Looking for a ritual for Astral projection, and If there is one with that and some other things thrown in, like second sight and just general real development of magickal abilities.
I’d appreciate it.
Maybe one that requires an insane amount of repition chants, so I can just focus on effort, and know I’m doing it right.
I’ve done one ritual before that I had good success on, but for material things, that really just required so many thousands of chants.
Something like that would be great, I’d appreciate it, thanks.
Ceremonial magick and ap are not mutually exclusive but they are different modalities to achieve different purposes. You can use ritual to affect the energy around you, or you can use p to go do something in the astral while your body does nothing. I guess you could use ritual to prepare yourself, but then what you’ll do is whatever makes you physically comfortable so that your body can sleep while your min stays awake. Meaning you can add an ap component to any ritual you like.
But there’s no ritual to induce ap, that I know if, if that’s what you meant. You’ve have to make one up. Maybe “I take a bath, I lay down on my bed and listen to theta 4hz frequencies on youtube through earphones”.
For really vivis ap you want to go deeper into lucid dreaming. There’s good work on how todo that here and the book The Phase is on amazon.
It has been a bit since I read Regardie’s magnum opus on the Golden Dawn but I do not believe they had a ceremony for it. It was part of the GD courses to learn how to do AP.
I have found they ‘rope pulling’ method to be the easiest to learn AP. There are tons of videos on how to do it all different ways.
Astral projection is more of a practice than something you can get with a once and done ritual. No one ritual is going to grant the ability to you, just like there is no one exercise to build every muscle in your body.
Find a method of projection to learn and give this mantra a try to help facilitate it:
i do not think so there is ritual for astral projection , that to do ritual and you will be able to leave your body
if you will find some spirit that helps with astral projection and the spirit is willing to work with you
so …
you can to do ritual for the spirit and then after ritual before sleeping, for some minutes you will asking the spirit for astral projection
after some rituals you will be able to aastral projection – how much rituals you will to need to do iam not sure to tell you, depends on you
Hmmmmm, @lukaslkosik I hear people talking about “finding spirits” and “just get a spirit to help” “work with this spirit”
But don’t you need astral projection/astral-second sight first to communicate with these spirits? This seems like running before I can crawl if you get my meaning.
I’m not sure I want to try and summon any spirits, I have tried in the past and never had any success with any faction, I simply don’t think any spirit, angels/demon/loa/etc have any interest in helping me.
@DarkestKnight are you sure? even say after like 1 million repitions of a ritual like above? There must be some mega powerful rituals, I’ll try that.
What was your method of learning Astral Projection? If it’s meditation, what exactly do you do mental wise?
@SullaFelix you said “do not” did you mean “do”? the “rope pull” method? Could any experienced practictioner give me the right way to do this?
@Mulberry Aha, ok thank you, on that list of Tutorials, what would you think is the best one? Is that book “the phase” did that work for you? Do you think that’s the best method?
So 4hz, theta gamma? Not 963 hz is best for developing AP or psychic senses? What about a mix of these?
Hey I was reading this and tried both of these and had good success, do you have any powerful 50k chant rituals for like astral projection.
The Phase is the one and the only one that worked for me, and yes I think it’s an excellent method. It’s not that rope pull doesn’t work, but you have to keep trying… Michael Raduga calls it “do techniques” - you literally cycle though all the way you know to get out of your body. You feel as if you are about to do it physically, but, while staying completely relaxed and suddenly one of them works. Watch the videos there’s a lot of details there that answer this kind of question.
You have to consider what these numbers actually mean. They’re not magick, they relate to brainwave states, and listening to them causes your brain to more easily get into that state through resonance - basic physics and not wishful thinking, so it’s very reliable - listen to them and let them lead your brain into the right state. Listen to the one that helps you get into the brainwave state you want - which is theta.
I recorded a quick thought on this here, which graphics showing the states for easy understanding:
Yes that’s the one. I think you don’t necessarily need to buy it, all the info you really need is in the seminar videos I linked. He literally taped an entire weekend that you can follow almost as if you were there.
ussually they help, depends on you , how fast you will get results,
when i worked with Asmodeus for my chakras it took 3 rituals for 4 weeks to see results,
also i had porn addiction, well it was not addiction on porn but to ejacuate this was solved - healed, better i remember my dreams, i use to see orbs or blessings
i think DarkKnight it took him for 10 years he activated his psychic abilitiess
i do know some people who activated psychic abilities within 6 months
i think you’re just looking for shortcuts to magical power but the truth is, there aren’t any. It takes time and effort to learn these skills. It’s a fundamental fact of magick that the power lies in the magician, not the ritual.
I think you might be laboring under a false assumption - maybe thinking of Zen meditation?, which is only one type and not the most popular - many more kinds of meditation require mental and emotional practices to direct energy and build your astral body… there’s a lot more to meditation than this. In styles, modalities and purposes.
There was a conversation about that here recently:
If you spend the amount of time practicing cultivating qi as you did chanting on only words, you would get more benefits. If you did both at the same time and used vibrating (not just saying, vibrating) the words to help you mentally direct your ever and breathe in more, you’d do even better.
Well it might be for them, but everyone is different, so you have to try a few and find out what works… but you seemed to thing “meditation is sitting still”. which it really isn’t. If THAT (sitting doing “nothing”) is what was putting you off trying, then I wanted to mention that you’d be missing out based on nothing but a misapprehension.
They don’t, that’s not the point of these exercises, they develop your energy they’re not for leaving the body. Eventually gaining siddhis and astral projecting is a side effect not the object of these mediations, so there is not chant, ritual or mantra to expressing do that at least in the main body of work.
There’s still a place for them as the stronger your energy is the easier it is for you to maintain astral projections.
Yeah I think you’ll enjoy that a lot more, Also look into “shamanic journeying” - different current same thing pretty much, and on youtube there are “guided meditations” that are the same idea. As you gain practice the visions get stronger and more immersive, but there’s a lot of “minds eye” stuff and clairsentience to start with.
it’s not that I think that, more it’s hard to know if I’m actually doing anything, or making any progress.
Because of the strange process, it’s hard to measure progress, where if I’m finising a long ritual, or even a certain healing or empowering visualisation, I know when I’m makng progress along it, and complete.
So if I dno if I’m doing it right, i dno if I’m making progress, which makes it even harder to get the will to do it.
Well, for example, you will know if you ran the microcosmic orbit 9 times, because you ran it 9 times, you will probably feel it physically as well as having the visualisation. You will know if you did the 8 pieces of brocade because that’s a moving meditation form with a start and an end. Many meditations involve visualisation or a lot of thought and some movement - most are NOT :just sitting there" at all. That’s what I’m trying to say. .You can even have a “meditation” that is about you doing the ritual in your astral temple, doing all the same things but in your mind… and yet you’re just sitting there.