Hello, I recently summoned a succubus and my friend recommended this site to me. I have a few questions. Since I am a complete newbie in this kind of relationship and I have very little basics in magic. My friend advised me to start practicing with the Lesser Banishing Pentogram Ritual and together with the Lesser Banishing Hexogram Ritual and of course the Middle Pillar (for energy) from the Golden Dawn tradition. Since I have very bad and weak dark energy. But all these rituals purify the environment, banish entities, and can banish a succubus, right? Then what should I do? So that you don’t accidentally hit a succubus?
Replace the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram with the “Invoking” one (the main difference is how you trace the 4 pentagrams; also, if you visualize the archangels, you would imagine them viewed from the back in the banishing version, and instead facing you in the invoking version).
I’m not sure but I believe there is the Invoking Hexagram Ritual, too.
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Points to cover:
Do you have any practical experience in magick?
If so, what exactly do you practice and how long have you practiced?
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Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here.
We also have many years of posts and tutorials about succubi you might like to browse through while you’re waiting on replies here.
When I personally did LBRP my succubi never got banished, it’s really the intent on what you want banished that helps in my opinion.