting that image of entity will appear in my mind, this may be cause that my evocations have very low effectiveness :thinking: But when they appear, then Damn! Noting that I can compare with it.
Thank you Lady_Eva :blush:


When you create a basic form they very quickly do begin to adjust it and make distinct movements so you won’t lose out on originality in their appearance or anything, it just gives a biut more energy to the manifestation. :+1:


Education: School of Metaphysical Hard Knocks



That is what i have been doing wrong and completely forgot about visualizing them fuck man, thank you @Lady_Eva i have been trying to figure out what i have been doing wrong for awhile i thought it was just me not being around my old mentor.

But it was me I shut off my own energy to the spirit world after I was attacked…heh, or it was the one spirit I found attached to someone that turned out to he a trap :thinking:

ANYWAYS thank you


he wrote a book under the name Frater Malek that i believe used goetic demons

I thank you for the instructions, I will evoke Lucifer my favorite, and I will do that just to have a friend to speak with and feel accompanied by because I truly feel I need a friend with the same knowledge I hold to be able to feel identified with. such is that i was capable of supernatural things way before ever having even thought of even accepting or asking for help in anything at all. And until i meat him I believe more than anything in darkness to be our ultimate tool of power. Pitch black darkness. Not to mention that that´s not even how i got to know my meta physical self. I got that purely on thinking with interruptions included. Can´t wait to see what i´m capable of, actually trying with tools more than just effort. And above all, can´t wait to have an ultimate friend about it while i´m at it.


looking at the views , as of now, 666; SSSwweeeett !!!

Hello there Lady_Eva i have a question for you: what do you mean when you say a pact, like what do you offer and what do you ask for. What are the dangers of a pact?

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Don’t enter into any pact until you can communicate with spirits, and they have actually helped you in definite and tangible ways.

When you can communicate, you can explore the benefits of working with various beings and then negotiate a pact, if you choose to do so. This is my personal opinion.


thank you for your help :}
could you recommend me some techniques for conjuring some lesser demons or creatures

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Same as above.